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What is the interpretation of drowning in a dream by Ibn Sirin and Imam Al-Sadiq? Interpretation of dreams

Interpretation of drowning in a dream is one of the visions that carries a large number of indications and meanings, and this is based on what was mentioned by great dream interpretations such as Ibn Sirin and Ibn Shaheen, and today through our website we will discuss more than 100 interpretations of seeing drowning in the sea.

Interpretation of drowning in a dream

Interpretation of drowning in a dream

  • Drowning in a dream is one of the unfavorable visions that indicates that the dreamer will fall into a severe predicament during the coming period, from which it will be difficult to get out.
  • Seeing drowning in the sea in a dream is an indication that the dreamer will fall into a lot of disobedience and sins, so the vision is a warning to the dreamer to draw closer to God Almighty and move away from the path of sins.
  • Whoever sees in a dream that Adham is drowning in front of him, but was able to help him, indicates that the dreamer will get rid of a problem that he has been suffering from for a long time.
  • The dreamer drowned and then escaped in a dream, and he was in full health, a good omen that the dreamer would reach a prominent position, any important position during the past few days.
  • Whoever sees in a dream that one of his children is drowning is a sign that he is always carrying fears about the future.
  • Surviving the patient from drowning in a dream heralds him for recovery, and he will recover his health during the coming period.
  • Seeing drowning in a clean sea free of dirt indicates that the dreamer’s situation will be more stable and he will be able to reach his goals.

Interpretation of drowning in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • The venerable scholar Ibn Sirin confirmed that seeing drowning in a dream carries more than one meaning and more than one interpretation. Here are the most important interpretations that he referred to in his book Interpretation of Dreams:
    • Seeing drowning in the sea until the dreamer dies is an indication that the dreamer is immersed in his sins and transgressions and lives for the sake of enjoying the pleasures of the world only, but he must review himself and draw closer to God Almighty.
    • Drowning in the sea in a dream is evidence that the dreamer will die after suffering from a disease that will affect him during the coming period.
    • Watching drowning in a dream, but not dying, is a sign that the dreamer will be able to reach all his goals, after facing difficulties and obstacles.
    • Going down into the sea and then drowning in it is a sign that the dreamer will be severely harmed by a person with authority during the coming period.
    • Whoever sees an unbeliever dying in front of him by drowning in the sea is a sign that this person will join the Islamic religion and, God willing, will be a righteous person.
    • Drowning in a dream is an indication of the worries and difficulties that will control the dreamer’s life, as he suffers from overthinking.
    • Seeing drowning in a dream is an indication that those around the dreamer are seeking to cause him harm and grief.

    Interpretation of drowning in a dream by Imam Sadiq

  • Imam al-Sadiq interpreted the vision of drowning in a dream, pointing to a large number of interpretations, and here are the most prominent of what was mentioned:
    • Drowning in a dream for a bachelor who was actually wanting to marry a girl indicates that he will face many obstacles in marrying her.
    • Seeing drowning in a sea full of predatory fish indicates that the dreamer’s reality will be the worst because all the time he will find himself suffering from problems and worries continuously.
    • A house flooded with water is a sign that goodness and sustenance will fill this house.
    • Imam al-Sadiq indicated that drowning in a sea of ​​black color is a sign that unhappy bad luck will accompany the dreamer.
    • Drowning in the pool in a dream is an indication that the dreamer will be exposed to a health problem that will be difficult to recover from in a short time.
    • Seeing drowning in a single woman’s dream is evidence that obsessions and bad thoughts dominate the dreamer’s head, and all the time she has unjustified anxiety and fear about the future.
    • Drowning in a single woman’s dream is a sign that she suffers from family problems all the time and is unable to solve them.
    • Seeing drowning in a single woman’s dream is evidence of the possibility of a financial crisis and she will have to seek help from those around her.
    • Surviving drowning in a single woman’s dream indicates that she will be able to escape all the problems and worries that she suffers from all the time.
    • If a single woman sees in a dream that she is escaping from drowning, this indicates that she will enter into an emotional relationship during the coming period, and it will be extremely successful.
    • Drowning in the water for single women is evidence of psychological problems due to the failure of her last emotional relationship, and the seer suffers from a lack of trust from those around her.
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    Interpretation of drowning in a dream for a married woman

