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What is the interpretation of seeing marriage and divorce in a dream according to Ibn Sirin?

  • Marriage and divorce in a dream are among the dreams that spread panic and anxiety within the person seeing the dream, in addition to the strangeness that he feels. The vision of marriage and divorce carries many interpretations and meanings, some of which indicate the goodness and benefits that the dreamer will obtain, and others express the problems and disagreements that the dreamer will face in his life, and they differ. Interpretation from one person to another according to the details of the vision and the condition of the person seeing it.Marriage and divorce in the dream of Ibn Sirin

    Marriage and divorce in a dream

  • Marriage in a dream expresses the goodness and sustenance coming to the life of the seer and his access to a lot of money from legitimate sources, in addition to the positive change that will occur in his life.
  • Seeing marriage in a dream can refer to obtaining a suitable job in which the dreamer will be able to promote and prove his competence, and marriage and divorce in a dream of a married person expresses the extent of the differences and problems that occur between the two parties, but because of their adherence to each other, the matter will never reach divorce and they will try to reach Suitable solution.
  • If a single young man sees that he is divorcing a woman, this means that he will fall into a major quarrel with some of his friends, and the matter will last for a long time. Seeing a divorce in a dream of an unmarried young man may mean that he will leave celibacy and the approaching date of his marriage to a good girl will be very happy while he is with her.
  • Divorce in a dream may be a divorce from something that worried the dreamer and caused him tension and panic and moving to another situation that is more comfortable and happy. Watching divorce in a dream denotes the differences and problems that exist between the dreamer and his family and his inability to find an appropriate solution to get out of this impasse or concede and try to cope. with the current situation.
  • Divorcing three times is evidence of the final disappearance of worries and sorrows, an exit from depression, and the normal practice of life again. If the dreamer saw that her father is divorcing her in a dream, this is evidence of some positive changes in her life and a transformation of her condition for the better.
  • Ibn Shaheen mentions that divorce in a woman’s dream expresses the disappearance of sorrows and worries and the advent of joy and happiness. As for the man, the matter is different and expresses the differences and problems that he will face.

    Marriage and divorce in the dream of Ibn Sirin

  • According to the interpretation of Ibn Sirin, marriage in a dream is a symbol of dreams and goals that the dreamer will be able to achieve and reach his goal in the end. As for divorce, it is a metaphor for the problems and troubles that the dreamer will face in his life, which will cause him sorrows and worries.
  • Divorce in a dream expresses the thing that the dreamer will lose and will not have the right to return it or obtain it again. If a woman sees that her husband divorces her three times, this does not bode well at all and indicates the final loss of the husband, whether through death or eternal separation.

    Marriage and divorce in a dream for single women

  • For a single girl, if she sees in a dream that she is getting married, then this is good news for her that her marriage date is approaching with a righteous man who possesses many good qualities and who will provide her with what she needs in her life, such as support and support.
  • The marriage of a single woman in a dream could also indicate the completion of her engagement to a person who will at first seem appropriate to her, but in the end she will realize that he is not the right person and will not allow the completion of this engagement.
  • If the single girl saw in her dream that she was getting married, this means that during the coming period she will be able to enter into something new, but she will not be able to continue. And the passage of this crisis without leaving any negative impact on her life.
  • Watching a single girl divorce in a dream symbolizes the occurrence of some positive changes in her life, in addition to her ability to develop herself and continue towards what is beneficial to her.
  • Divorce in a single woman’s dream indicates her need for funds in her life in order to provide all her requirements well without the need for arrangement and deprivation. The vision of divorce can lead to the existence of some crises and disagreements between the dreamer and some people close to her, and she will not be able to find an appropriate solution other than separation and moving away from them. .
  • Ibn Sirin mentioned that marriage in a single woman’s dream symbolizes the achievement of goals and dreams and the removal of obstacles that prevent the girl from reaching her goal, and seeing the single woman getting married in a dream is evidence that she has good luck that helps her progress in her life in addition to the good news that the vision carries with it, which is that she will not She is exposed to anything bad or causes her distress.
  • Marriage in a single woman’s dream means her ability to excel academically and that she is distinguished by a mind and many qualities that are not present in those around her. If the girl is really interested in developing in the practical aspect and she saw in her dream that she is getting married, then this is good news for her to reach a distinguished and prestigious position, and because of her she will be able to achieve what she wanted her throughout her life.
  • The vision may indicate the happy news that will soon reach the girl who sees it and will make her feel joy and comfort for a long time. Marriage in a dream is one of the dreams that can be said to be good news for the person who sees it in many cases. dreamer again.
  • With regard to divorce, if she saw that she was being divorced from her father, this is evidence that the date of her marriage to the man she had hoped for throughout her life is approaching, and she will reach a great degree of comfort and safety with him. Seeing the divorce of a single woman in a dream may mean her marriage in reality to a good and financially capable man because he will provide her with everything she needs in her life.
    اقرأ:  أهم تفسيرات رؤية رقم ٣ في المنام لابن سيرين

