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What do we call the path that the earth follows as it revolves around the sun?

What do we call the path that the earth follows as it revolves around the sun?

The answer is: Earth’s orbit.

  • The path that the Earth follows as it revolves around the Sun is called its “orbit.” The orbit can be specified as the orbit of a satellite or the orbit of other planets. Orbit is characterized by determining the Earth’s path and determining the Earth’s positions in time and space. The Earth constantly follows the orbit in its movement around the Sun, and this movement causes the seasons and changes in temperatures on Earth. Orbit is an important element in astronomy and helps us understand the movement of celestial bodies and predict future cosmic events.
  • اقرأ:  تفسير حلم رجوع الميت للحياة للمتزوجة في المنام لابن سيرين

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