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What is the interpretation of seeing onions in a dream by Ibn Sirin? Interpretation of dreams

  • Onions in a dream is one of the things that greatly raises confusion and questions among many people about the meanings it expresses for them, and our distinguished scholars have provided many interpretations on this subject. Let us read the following article to learn about them.
  • Interpretation of dreams, what is the meaning of onions in a dream?

    Interpretation of dreams, what is the meaning of onions in a dream?

  • A dream about onions in a dream is evidence of the good things that will happen in his life in the coming days and will make him in a very good condition.
  • Onions in a dream indicate the abundant goodness that the dreamer will enjoy as a result of his keenness to please the Lord (Glory be to Him) in everything he does.
  • In the event that the seer saw onions in his dream, this is a sign of his ability to achieve many things that he had dreamed of reaching for a long time.
  • Seeing onions in a dream symbolizes his broad ambition and the many dreams that he seeks to achieve in all stages of his life.
  • Onions in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Ibn Sirin interprets the dreamer’s dream of onions as a sign of the abundant money that he will receive, which will make him in a very stable living condition.
  • If a person sees green onions in a large amount in his dream, then this is a sign that he is surrounded by many challenges and competitors and is making every effort to outperform them.
  • In the event that the seer was watching while he was sleeping eating onions, then this expresses his involvement in matters that do not concern him, and he speaks badly of others behind their backs.
  • Watching the owner of the dream in his sleep eating onions and he was complaining of a health problem symbolizes the deterioration of his conditions significantly in the coming days.
  • What is the interpretation of seeing onions in a dream for single women?

  • A single woman seeing onions in a dream indicates that she is surrounded by unfit companions who urge her to commit atrocities and vices, and he must move away from them immediately before they cause her death.
  • If the dreamer sees rotten onions while she is engaged, then this is a sign that many disputes will occur with her fiancé and her strong desire to break off the engagement.
  • In the event that the visionary sees peeling onions in her dream, this indicates the presence of a young man with malicious intentions who is trying to get close to her in order to trap her in his net, and she must not allow him to take advantage of her.
  • Seeing a girl with green onions in a dream symbolizes that her future life partner has many good qualities that will make her very happy with him.
  • A single woman’s dream in a dream about her eating onions is evidence that there are people talking about her behind her back about very bad things, wanting to tarnish her image in front of everyone.
  • If the dreamer saw while she was sleeping eating onions, then this is a sign that she will be in a big problem that she will not be able to get rid of easily at all.
  • In the event that the visionary sees in her dream eating onions, then this expresses the unkind characteristics that characterize her, which makes everyone alienate those around her and refuse to approach her.
  • Watching a girl eat onions in a dream symbolizes the many obstacles that prevent her from reaching her goals, which make her feel very disturbed.
  • What is the interpretation of onions in a dream for a married woman?

  • Seeing a married woman in a dream of green onions indicates the abundance of good things and abundant blessings that she possesses in her life, which make her very happy.
  • In the event that the visionary sees red onions in her dream, this is a sign that her husband is weaving many things behind her back, and she must pay attention, as he is deceiving her.
  • If the dreamer sees during her sleep that she is cutting large quantities of onions, then this indicates the abundant money that she will get and will make her in a stable living condition.
  • Seeing a woman in a dream that she was eating onions and was suffering from a health problem, as this symbolizes a further deterioration in her condition in the coming days.
  • What is the interpretation of cutting onions in a dream for a married woman?

  • A married woman’s dream of cutting onions is evidence that she is making a very great effort to provide a decent life for her husband and children.
  • If the dreamer saw during her sleep cutting onions and eating them, then this indicates the overwhelming achievements that she will be able to achieve, and all members of her family will be very proud of her.
  • In the event that the visionary sees in her dream the cutting of onions in large quantities, then this is an indication that her husband will obtain a very prestigious promotion at his workplace, which will contribute to their obtaining a high social status.
  • Watching a woman in her dream cutting onions, and her eyes were shedding tears, symbolizes that she was suffering from things that did not make her comfortable, and she would get rid of them and become happier after that.
  • What does green onions mean in a dream for a married woman?

