تخطى إلى المحتوى

عصير تايم aseer-time

عصير تايم aseer-time

متجر عصائر
مفتوح حتى 2:30 ص غدًا
صورة العنوان للموقع الإلكتروني

ساعات العمل

السبت: 2:30 م – 2:30 ص
الأحد: 2:30 م – 2:30 ص
الاثنين: 2:30 م – 2:30 ص
الثلاثاء: 2:30 م – 2:30 ص
الأربعاء: 2:30 م – 2:30 ص
الخميس: 2:30 م – 2:30 ص
الجمعة: 2:30 م – 2:30 ص

Aseer Time Group is a brand borne out of the passion for satisfying a wide range of tastes across all world cultures. We are one of the biggest providers of top-quality foods and beverages. By providing world-class delicacies and drinks prepared using carefully sourced ingredients, we have been able to touch lives and transmit happiness.

Many years ago, our founders discovered how essential it is to eat healthy and how almost impossible that is for an average man. Hence, we decided to create the solution by creating a platform where we can collaborate with people who share the same vision. Since its establishment in 2011, we have made foods and drinks rich in healthy nutrients.
Our brands include Aseer Time, Papa Kanafa, Bugerat, and Einstein. Currently, we are present in these countries: Kuwait, Bahrain, KSA, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey & USA. We are also open to launching new markets at other international locations, including Europe and the United States.


الاتصال الآن

  • 0552 500 44 88


‏‫الحصول على الاتجاهات

Osmanzade Sokak No:28
34347 Beşiktaş/İstanbul
اقرأ:  Falcon Chemicals (L.L.C.)

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