    Marriage and divorce in a dream for a married woman

  • If a married woman sees in her dream that she has been divorced from her husband and she feels happy at this time, then this is good news for her of abundant livelihood and abundant goodness that she will get in a very short time.
  • In the event that a woman sees in her dream that her husband is divorcing her three times, this symbolizes that her life will undergo some good changes and that great good will come to her life, and her condition will change dramatically within a short period.
  • When a married woman sees in her dream that she is asking her husband for a divorce, this indicates that she feels some pressures and responsibilities in her life and that she desires to get rid of them and overcome them so that she can continue and coexist normally.
  • Some interpretive scholars mentioned that seeing a woman in a dream that she is being divorced from her husband and then after that she marries another man, this expresses the benefit and good that she will get in her life from this person, in case he is known to her.
  • If a woman is actually suffering from difficulty in childbearing and sees in a dream that she is leaving her husband and marrying another man, then this vision, despite its strangeness, is good news for the woman that she will be able, in a short time, to become pregnant and have children.

    Marriage and divorce in a dream for a pregnant woman

  • If a pregnant woman finds in her dream that she is being divorced, this is evidence that her due date is approaching, and there is a high probability that she will give birth to a boy. Some jurists mentioned that divorce in a pregnant woman’s dream indicates the positive changes that will occur in her life and the start of a new matter. In addition to that, her condition will change to Best.
  • Seeing divorce in a dream of a pregnant woman can indicate the disappearance of sorrows, worries and obstacles that were present in her life and prevented her from reaching her goal and her ability to achieve great success, God willing.
  • Whoever sees in her dream that she is being divorced while feeling happy, this means that she will pass through the stage of dreaming and giving birth while she is in peace and will give birth to a healthy child free from any disease.

    Marriage and divorce in a dream for a divorced woman

  • Watching a divorced woman in her dream that she is being divorced from her ex-husband, this is a good news for this lady that there is a high possibility of returning to her ex-husband and finding a solution to the problems and differences they were facing.
  • In the event that she was actually suffering from sadness and pain, and saw that she was being divorced from her ex-husband, this vision is also good news for her, and symbolizes her ability to get rid of the worries and troubles that exist in her life and replace them with joy and positivity.
  • Seeing the husband returning to his wife after divorce in a dream indicates the dreamer’s imminent recovery, in case he was suffering from a disease, and the vision may also be a sign to him that he has to return again to his old life because it was better and fitter for him.
  • Al-Nabulsi mentioned that watching the husband return to his wife in a dream is evidence of the dreamer’s life transforming for the better, whether in the social or practical aspect. stable.
  • In the event that a woman sees that she is returning to her husband again after the divorce, this means that in reality she has many feelings for her husband and wants to complete her life with him.
    اقرأ:  تأويلات ابن سيرين لحلم سجن شخص في المنام

    Interpretation of a dream about a husband returning to his wife before divorce

  • Watching the husband return to his wife in a dream before the divorce is evidence of the dreamer’s fear of losing his marital life, in addition to his intense love for his wife and his fear of losing her. The vision also indicates the dreamer’s love to fix the crises and problems that existed in her life and the desire to find a suitable solution so that he does not suffer the loss of his wife and his life.
  • The vision may indicate the break that the husband and wife desire in order to think again about the differences and problems that exist between them so that they can take the appropriate decision.
  • The dream in general symbolizes the conflict that both parties face, the inability to make an appropriate decision, and the fear of destroying marital life.
  • Seeing receiving a divorce paper in a dream is evidence of the livelihood that the dreamer will receive during the coming period.
  • Receiving a divorce paper also symbolizes that the dreamer will get a lot of money during a very short period, which may come from an inheritance or from a project. The troubles and worries she faces will be gone, and she will be reconciled with her husband soon.

    Interpretation of a dream about a deceased husband divorcing his wife

  • If the widowed lady saw that her deceased husband was divorcing her and he was looking angry, then this vision is not praiseworthy and means that he is not satisfied with her style and the actions she does after him.
  • The deceased’s divorce of his wife in a dream is evidence of the remorse that the dreamer feels because of the bad behavior she used to treat him with in reality, and about the differences that she was doing with him, which are the main reason for it.

    Interpretation of a dream about marriage and divorce on the same day

  • Divorce and marriage on the same day for a married woman in a dream is evidence that she is facing some disagreements and crises with her husband in reality, and this makes her feel anxious and tense, but these disagreements will not last long and will go away and their condition will change for the better.
  • A friend’s divorce in a dream indicates that she is going through a difficult stage in her life and needs help and support, in addition to her inability to coexist or find a suitable solution to get out of this impasse.
  • If this friend was in fact facing some crises and problems in her life, and the dreamer saw that her husband was divorcing her, then this is good news for her that she will be able to get rid of these crises and troubles that she faces within a very short period. The vision may also indicate the start of a new life and getting rid of the suffering and conflict that is going on. In life and feeling once again calm and psychological peace.

