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What is the interpretation of washing hands in a dream by Ibn Sirin and Imam Al-Sadiq? Interpretation of dreams

  • Washing hands in a dream. There are many strange visions that a person may see in his dream, including washing hands in a dream. It is a vision that carries many different meanings. The great interpretation scholars such as Ibn Sirin, Ibn Shaheen, Al-Nabulsi, Imam Al-Sadiq and others have interpreted this vision according to the situation. The person seeing.Washing hands in a dream by Ibn Sirin

    Washing hands in a dream

  • Interpretation scholars believe that the interpretation of a dream about washing hands in a dream is one of the praiseworthy visions, as it is good news for the seer of happiness and goodness, and when a person sees that he is washing his hands in a dream, this may be a sign that he will receive good news in the coming period, and it is possible that the previous vision is also evidence On the improvement of health conditions seer.
  • Watching a person that he is washing his dirty hands in a dream is evidence that the dreamer will get rid of problems and that all his affairs will improve soon. If a person sees that he is washing his hands with liquid soap, then this is a sign of abundant goodness and an increase in livelihood.

    Washing hands in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Ibn Sirin interpreted the vision of washing hands in a dream to many different interpretations and indications. When a person sees that he is washing his hands with water, this is evidence that the seer enjoys many good qualities. Only it is an indication of an increase in the seer’s livelihood.
  • If a person sees that he is washing his hands without soap and water, then this is evidence of his bad conditions and the deterioration of his affairs.

    Washing hands in a dream for Imam Sadiq

  • Imam Al-Sadiq interpreted the vision of washing hands with soap and water in a dream as a sign that the visionary will obtain more provision and goodness in the coming period.

    Washing hands in a dream for Nabulsi

  • Al-Nabulsi believes that seeing washing hands in a dream means that the dreams and wishes of the person who sees them will come true soon.

    Washing hands in a dream for single women

  • When a single woman sees that she is washing her hands in a dream, this indicates that she is characterized by many good qualities and good morals. It is also evidence of the end of her troubles and worries and the improvement of all matters of her life in general.
  • When the single woman sees that she is washing her hands with fragrant white soap, this symbolizes the approaching date of her marriage, or the fulfillment of all her wishes and aspirations that she has been seeking to achieve for a long time.
  • Washing the hand with water in a dream is good tidings for the single woman of success and excellence in her life and the end of all sorrows and problems in her life. Seeing the single woman with her hand dirty in a dream while she is trying to clean it is evidence that the woman of the vision is moving away from the path of sins and disobedience and her path to seeking forgiveness and repentance.
  • If a single woman sees that she is washing her hands with liquid soap in her dream, this indicates that she will leave bad friends and return to her Lord. Seeing soap in a dream may be an indication for her of expanding her livelihood and obtaining more good in the coming period.
  • Seeing a single girl washing her hands using a green salon, and this girl was suffering from some disease, is evidence that all her aches and pains have passed, and all her health matters have improved, and God knows best, and this vision may also be a sign of this girl enjoying good morals, and God knows best
  • When a single woman sees that she is washing her hands using scented soap, this is evidence that all her affairs will improve and that she will receive more good news in the coming period.
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    Washing hands in a dream for a married woman

  • If a married woman sees that she is washing her hands in a dream, this indicates that she enjoys a stable married life that is full of pleasure and tranquility, but if she sees that she is washing her hands with liquid soap in a dream, this is evidence that the woman of the vision has good morals and a good reputation among people.
  • Washing hands with soap and water in a dream for a married woman is good tidings of the end of the worries and problems that the woman suffers from and the improvement of all her affairs in general. If a married woman sees that she is washing her hands with scented soap in a dream, this indicates that she will receive good news in the coming period.
  • When a married woman sees that she is washing her hands and face in a dream, this is a sign of her success in her practical and academic life.