  • Seeing a married woman in a dream of green onions indicates the stable life that she enjoys with her husband and children during that period and that she does not allow anything to disturb the calm that they enjoy.
  • If the dreamer sees green onions during her sleep, this is a sign of the good news that will reach her in the coming days and will be very joyful for her.
  • In the event that the visionary sees green onions in her dream, this indicates a great improvement in her relationship with her husband and her resolution of the differences that were taking place between them.
  • Watching green onions in a woman’s dream symbolizes that they will receive huge sums of money that will make them able to pay off the money they owe.
  • Buying onions in a dream for a married woman

  • A married woman’s dream of buying onions is evidence of the abundant good that they will soon enjoy, which will make them very happy.
  • If the dreamer sees during her sleep buying onions, then this is a sign of her keenness to provide all means of comfort for her family members and to meet all their needs.
  • In the event that the visionary sees in her dream buying onions, then this expresses her keenness to raise her children on sound values ​​and principles that will make them a great deal in the future.
  • Watching a woman in her dream buying onions symbolizes that she is preparing in that period to attend a happy family occasion within a few days of that vision.
  • اقرأ:  تفسير حلم القطط الصغيرة الملونه لابن سيرين

    What is the interpretation of seeing onions in a dream for a pregnant woman?

  • Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream that she is cutting onions is an indication that she will not suffer any difficulty in her birth at all, and things will go well.
  • If a woman sees in her dream that she is eating onions, then this is a sign of her keenness to take care of her health and follow the doctor’s instructions for her fear of harming her fetus.
  • In the event that the visionary sees her peeling red onions during her sleep, this indicates that she will suffer a very serious setback in her pregnancy, and she must be careful not to lose her child.
  • Watching the dreamer in her dream cutting yellow onions symbolizes that she will suffer a lot of pain in her birth, but she will not be exposed to anything bad.
  • Onions in a dream for a divorced woman

  • Seeing a divorced woman in a dream of onions indicates her ability to overcome many of the difficult issues that she was suffering from in the previous days.
  • If the dreamer sees red onions during her sleep, then this is a sign that she is surrounded by many people who do not like her good at all, and she must be careful until she is safe from their evil.
  • In the event that the visionary sees in her dream that she is cutting onions, then this expresses a great improvement in conditions in her life and an enlargement of her social circle of acquaintances.
  • Watching a woman in her dream of onions and she was cooking them symbolizes that she will enter into a new marriage experience soon, which will be a compensation for all that she suffered in the past.
  • Onions in a dream for a man

  • A man’s vision of onions in a dream indicates the many difficulties that he suffers from during that period and his inability to get rid of them, which makes him feel very disturbed.
  • If the dreamer sees green onions during his sleep, this is a sign of the abundant money that he will collect from behind his business, which will prosper greatly.
  • In the event that the dreamer sees a large amount of onions in his dream, this indicates the good events that will occur in his life in the coming days.
  • Watching dried onions in a dream indicates that there is a person close to him who is very hypocritical in dealing with him and represents love and friendliness to him, although he holds a hidden hatred for him in his heart.
  • Dreaming of dry onions in a dream is evidence that someone talks about him badly behind his back in order to tarnish his image in front of many people.
  • If the dreamer sees dry onions during his sleep, then this is an indication of the unkind qualities that are known about him, which distance everyone around him and make them unwilling to approach him.
  • In the event that the dreamer sees dry onions in his dream, this indicates the bad events that will occur in his life in the coming days and will make him in a very bad condition.
  • Watching the owner of the dream in a dream of dry onions symbolizes the unpleasant news that he will receive, which will put him in a very bad situation.
  • Planting onions in a dream

  • Seeing the dreamer in a dream that he planted onions and was working in matters of trade indicates the abundant profits that he will reap from behind his business soon, and that he will obtain a distinguished position among his competitors as a result.
  • If a person sees in his dream that he is planting onions, then this is an indication of the sudden changes that will occur in his life, but it will be of great benefit to him.
  • In the event that the dreamer watches onion cultivation during his sleep, this expresses his ability to solve many problems that were in his way and made him feel disturbed.
  • Watching the owner of the dream in a dream planting green onions symbolizes the blessing that will come to his life as a result of his fearing God (the Almighty) in all his actions.
  • Stealing onions in a dream