    • Drowning in a dream about a married woman indicates that the dreamer will face many troubles and problems with her husband during the coming period.
    • If the dreamer saw that she was drowned and then survived, this indicates that the relationship between her and her husband will return stronger than before, with the disappearance of all the problems that confronted them.
    • Drowning in a dream for a married woman is a sign that the dreamer will face a health problem, knowing that she will face problems regarding pregnancy and childbearing.
    • The dream is a warning to the dreamer that she will be exposed to a financial crisis during the coming period, and she and her family will find herself mired in debt.
    • Drowning in a dream of a married woman in the sea is a sign of poverty and lack of livelihood.

    Interpretation of drowning in a dream for a pregnant woman

  • Ibn Sirin referred to a large number of interpretations that the vision of drowning in a dream holds for a pregnant woman. Here are the most prominent interpretations that he referred to:
    • Seeing drowning in a pregnant woman’s dream, knowing that the sea was clean is an indication of the approaching date of childbirth, but it will be easy, God willing.
    • Whoever sees drowning in a dirty sea in a dream and its smell is unbearable is an indication that the last days of pregnancy will not be easy and she will be exposed to a major health problem.
    • If the dreamer is in the last month of pregnancy, this indicates a natural birth.
    • Surviving drowning in a pregnant dream is a sign that the dreamer and her fetus will enjoy good health after giving birth.

    Interpretation of drowning in a dream for a divorced woman

    • Drowning in a dream about a divorced woman is a sign of falling into a difficult problem from which it will be difficult for her to get out.
    • In general, drowning in the sea for a divorced woman is an indication of the poor psychological state of the dreamer, noting that the main reason for her reaching this state is divorce.
    • Seeing a divorced woman drowning in a dream indicates that she will be exposed to a large number of difficulties and problems during the coming period.
    • If the divorced woman saw that she was able to escape from drowning, it is a good sign that she will marry again to a righteous man who will compensate her for the difficulties she went through.
    • Ibn Shaheen confirmed that seeing a divorced woman drowning in a dream is evidence of a financial crisis.
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    Interpretation of drowning in a dream for a man

  • Seeing drowning in a man’s dream is a sign that the dreamer will face a number of difficulties and will not be able to overcome them. Here are the other interpretations that have been mentioned:
    • Drowning in a man’s dream is an indication that he will be exposed to severe pressure at work, so he will have to leave him and search for a new job.
    • Seeing drowning in a dream for a man It serves as a warning message to the dreamer that he is surrounded by hypocritical people who never wish him well.
    • In general, the vision indicates straying from the path of God Almighty, committing many sins.

    What is the interpretation of the dream of drowning and then surviving?

    • Seeing drowning and then being saved in a dream is one of the promising visions that indicates that the dreamer will be able to overcome all the worries and problems that he suffers from.
    • As for those who were suffering from a financial crisis with the accumulation of debts, this is an indication that the dreamer will be able to overcome that financial crisis during the coming period, and there will be remarkable stability in the standard of living.
    • A dream in a way that indicates living in bliss, happiness, and pleasure will touch the dreamer’s heart, God willing.
    • Drowning in the sea and then getting out of it in a dream is a sign of receiving a number of good news that will bring joy to the heart of the seer.
    • In general, the dream indicates that the dreamer’s life will witness a number of positive changes.
    • Whoever suffers from responsibilities and pressures, the dream indicates their demise during the coming period.

    What does drowning in water mean in a dream?

