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The Valley Resort Hotel

The Valley Resort Hotel

Message Us on WhatsApp: 08112117228
Jalan Lembah Pakar Timur No.28, Ciburial, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat
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Resort Hotel and Villas with beautiful Bandung City scenery. Perfect for business and leisure, with wide array of amenities and facilities from first class The Valley Bistro Café,  meeting room, fitness center, swimming pool, driving range and children playground.


Call now

  • (022) 2531056
  • (022) 2531052
  • 0811-2117-728


Get directions

Jalan Lembah Pakar Timur No.28
Kecamatan Cimenyan
Kota Bandung
Jawa Barat 40198
اقرأ:  شركة سوبر ستيل

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