  • A person’s dream in a dream that he has stolen onions is evidence of the disgraceful actions that he is doing, which he will deeply regret if he does not stop them immediately.
  • If the dreamer sees during his sleep the onions being stolen, then this is a sign that he will reveal many of the tricks that were being hatched behind his back, and that he will enter into a state of great sadness as a result.
  • Watching the visionary in his dream of stealing onions indicates the bad events that will occur in his life and make him very upset.
  • In the event that the owner of the dream sees in his dream the theft of onions, then this expresses that things will not go as he wished, and that will greatly disturb him.
  • Giving onions in a dream

  • Seeing the dreamer in a dream when someone gives him onions indicates that he will get a lot of money that will make him able to pay off his debts to their owners.
  • If a person sees in his dream giving onions to someone, then this is a sign of his generosity and virtuous morals that make him deeply loved by everyone around him.
  • In the event that the dreamer watches in his sleep giving onions to his wife, this symbolizes the many differences that prevail in their relationship at the present time.
  • Watching the owner of the dream in a dream to give someone rotten onions indicates the many responsibilities that fall on his shoulders and his inability to carry them out to the fullest.
  • Interpretation of a vision of giving onions in a dream to a married woman

  • Seeing onions in a dream carries many connotations and varies depending on the condition of the dreamer in which he saw the onions. In the case of a married woman, the vision of giving onions symbolizes the many works she does in her professional life or the many ideas running through her head. Onions are considered a vegetable that has many benefits for humans, and therefore in a dream it may symbolize the abundant and abundant goodness that a married woman will soon achieve.
  • If a married woman sees green onions in her dream, this may be evidence of achieving what she dreams of. For example, if she is looking for a job opportunity, this may be an indication of achieving her goal of obtaining a job. If she sees a lot of onions in her house in the dream, this may be evidence that she will obtain a lot of money, through an inheritance from one of her relatives or unexpected additional income.
  • If a married woman in a dream gives onions to a sick person, this may be a sign that he will recover from illness and regain good health. If she suffers from a lot of debt and sees in a dream someone giving her onions, this may be a sign of paying off all the debts that burden her.
  • However, if a married woman sees herself peeling onions in a dream, this may indicate that she will face punishments or difficulties in her life. If a married woman is suffering from marital disputes, seeing her giving onions to her wife dry onions may be evidence of the continuation of these marital disputes and problems.
  • If a married woman sees herself eating green onions in a dream, this indicates happiness, stability, and affection between her and her husband, and it may be a sign of the disappearance of the differences she faces. Seeing onions in a dream for a married woman may be evidence that she is making the right decisions on her own and taking responsibility.
  • اقرأ:  معنى اسم يوسف في المنام

    Seeing white onions in a dream for a married woman

  • Seeing white onions in a dream for a married woman is considered an interesting dream and interpretation. Dreams usually reflect our emotions, experiences, and challenges in real life. Seeing onions in a dream may have different effects on a married girl, and in this list we will review some possible interpretations.
    1. An indication of emotional balance: Seeing white onions in a dream for a married woman may symbolize the balance of the emotional relationship between her and her husband. This vision may be the result of small mistakes or fleeting disagreements between them, but it will not significantly affect their shared life. If the bulb is round and healthy, it may indicate stability and happiness in married life.
    2. Indication of success at work: Seeing white onions in a dream for a married woman may symbolize her success at work. This vision may indicate achieving important professional goals or providing outstanding performance at work. It may also be an indication that her coworkers appreciate and acknowledge her talent and accomplishments.
    3. A sign of happiness and prosperity: Seeing white onions in a dream for a married woman may express happiness and prosperity in her life. She may have good financial and material stability, and may enjoy a comfortable and stable life. This vision may also indicate improved financial conditions and increased wealth in the future.
    4. An indication of spiritual development and emotional maturity: Seeing white onions in a dream for a married woman may indicate her spiritual growth and emotional maturity. This vision may be an indication that she relies on her wisdom and sound thinking in making decisions and dealing with problems. It may also indicate an expansion of her vision and ability to understand and achieve her personal and family goals.
    5. Indication of family success: Seeing white onions in a married woman’s dream may symbolize her success in building a happy and stable family. This vision may be an indication of good communication between her and family members and a spirit of love and understanding. It may also indicate the fulfillment of shared family desires and ambitions.