    Washing hands in a dream for a pregnant woman

  • Interpretation scholars interpreted the vision of washing hands in a pregnant woman’s dream as evidence that she is about to give birth, and it is possible that this vision is an indication that all the troubles and pains of this woman have passed and her health conditions have improved in general. When a pregnant woman sees that she is washing her hands with soap, this indicates that Her fetus was born, and God knows best.
  • Watching a pregnant woman bathe in liquid soap in her dream is evidence that she will enjoy a stable and happy married life.
    اقرأ:  تعرف على تفسير أكل الحمام في المنام لابن سيرين

    Washing hands in a dream for a divorced woman

  • If a divorced woman sees that she is washing her hands with water in her dream, this symbolizes the improvement of all her affairs and her liberation from the problems in her life. This vision may also be evidence of the expiry of all her debts, and God knows best.

    Washing hands in a dream for a man

  • If a man sees that he is washing his hands with pink soap, then this indicates an improvement in his conditions and his enjoyment of a life full of happiness and stability.

    Washing hands with soap in a dream

  • Seeing soap in a dream is one of the visions that indicates the dreamer’s departure from the path of sins and sins and his path to repentance and his return to God Almighty, but washing hands with soap leads to the improvement of all his affairs and the transformation of his life for the better.
  • Seeing soap foam in a dream is an indication that the dreamer’s dreams and goals will come true and that he will obtain more good in the coming period. The previous vision is an indication that all the sorrows and concerns of the visionary will pass in the coming period.

    Interpretation of a dream about washing hands from the tap

  • If a person sees that he is washing his hands from the tap water in a dream, then this is a harbinger for him to obtain more livelihood and money soon, and it is possible that the previous vision is an indication of the achievement of his goals that he has been seeking to achieve for a long time.
  • Seeing a single girl washing her hands with tap water is a sign that her marriage date is approaching. Psychologists also see that the previous vision is evidence of the visionary’s constant thinking about a specific problem and his great desire to find a solution to it.
  • If a man sees that he is washing his hands in unclean water, this means that the dreamer is committing some sins, and he is also obtaining his money from illegal ways.

    Washing hands with water in a dream

  • If a person sees that he is washing his hands in his dream, then this is evidence of the end of his sorrows in life and his path in the path of truth and faith. Loyal friends in the life of the seer.

    Interpretation of a dream about washing dirty hands

  • Interpretation scholars interpreted the vision of washing dirty hands in a dream as good tidings that the seer will get rid of the troubles and sorrows that he has been suffering from for a long time.
  • Seeing a sick person washing his dirty hands in a dream is an indication of the end of his aches and pains and the improvement of his health conditions, and it is possible that the previous vision is an indication of the good news that the seer will receive in the coming period.
  • It is possible that seeing washing dirty hands in a dream is evidence of the seer’s return to his Lord and his path of repentance. Washing with hot water in a dream is a warning that the seer will suffer from some worries and troubles in the coming period.
    اقرأ:  ما هو تفسير رؤية الميت بحالة سيئة في المنام؟

    Washing hands with soap and water in a dream

  • If a person sees that he is washing his hands using soap and water in his dream, this indicates the transformation of his life for the better and his liberation from the worry and sadness that he feels, and it is possible that seeing washing hands with water in a dream is evidence of the expansion of the dreamer’s livelihood and the increase of blessing in his life.
  • If a person sees that his hands are dirty with blood and tries to wash them, this indicates his strong personality and his great ability to think of good solutions to his problems.

    Washing hands from mud in a dream

  • If a person sees that he is cleaning his hands from mud in his dream, then this is evidence of his distancing himself from bad companionship and his path of faith, and it is possible that the previous vision is an indication of the abundant goodness that the seer will receive in the coming period.
  • Washing hands and cleaning them from mud in a single girl’s dream is evidence of repentance to God Almighty, and if a person sees that he cannot clean his hands that are stained with mud in a dream, this indicates his suffering from some material problems and his exposure to loss in the coming period.

    Symbol of washing hands in a dream

  • When a person sees that he is washing his hands with water, this symbolizes the improvement of his health conditions and the absence of his body from diseases, and watching the person that he is washing his hands with unclean water denotes the forbidden money that the visionary gets, and this vision may also be a sign that the visionary will soon suffer a loss. .

    Washing hands in a dream for the dead

  • Watching a dead person washing his hands in a dream is evidence of his strong need to pray for him from the person who sees him.


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