    Parents divorce in a dream

  • Parents’ divorce in a dream is evidence of the existence of disagreements and problems between family members and the inability to resolve or overcome the matter. It may also symbolize the problems that exist between the seer and his colleagues at work, and he will end up leaving work or moving away from these people.
  • Some jurists mentioned that seeing the father in a dream divorcing the mother is an indication that this family will in fact be exposed to some crises, problems and hardships that will last for a long time, and all they have to do is be patient, supplicate and wait for God’s relief.
  • If a single man sees in his dream the divorce of his parents, then this means that there is a great opportunity coming to his life and it will be a great reason for him to undergo many positive changes. The vision may indicate a close marriage to a good girl who has a dominant presence and possesses many good qualities.

    Interpretation of a dream about my sister’s divorce

  • The sister’s divorce in a dream is a metaphor for the sustenance and goodness coming to her life, in addition to her husband’s love for her and the desire to provide all her needs, in addition to the psychological peace and tranquility that the sister feels next to her husband.
  • Seeing a sister’s divorce in a dream may also mean that she is going through a difficult period full of crises and that she bears a great responsibility, but all this will end in a very short time and her condition will change for the better. She feels comfortable when, in fact, she is not.
  • The sister’s divorce in a dream could be a threat to her working life and the crises she faces in her field of work and her inability to find an appropriate solution. or realization.
  • My husband’s dream divorces me, and I do not want dreams that express a woman’s attachment to her husband in reality, and that they are going through some worries and sorrows in her life, in addition to that she bears a great responsibility that she cannot bear, and this increases her feelings of sadness and discomfort, but she preserves her husband and her marital life.
  • Seeing a woman’s divorce from a man other than her husband in a dream is evidence that during the coming period she will get many benefits from this person.
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    I saw my brother divorce his wife

  • Watching a brother divorce his wife in a dream is an indication that the man has left his job or that some negative changes have taken place in it. In the event that the wife is pregnant and she sees that her brother is divorcing his wife, this is tantamount to good tidings to them of the arrival of a new male in the family.
  • Seeing a husband divorce his wife one time is a sign for the dreamer that she should be more interested in her husband and their lives and try to mend the gap that exists between them so that she will not suffer a great loss and then she will not be able to compensate for the loss.
  • Some jurists mentioned that a woman’s vision that her husband is marrying her in a dream may be a result of her intense fear and anxiety in reality about this happening, in addition to her strong attachment to her husband, and in this case the dream is just a reflection of her anxiety.
  • In the event that a woman sees that her husband is marrying her in a dream while she is crying intensely, this is good news for her that during the coming period she will get many benefits.

    Interpretation of a dream about marrying someone I know

  • Seeing that the woman is getting married to someone she knows means that in a very short period she will be able to achieve her goals and dreams. In addition to the happiness she will feel, the vision may also indicate that her marriage is approaching with a good man with whom she will be very happy and who will provide her with everything she needs.

    I dreamed of my sister getting married while she is already married

  • If the single girl sees that her sister is getting married while she is in fact married, this means that there are some benefits coming for the dreamer and her sister, God willing, and the vision also reflects the happiness and bliss that the sister enjoys in her life.

    Marriage of the deceased in a dream

  • The marriage of the dead in a dream is one of the dreams that express the joy in which the dead is next to the good position that he enjoys. The interpretation of the dream of the dead marrying the living in a dream and his feeling accompanied by extreme happiness is evidence of the arrival of a great good for the dreamer within a very short time.

    Interpretation of a dream about attending the marriage of a relative

  • Seeing the presence of a relative’s marriage in a dream is evidence that the dreamer’s life has changed for the better, whether in the social or material aspect. The vision may also indicate hearing good news during the coming period, and because of it, the seer will be happy for a long time.

    Interpretation of a dream about marrying incest

  • Marrying a close relative in a dream is evidence of the abundance of sustenance coming into the dreamer’s life, and it may also indicate that he will soon perform Hajj or Umrah.
  • Seeing marriage at a young age in a dream is evidence of the dreamer achieving great success in his field of work, and this will make him, in a short time, reach a position and a prestigious position, and his life will be greatly transformed for the better.

    Interpretation of a dream about a dead father marrying his daughter

  • The marriage of the dead father to his daughter is one of the dreams that cause strangeness in the heart of the visionary, and it indicates that the dreamer suffers from anxiety and extreme tension in her life and her inability to deal with everyone normally or accomplish anything in her life.
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