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What is the interpretation of escaping in a dream by Ibn Sirin? Interpretation of dreams

  • Escape in a dream. There is no doubt that seeing escape brings into the heart feelings of fear, anticipation, and caution. Escape may be for a valid reason or for ambiguous reasons that the dreamer cannot know. Therefore, we find that this vision has psychological and jurisprudential connotations, some of which are due to the subconscious mind and life events, and others to esoteric motives. And jurisprudential interpretations, and in this article we review all the connotations and cases related to the dream of escape.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about escaping in a dream?

    • The vision of escaping expresses what haunts the individual in his life, whether problems, concerns, events that he cannot deal with, or people he is unable to confront in reality, and escaping here is a justification for the desire to be free from the restrictions that surround him.
    • And whoever sees that he is running away, this indicates psychological pressures, heavy responsibilities and burdens, life difficulties and troubles that come from his work, home and relationships with others.
    • And if the seer witnesses that he is fleeing from his enemy, this indicates obtaining safety and tranquility, and escaping from dangers and evils, because the Lord said in his decisive revelation: “So I fled from you when I feared you, so my Lord granted me judgment.”
    • From a psychological point of view, escape is interpreted as fear, anxiety, and overwhelming worries, and this fear is accompanied by salvation in the end. Fear, according to Nabulsi, indicates security and tranquility, and salvation from sorrows and hardships.

    Escape in a dream by Ibn Sirin

    • Ibn Sirin believes that flight is interpreted according to one’s condition in terms of his goodness or corruption, as it symbolizes safety or perishment. except for a little
    • But if it was fleeing from the enemy or the opponent, then this symbolizes salvation from a raging sedition or salvation from the evil of the world and the soul.
    • From another perspective, escaping from death indicates a man who escapes from temptation, isolates himself from people, and renounces the world. If he escapes from death and survives, this indicates repentance, guidance, and return to the truth.
    • But whoever sees that he is fleeing, and fear takes hold of his heart, this indicates horrors, severe calamities, and disagreements that he will escape from, thanks to God and His care, especially if the dreamer was able to hide and escape.

    Escape in a dream for Nabulsi

    • According to al-Nabulsi, flight is an indication of repentance, guidance, piety, and a return to God and instinct, and flight is a symbol of returning to the right path, abandoning falsehood and forbidden things, turning away from sin, and declaring martyrdom.
    • And escaping is related to the state of the seer and his position, if he is a scientist or benefits people with his knowledge, then escaping indicates power, a great position, and a great scientific position, and he may preside over the judiciary.
    • And if a person flees without knowing the reason for his flight, then he is saved from trial, avoids an apparent suspicion, and repents to God of his sin and bad deeds.
    • But escaping without fear, according to Nabulsi, is not praiseworthy, as fear is interpreted as safety and survival, while escaping without fear may be interpreted as the approach of death and the expiry of life.

    Escape in a dream for single women

    • Escape symbolizes thinking about a pending issue, worrying about the coming period, the desire to be free from the restrictions that surround it, and to flee from the responsibilities that burden its steps and hinder its endeavors.
    • If she sees that she is running away, this indicates a way out of adversity, the demise of adversity, and the confusion that she possesses about some events, and if she sees that she is running away from a woman she does not know, then she is striving against herself and preventing her from desires.
    • But if you see that she is running away from her home, then this means moving from the family’s home, getting married soon, or rebelling against the prevailing system, going out of the ordinary, or traveling in the coming period.
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    What does it mean to escape with the lover in a dream?

    • If the dreamer saw that she was escaping with her lover, this indicates that she will marry him in the near future, and the end of the outstanding issues that prevent her from him, and the true desire to be near him, and the excessive attachment to him.
    • On the other hand, this vision reflects the hidden desires, the inability to satisfy them, the self-talks that she experiences, the nervous pressures and the fears she experiences about the coming period of her life.
    • The police symbolizes the guardian or the one who supports the family, and has guardianship and guardianship. If the single woman sees that she is running away from the police, this indicates her fear of her father, and the difficulty of achieving understanding with him.
    • And if she sees that she is entering prison and escaping from it, then this indicates the dissipation of the restrictions, the exit from the severity, and the liberation from the shackles with which she is bound.
    • But if she saw the police chasing her, then this is an act she has done and regrets, or punishment for her misdeed.

