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حل المهام الأدائية كونكت 4 connect رابعة ابتدائي الترم الأول

ينشر «» طريقة الإجابة ععن نماذج المهام الأدائية على مقرر الفصل الدراسي الأول في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الرابع الابتدائي.

إجابات المهام الأدائية إنجليزي للصف الرابع الابتدائي 2024 الترم الأول

مرفق بالأسفل إجابات أهم النماذج الأدائية لهذا الفصل الدراسي على مقرر المادة، مثال ما يلي:

Performance task: Help your sister:

Your sister is always sick. You want to help her get well. Write some advice to help her be better. Write about:

Why it is important to have healthy habits.

Three things to do to be healthy.

Draw yourself doing some of these healthy habits.


My sister is always sick. I want to help her get well. Here are some advice to be better. It is important to have healthy meals. She should do sports. She should drink lots of water.

Task performance: The animal I like:

You are going to visit the zoo next week with your family. Choose one animal you like and describe and describe it to your family.

Write about: the animal you want to describe – where it lives – how it looks like.


I am going to visit the zoo. I like the fennec fox. I want to describe it. It lives in the sahara desert. It is a small animal. It has got long ears and thick fur.


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