    Seeing red onions in a dream

  • Seeing red onions in a dream is the focus of attention for many people. Some believe that it indicates evil, dawn, and committing sins and misdeeds, while others believe that it symbolizes goodness, children, and righteous offspring. Therefore, we have prepared this list to provide multiple interpretations about seeing red onions in a dream, based on famous sources of dream interpretation.
  • 1. Ibn Sirin:Ibn Sirin believes that seeing onions in a dream indicates financial gain, profit, livelihood, goodness, and recovery from illness. It also indicates relief and ease after distress and hardship. Seeing onions is also considered an indication of traveling and walking on the path of truth and integrity, and achieving goals, wishes and desires. In addition to comfortable living, luxury, prosperity and luxury.

    • Ibn Sirin warns that seeing onions in a dream may indicate ill health, problems, disagreements, quarrels, failure, despair, failure, frustration, hypocrisy and flattery.
    • It is recommended to be careful in family and social relationships if you see an onion field in a dream, as it may indicate repeated failure, frustration, despair, disappointment, and disappointment. Onion peels can also be seen in a dream as evidence of a lack of money, livelihood, and good things, and of worries, problems, sorrows, and sorrows.

    2. The Arab Struggle:The “Al-Kifah Al-Arabi” website is considered a reliable platform for the interpretation of dreams, and it provides many detailed explanations about seeing onions in a dream.

    • Seeing red onions in a dream for a man indicates the abundant money that he gets from his field of work or the good promotion that he has been waiting for for many years.
    • For a woman, seeing red onions in a dream may be considered evil and an unfit husband who has no religion, and it may be evidence of lying, hypocrisy, and her husband deceiving her.
    • As for seeing green onions in a dream, it symbolizes financial gain, profit, comfort, security, and reassurance. It also indicates fatigue and effort, and this dream may be evidence of financial gain after exerting effort and continuous work.

    3. Additional notes:

    • Caution must be taken when interpreting dreams and not relying solely on single interpretation sources. Interpretations of dreams can vary depending on culture, belief, and personal experiences.
    • The interpretation of dreams may differ based on the general context and details of the dream, so these factors must be taken into account when interpreting seeing onions in a dream.
    • Dreams may have different meanings depending on the person, as seeing onions in a dream can have meanings specific to each individual.

    Interpretation of seeing peeling onions in a dream for a married woman

  • Seeing peeling onions in a married woman’s dream is one of the visions that some believe brings good news of livelihood and blessing. Onions are considered a symbol of family constants and marital love. Here are possible explanations for this vision:
    1. Livelihood and children: Some may associate seeing peeling onions with an increase in livelihood and wealth. Just as an onion has many layers, this may be a symbol of the arrival of many children and financial prosperity.
    2. Adherence to assets: Seeing peeling onions may reflect the extent of adherence to family assets and values, as onions represent the layers and legacy of our roots, and seeing peeling it may reflect the desire of a married woman to preserve family customs and traditions.
    3. Personal awareness: Peeling onions in a dream may be associated with an expansion of personal awareness and spiritual development, as onions are a symbol of inner growth and overcoming challenges.
    4. Getting closer to God: Onions are considered a symbolic expression of humility and benevolence, and seeing them peeled may indicate a married woman’s desire to get closer to God and respond to His requests.
    اقرأ:  Yuxuda pul oğurlamaq təfsiri İbn Sirin

    Seeing dry onions in a dream for a married woman

  • Seeing dry onions in a married woman’s dream is one of the visions that carries important connotations and may affect her marital and family life. In this article, we will explore the meanings and interpretations of seeing dry onions in a dream for a married woman.
    1. Indication of isolation and introversion: If a married woman sees herself carrying or sees dried onions in a dream, this may be an indication of her feeling of isolation and introversion. She may feel disconnected or unable to communicate well with her life partner. This vision could indicate the need to improve communication in the marital relationship.
    2. Lack of emotional life: Dry onions in a dream can symbolize the end of emotional and romantic feelings in the marital relationship. A married woman may be bored or dissatisfied in her relationship and needs to revitalize it and find new ways to enhance her love life.
    3. Lack of trust and security: Dry onions in a dream may also symbolize a lack of trust and security in the marital relationship. It may indicate that there are doubts or lack of confidence in her partner, and the married woman needs to work on building more trust in the relationship.
    4. A need for change and development: Seeing dried onions in a dream for a married woman may indicate her need for change and development in marital life. You may need to explore new things and change some routines to improve your married life.
    5. Interruption of social relations: Dry onions in a married woman’s dream could be an indication of the interruption of social relations or isolation from friends and family. A married woman may need to think about rebuilding and strengthening these relationships in order to feel comfortable and happy.

