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The most important interpretations of the dream of going down the stairs for Ibn Sirin

  • Interpretation of a dream about descending the stairs in a dream. Seeing the stairs in general carries many different connotations and interpretations, which vary according to the dreamer’s social status, whether he is married, a single young man, or a man or a woman. In addition to the condition of the stairs, it may be an indicator of the health condition. And the dreamer’s physical appearance, or it may be an indication of the worries and troubles that the dreamer is carrying, and we will tell you more about the interpretation of the vision through this article. 
  • Interpretation of a dream about going down stairs

    Interpretation of a dream about going down stairs

    • Interpretation of a dream about going down the stairs, Imam Al-Nabulsi said about it that it indicates the dreamer’s enjoyment of a state of comfort, stability and tranquility in life, if he sees that he is going down the stairs easily without feeling sad. 
    • But if he sees that he is suffering from difficulty in climbing the stairs, here the vision symbolizes facing some obstacles and going through many problems in life, but if the stairs are new, then it means moving away from sins and sins.
    • A dream about descending stairs on a wooden ladder is not good and indicates severe suffering from pain and fatigue in life. If it is inclined, then it is a symbol of severe illness. 

    Interpretation of a dream about going down the stairs to Ibn Sirin

    • Seeing going down the stairs in a dream was interpreted by Imam Ibn Sirin as expressing failure in life in general, and the inability to reach goals or a bad relationship with someone close to you. 
    • Seeing stairs in a dream indicates that there are many goals that the dreamer seeks to reach, but he faces many obstacles and problems, but he is able to overcome them, God willing. 
    • Going down the stairs in a dream has a negative meaning and indicates suffering from the occurrence of many negative changes in the life of the seer as a result of problems at work, financial problems, or weak desire and a sense of despair.
    • If the dreamer is about to travel and sees in a dream that he is going down the stairs quickly, then this vision warns him of this matter and he must think carefully before making a decision.
    • Imam Al-Osaimi says that the vision of descending in general is one of the bad visions, as it symbolizes obstacles and going through many problems in life, especially in terms of material. 
    • The dream of descending the stairs quickly has psychological significance and expresses severe suffering from psychological crises, in addition to the loss of dreams and the failure to achieve everything the dreamer wants.
    • Seeing going down to a known place in a man’s dream is an expression of returning from the path of delusion and following the truth and faith, as Imam Al-Osaimi said.

    Interpretation of a dream about going down the stairs for a single woman

    • Seeing going down the stairs in a dream for a single girl is interpreted as many psychological troubles and problems that the single woman goes through in her life during this stage. 
    • Interpreters say that dreaming of a virgin girl going down the stairs in a dream is an expression of failure in her studies, and if she is working, then it is suffering and many troubles that she goes through, which results in feelings of frustration and inability to achieve goals. 
    • This vision indicates a lot of pressure, which results in a feeling of extreme anxiety and a state of tension as a result of family disputes. If she is engaged, the vision is interpreted as a separation from him. 
    • Seeing a single girl going down the stairs in dreams symbolizes a weak personality and the inability to make correct decisions, which keeps her from reaching her goals in life. 
    اقرأ:  सपने में अपने जवान बेटे को देखने की सबसे महत्वपूर्ण व्याख्या

    Interpretation of a dream about going down the stairs for a married woman

    • Dreaming of going down the stairs in a dream for a married woman is a vision that expresses going through many problems and troubles related to her marital life and stability with her husband, and also indicates going through financial hardship. 
    • Dreaming of going down a few steps of the ladder in a dream is a symbol of the differences between her and the husband, but she will quickly get rid of them and things will return between them as they were. 
    • If the wife sees that she is going down the stairs in a dream while feeling afraid, then this vision indicates a woman with a weak personality who is unable to confront and solve the problems and differences that she is going through in her life during this period.
    • Seeing jogging and going down the stairs quickly is evidence of separation between her and her life partner during the coming period.

    Interpretation of a dream about going down stairs easily for a married woman

    • The dream of going down the stairs easily in a dream for a married woman while she is jogging, which the jurists said about her is evidence of the passing of a person close to her with a health problem or the death of one of those close to her, God forbid. 
    • Seeing the descent of the ladder easily in a dream of a married person, which the interpreters said is evidence of losing a source of livelihood and suffering from a large number of debts. As for going down only a few steps of the ladder, it is a problem, but it will be resolved quickly. 

    Interpretation of a dream about going down the escalator for a married woman

    • Dreaming of going down the electric stairs in a dream for a married woman. Some commentators said that it is evidence that the problems between her and her husband have reached divorce, which exposes her to a bad psychological state. 
    • The vision of going down the escalator is a vision that expresses a state of instability in general, whether in family life or in the work environment. 

    Interpretation of a dream about going down the stairs for a pregnant woman

    • Interpreters say that dreaming of going down the stairs in a dream for a pregnant woman is interpreted as going through some health problems during pregnancy, but if she is steadily descending from a high ladder, then it is evidence of having a male baby. 
    • Interpreters said that dreaming of going down stairs without getting tired, or going down a few stairs is an indication of an improvement in the state of health and the end of the fatigue and pain that you are going through. 
    • As for going down the stairs with great difficulty in a dream, this is an indication of the difficulty of childbirth and the feeling of severe health problems, but they will overcome them, God willing. 