    What does it mean to escape in a dream for a married woman?

    • Escaping in her dream indicates the responsibilities and duties that burden her, the obligations and restrictions that imprison her and disrupt her hopes, and the constant search for stability and safety, due to the difficulty of obtaining reassurance in her home.
    • According to Ibn Sirin, the woman’s flight is a symbol of disobedience and rebellion against her husband, as it is interpreted as repentance, guidance, and abandonment of guilt. It may also express pregnancy without planning for it, or a feeling of loss and deficiency in her life.
    • And if she sees that she is running away from an unknown woman, then this indicates that she will be saved from sedition and avoids suspicions.

    Escape in a dream for a pregnant woman

    • Escaping in her dream indicates the search for safety and tranquility, underestimating time and difficulties, overcoming obstacles and hardships, the desire to obtain freedom and psychological peace, continuous work, and the burden of responsibilities on her.
    • And if she sees that she is fleeing from an enemy, then this indicates deliverance from evils and delusions, preparation for the issue of her birth, facilitation in it, salvation from severe distress, recovery from diseases and diseases, and a change in conditions for the better.
    • And if you see that she is running away from the children, then she is fleeing from the responsibilities and burdens that are entrusted to her, but the escape also expresses salvation, recovery, getting up from the bed of fatigue, reaching safety, and abandoning wrong habits.

    Escape in a dream for a divorced woman

    • Escaping in her dream symbolizes the desire to forget the past, to be free from sad memories, to overcome periods in which she has doubled pain, and to search for stability and security.
    • And if she sees that she is running away from her ex-husband, then she is saving herself from the hardships of life, trying to start a new life devoid of conflict, worry and sadness, restoring her rights, and reassuring her heart.
    • Escape is also an indication of repentance and guidance, a return to reason and the right path, getting rid of worries and hardships, thinking about the next, and restoring her vitality and wellness again.

    Escape in a dream for a man

    • Running away in a dream refers to getting rid of fear that dwells in his heart, liberation from a chain that hinders his endeavors, salvation from imminent evil, repentance to God, and returning to Him with a sincere heart.
    • And if he sees that she is fleeing from the enemies, then he has obtained safety in his religious and worldly affairs, and has distanced himself from suspicions, but if he flees from his wife, then he may separate from her or marry another.
    • And escaping for a man is a symbol of travel and moving from one place to another, and escaping for someone who is sick is evidence of the approaching term.
    • If he escapes from prison, he has paid off his debts, but if he escapes from the police, he fears punishment, and if he is afraid, then he surrenders in his religious and worldly affairs.
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    What is the meaning of flight and fear in a dream?

    • Al-Nabulsi says that fear indicates safety and caution, and whoever sees that he is fleeing while he is afraid, then he will avoid sedition, and will escape from intrigues and evils.
    • And if the seer witnesses that he is fleeing, and fear seizes his heart, then he may be subject to legal accountability or severe punishment.
    • And if he flees from enemies and adversaries, and he is afraid, then he prefers to avoid disagreements and quarrels, and stays away from the troubles that disturb his life, and if he flees from a dead person, and in his heart his fear, then he may flee from sermons and advice that lead him to the right path.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about escaping from an unknown person?

    • Whoever sees that he is fleeing from an unknown person, this indicates that he will get out of adversity and adversity, dissipate sorrows and hardships, and escape from harm and evil of unknown origin.
    • If the seer witnesses that he is fleeing from a matter he is ignorant of, this indicates that he will return to the right path, avoid suspicions and temptations, seek forgiveness and mercy, repent and perform acts of worship, and leave falsehood and its people.
    • On the other hand, this vision denotes escaping from responsibilities and obligations, the desire to get away and be free from the restrictions that bind him to the house, the disruption of his hopes and goals, and the constant feeling of suffocation and distress.
    • If a person sees that he is fleeing from those who want to kill him, then this indicates salvation from worries and hardships, salvation from evils and tricks, distancing himself from the depths of temptation and sin, and distancing himself from troubles and disagreements.
    • And if you knew this person, and corruption and rivalry were known about him, and you fled from him, this indicates avoiding talking to him, moving away from him, and initiating good. If you are afraid, this indicates safety and care.
    • But if the person is unknown, then this indicates guidance and return to the right path before it is too late, the end of ongoing problems and disagreements, repentance with a sincere heart, and determination to start over.
    • Running away from a person you love indicates the prevailing tension in your relationship with him, the large number of quarrels and worries that come to you from him, and constant thinking about separating from him or severing your relationship with him permanently, and distancing himself from him without going back.
    • If you are running away from the beloved, then this indicates the difficulty of achieving understanding and harmony with him, entering into endless quarrels and conflicts, and the desire to be free from the restrictions and pressures he imposes on your relationship with him.
    • Escape here may mean travel, moving to a new place, separation from it, or divorce for someone who was married, and it also expresses the dissolution of partnership or dissolution of engagement for someone who was single, and it may be a rejection of an attractive offer.