    Taking onions in a dream

  • Visions are one of the mysterious phenomena that humans have been trying to understand and explain since ancient times. One of the common visions that many people wonder about is the vision of taking onions in a dream. The vision of taking onions carries multiple meanings that vary depending on the dreamer’s position, whether she is single or married. In this article, we will take a look at the interpretations of seeing onions in a dream for both categories.
  • Interpretations of seeing onions in a dream for single women:

    1. Seeing green onions planted in the ground: This vision is considered a herald of happy and joyful news that you will hear soon.
    2. A single girl preparing white onions for cooking: This dream symbolizes abundant livelihood and blessings, and much goodness to come. It may also indicate her marriage to someone who will propose to her.
    3. Chopping onions in a dream: This dream is considered good news that a single woman will soon get married. The vision also indicates that this channel will hold a wedding and prepare for it.
    4. Buying onions in a dream: This dream is considered good news for getting a lot of money.
    5. A single girl taking onions from another person: This indicates a good state of health. When you take onions from someone you know, it means that they will cooperate in doing good together.
    6. Taking onions in general in a dream: This dream is considered a sign of blessing and abundance in livelihood.

    Interpretations of seeing onions in a dream for a married woman:

    1. Taking onions from another person: This dream can indicate negative interpretations such as hearing sad news, but this must be taken into consideration that dream visions depend on the life context and personal circumstances of each individual.
    2. Green onions in a dream: This dream indicates the disappearance of sorrows and worries, and it may mean that the woman will get a lot of good after a period of hardship and fatigue.
    3. Cutting onions in a dream: evidence of a lot of money coming to a married woman, and it could also symbolize an improvement in her financial condition after a great effort in her work.
    4. Taking onions from her husband in a dream: This could indicate problems between the spouses.
    5. Green onions in a dream: This dream could symbolize the disappearance of worries and sorrows, and it may also mean having children and an increase in money, God willing.
    6. Red onions in a dream: Seeing red onions in a dream may be considered bad news, as it may symbolize her husband deceiving her or overwhelming sadness and worries.

    What is the interpretation of peeling onions in a dream?

    • A person’s dream in a dream that he is peeling onions indicates that he is surrounded by many people who are hypocritical and do not like him at all.
    • If the dreamer sees himself peeling onions during his sleep, this is evidence of the occurrence of many shameful incidents that will put him in a very bad psychological state.
    • In the event that the dreamer sees peeling onions in his dream, this symbolizes the bad psychological state that controls him during that period due to the many worries surrounding him.

    What is the interpretation of onion harvest?

    • Seeing the dreamer in a dream that he is harvesting onions indicates a significant deterioration in his psychological conditions during that period as a result of the many worries that surround him from every side.
    • If a person sees in his dream that he is harvesting onions, then this is a sign that he is going on a path that will not benefit him at all in his life, and he should not waste any more time on this path.
    • In the event that the seer was watching during his sleep collecting onions, this indicates that he received a very great shock from one of the people close to him, and that he entered into a state of great sadness as a result.
    • Watching the owner of the dream in a dream harvesting onions symbolizes the wrong things that he is doing and he will deeply regret them in the coming days.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about cutting onions in a dream?

    • Seeing the dreamer cutting onions in a dream indicates that many of the things he was doing in secret were exposed to the public and put him in a very embarrassing position among his family and acquaintances as a result.
    • If a person sees in his dream cutting onions, then this is a sign of the great effort that he is making in order to provide a decent life for his family and the extreme fatigue that he suffers from as a result.
    • If the dreamer watches the chopping of onions during his sleep without tears in his eyes, this symbolizes the many difficulties he faces and he will be able to overcome them soon.
    • Watching the dreamer cutting onions in his dream indicates that there are many disturbances in his work, and things may escalate to the point where he loses his job completely.

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