    • Drowning in water is one of the unfavorable visions that indicate that the dreamer will be exposed to severe pressure that will make him lose his comfort.
    • Seeing drowning in water is evidence of mental and physical fatigue that the dreamer has been exposed to for some time.
    • The dream usually indicates exposure to severe losses during the coming days, as the dreamer may lose his money, home, or someone close to him.
    • Among the interpretations referred to by Ibn Shaheen is that the seer will be exposed to a fabricated problem for him in order to turn his life upside down.
    • Drowning in a dream indicates that the seer is never able to reach psychological satisfaction.

    What is the interpretation of fear of drowning in a dream?

    • Fear of drowning in a dream is a sign of repentance, drawing closer to God Almighty, and moving away from the path of disobedience and sins.
    • Seeing the fear of drowning in a dream is a sign of the dreamer’s awe of everything new.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about a ship sinking in the sea?

    • A ship sinking in a dream is an indication that the project that the dreamer intends to enter into during the coming period will cause him huge losses that he would never imagine.
    • Vision Shipwreck in a dream Evidence of losing money until one is exposed to extreme poverty.

    Interpretation of the sinking of a city in a dream

    • Seeing the city sinking in a dream is an indication that the city in which the dreamer lives will be exposed to severe danger, and the army of another country may soon invade it.
    • Another indication mentioned is the spread of a deadly virus in this city.
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    Interpretation of drowning in a well in a dream

    • Drowning in a well in a dream indicates that the dreamer is going through severe psychological fatigue that he will never be able to overcome except after obtaining support from his loved ones and those close to him.
    • Seeing drowning in a well in a dream is an indication that the dreamer feels psychological fatigue due to being away from God Almighty, so he must approach Him in order to get rid of this situation.
    • Drowning in a well in a single woman’s dream is a clear sign that she will be deceived by the people whom she has given excessive confidence.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about a relative drowning?

    • Seeing someone I know drowning in a dream is evidence that this person is currently suffering from a bad mental state and needs the support of those close to him.
    • The dream usually symbolizes that this person is taking the wrong path that has harm and needs someone to guide him to keep him away from this path.
    • Whoever sees in a dream someone he knows drowning is evidence that the dreamer actually has feelings of love towards this person and fears that he will be exposed to any harm.

    Drowning in a dream for a child

    • Rescuing a small child from drowning in a dream is a good omen that the dreamer will be able to get rid of the worries and problems that have dominated his life for a long time and make him feel restricted.
    • In general, the dream indicates the dreamer’s keenness to perform a number of good deeds that bring him closer to God Almighty.
    • Whoever sees in a dream that he fails to save a child from drowning is a sign that the dreamer will not be able to escape from the problems he is going through and will feel trapped in them.

    Interpretation of a dream about drowning in rain water

  • The great scholar Ibn Sirin confirmed that drowning in rain water is one of the visions that carries more than one interpretation. Here are the most important of what was mentioned:
    • Seeing drowning in rain water is a sign that the dreamer is going through a psychological crisis that will make him into severe depression with the desire to stay away from others.
    • In general, the dream refers to contracting a known disease, and it will be difficult to recover from it in a short time.

    What is the interpretation of drowning in a river in a dream?

    • Drowning in a river in a dream is a sign that the seer will face many challenges and hardships during the coming period.
    • Seeing drowning in the river is an indication that the dreamer will not be able to feel psychological comfort due to pressures and responsibilities.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about drowning a sister?

    • The sister’s drowning in a dream and she was still single in reality is a good omen that her marriage is imminent soon.
    • As for the sister’s drowning, her death, and crying over her in a dream, this is an indication of her exposure to the evil of destinies, and God knows best.

    What is the interpretation of the dream of saving someone from drowning?

    • Whoever sees in a dream that he is being drowned, but one of those close to him saves him, indicating that he receives psychological support all the time from those close to him.
    • Seeing someone rescued from drowning is evidence of the goodness that will flood the dreamer’s life.
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