    Interpretation of a dream about going down the stairs for a divorced woman

    • A dream about going down the stairs in a dream for a divorced woman in general is among the dreams that express the passage of severe problems and crises in life as a result of divorce. 
    • Interpreters say that the dream of going down the stairs quickly in a dream is one of the dreams that expresses the woman’s haste in judging matters and making decisions, which may be the reason behind the occurrence of the divorce order, and she must take deliberation in life in general. 
    اقرأ:  Түсінде адамды өлтірудің түсіндірмесі Ибн Сирин

    Interpretation of a dream about going down the stairs for a man

    • Dreaming of going down the stairs in a dream for a man is an indication of traveling soon in order to receive knowledge or work, but it is an unsuccessful travel, and we hope that he will be patient and think carefully before embarking on this matter. 
    • A dream about going down a broken staircase warns the seer of going through a health problem that may cause him a lot of pain and fatigue, or failure and frustration in a project or business. 
    • Some jurists said that the dream of going down the stairs in a man’s dream is interpreted as bad manners, committing sins and moving away from the path of truth. 
    • Seeing the stairs going up and down in a dream generally expresses a state of instability in the real life of the person who sees it, and it may indicate travel in order to achieve dreams, but the viewer will face some difficulties.
    • This vision expresses confusion in making crucial decisions in life, such as marriage, engagement, work, and other important matters. 
    • This vision also expresses the psychological state, stress and anxiety for the divorced woman, and for the man, it expresses the return of one of those close to him from travel.

    Going down the stairs with someone I know in a dream

    • Seeing going down the stairs with someone known to the dreamer is a symbol of the good mutual relations between them and that person’s support for you in life in general. 
    • As for the single girl, this vision represents her wedding from a relative of this person or one of the persons close to him. 
    • But seeing a married woman going down the stairs with a person known to her is not desirable and expresses the occurrence of marital problems and disagreements because of the presence of this person in her life, whether he is a man or a woman.
    • Seeing the inability to descend the stairs in the first place is a warning to the seer that there are many bad people in his life and he should stay away from them.

    Going down the stairs with an unknown person in a dream

    • Ibn Shaheen interpreted the dream of going down the stairs, berating an unknown person in a dream, as a warning to the dreamer that there is a person of bad character and hypocrisy in his life who will cause him many problems. 
    • As for going down the stairs with an unknown person or a dead person, whether known or unknown to the patient, it is a vision that warns of the approaching death, and God knows best. 
    • Dreaming of going down the stairs with an unknown person and feeling very afraid in a dream of a married woman is a symbol of trouble, psychological stress, and inability to take responsibility, which may expose her to problems and separation from her husband. 
    • The jurists have unanimously agreed that dreaming of going down the stairs with the deceased is one of the bad dreams and warns the seer that something bad will happen to him during the coming period. But if he is suffering from illness, then it is a warning of death, God forbid. 
    • Seeing going down the stairs in a dream with a dead person who is known to the neighborhood and was known for his righteousness and religiosity. 
    اقرأ:  خواب میں بہتا ہوا پانی دیکھنے کے 7 اشارے، ان کو تفصیل سے جانیں

    Interpretation of a dream about not being able to go down the stairs

    • Seeing the inability to descend from the stairs of the mosque is an indication of straying from the path of God and walking with bad companions who must cut off his relationship with them until he repents and returns to the right path. 
    • For a married woman, this vision indicates that she is suffering from failure in her marital life, the inability to be patient and to bear the material conditions and problems that her family is exposed to, and her desire for separation and salvation from this life.
    • If the girl sees that she is unable to descend the stairs, then this vision expresses her feeling of confusion and inability to make an important and fateful decision in her life. 

    What is the interpretation of fear of going down the stairs in a dream?

  • A divorced woman dreaming of being afraid of going down the stairs in a dream symbolizes the difficulties she is going through after divorce
  • She suffers from people talking about her unjustly, which causes her a state of fear and lack of self-confidence
  • As for the pregnant woman, this vision expresses her psychological fears about the birth process and her feeling of anxiety about her health and the health of the fetus
  • As for a man, seeing fear of descending the stairs indicates a man with a weak personality who is unable to confront and wants to escape responsibility. The vision also indicates hesitation and an inability to make important decisions in his life.
  • What is the interpretation of a dream about going down stairs with difficulty?

  • Dreaming of descending the stairs with difficulty, Imam Al-Zahiri said that it represents pitfalls and troubles in life in general and in practical life and achieving money in particular. It is a symbol of frustration and failure in achieving ambitions.
  • As for a single girl or woman in general, it expresses her weak personality and her making wrong decisions, which hinders the progress of her life and the fulfillment of her dreams.
  • But if the dreamer wants to undertake a project or intends to travel, this vision represents the obstacles he faces on the way
  • What does the dream of going down the stairs in a dream refer to?

  • The vision of descending the stairs in a dream expresses the changes occurring in the dreamer’s life, but they will be for the worse in most interpretations.
  • If the dreamer is a pregnant woman and sees that she is descending the stairs quickly without feeling pain, then this vision indicates the ability to overcome the fatigue and pain that she feels and the approaching of an easy birth.
  • If the dreamer is a man or a person who works in trade or has a lot of money, then this vision is considered a bad vision, which indicates loss of money, stagnation in trade, or leaving the job.
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