    What is the meaning of running away and running in a dream?

    • Whoever sees that he is running away running without stopping, then he flees to God and repents before Him, returns to the right approach, follows the instinct, and abandons the sin that he persevered in, and that is because God Almighty said: “So flee to God, for I am a clear warner to you from Him.”
    • And if he saw that he was fleeing and running, and he was not afraid, then this is interpreted as the term is approaching – according to the interpretation of Nabulsi – but if he knows the reason for his flight, and where he is fleeing, and fear possesses him, then he repents and is guided, and he takes admonition from what is going on around him.
    • From another perspective, running and escaping indicate fleeing from worldly temptations, suspicions, and the evils of the world, and distancing from idle talk and amusement, wrestling with the whims of the soul, resisting desires as much as possible, and working to make a new beginning.
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    What does it mean to escape from home in a dream?

    • This vision is interpreted in more than one way, as escaping from the house indicates rebellion against inherited traditions, breaking with the prevailing system, and rejecting the decisions of the guardian.
    • The vision also indicates moving to a new home, getting married in the near future, or preparing for travel and travel in the coming period.
    • And whoever sees that he is running away from his home, this indicates the pressures, responsibilities and duties that he is trying to free from, and the desire to take a rest, away from the hardships of life.

    Escape in a dream from the police

    • Escaping from the police denotes fear of penalties, taxes, fines, and those in authority. If a person flees from them, then he has escaped from the plot and evil of the wrongdoers.
    • This vision is interpreted according to the state of the seer, as it also expresses manipulation in business, plotting tricks, forbidden gain, and the desire to repent before it is too late.
    • But if a person fails to escape from the police, he may be subjected to severe harm and severe injustice, or he may pay a fine while he is unwilling, or a secret will be revealed to him, his matter will be exposed, and he will be subject to legal accountability.

    What is the interpretation of the dream of escaping and hiding?

    • Fleeing and hiding symbolizes salvation from injustice and aggression, freedom from restrictions and fears, and resorting to God and repenting before Him.
    • Whoever sees that he is hiding from his enemy, this indicates that fear will dissipate from his heart, despair will go away, he will be saved from his evils and deeds, and he will gain reassurance and security.
    • If he is running away and hiding from an unknown person, this indicates an escape from distress and escape from harm whose source is unknown. The vision is considered a warning and warning that requires repentance and guidance.

    What does it mean to escape from killing in a dream?

    • This vision can be interpreted in more than one way, as running away from home indicates rebellion against inherited traditions, departure from the prevailing system, and rejection of the decisions of the guardian.
    • The vision also indicates moving to a new home, getting married in the near future, or preparing for travel and travel in the coming period.
    • Whoever sees that he is running away from his home, this indicates the pressures, responsibilities and duties that he is trying to free himself from and the desire to take a break away from the troubles of life.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about running away from someone I know?

    • Running away from someone you know indicates caution against his machinations, escape from evil and his tricks, and avoid coming into contact with him or engaging in a conversation with him that might be taken against you.
    • Whoever sees that he is running away from a well-known person, such as a friend or partner, this indicates an escape from personal responsibilities and obligations and a desire to be free from the restrictions of the relationship due to the intensity of the tension prevailing in it.
    • If the dreamer sees that he is running away from someone close to him, he may run away from a corrupt act that could happen between them, or he may move away from him and sever his relationship with him due to lack of compatibility. He may move to another place or travel soon.
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