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تابع المخبر الاقتصادي على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي
ملحوظة: الحسابات الواردة في الوصف هنا هي الحسابات الرسمية والوحيدة للمخبر الاقتصادي



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تابع أشرف إبراهيم على فيسبوك

للرعاية ودعم القناة
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المخبر الاقتصادي palestine Gaza فلسطين غزة إسرائيل israel gazza


Ayin L’Tzion Tzofia: Feeling Israel’s Pain Gerald C. Skolnik The Blogs

Hasbara 2.0: Israel’s Public Diplomacy in the Digital Age

Abba Eban’s comments on the idiocy of hasbara just as true three decades later The Electronic Intifada

Twiplomacy Study 2012 Twiplomacy

Hasbara 2.0: Israel’s Public Diplomacy in the Digital Age

IsraelHamas war: Social media platforms caught up in accusations of ‘partisan’ moderation

Ban on foreign journalists skews coverage of conflict Gaza The Guardian

Israel floods social media to shape opinion around the war – POLITICO

‘This Is The Most Difficult Image We’ve Ever Posted’ I24NEWS

Prime Minister’s Office Recruiting Students to Wage Online Hasbara Battles

How to Win Wars: The Role of the War Narrative

متحدث عسكري يعترف بإصدار إسرائيل بيانات خاطئة بسبب “التسرع” أخبار الجزيرة نت

New Study Shows Twitter is the Most Used Social Media Platform Among Journalists Social Media Today

Musk considers removing X platform from Europe over EU law Insider Reuters

Israel conflict lets loose a deluge of falsehoods on social media

Social Media Warfare: Equal Weapons for All 1st Edition Michael Er

Does Social Media Influence Conflict? Evidence from the 2012 Gaza Conflict

Israel and Gaza: Unpacking the claim about decapitated babies, and what it is for.

Hamas War Shows Facebook, Twitter Have Pivoted From News Bloomberg

E.U. Asks X for Information on IsraelHamas War Content TIME

إسرائيل/فلسطين: “فيسبوك” تفرض رقابة على نقاشات حقوقية Human Rights Watch

Biden and Aides Advise Israel to Avoid Striking Hezbollah The New York Times

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