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The most important interpretations of a dream about dirty water according to Ibn Sirin

  • Interpretation of a dream about dirty water. One of the puzzling symbols that causes confusion and anxiety in the dreamer is dirty water that is not suitable for use. He is curious about its interpretation in order to know what will lead to good or evil from it. In the following article, we will learn about the interpretation of a dream about dirty water and dirt and the situations related to it, in addition to… Interpretations of leading scholars and interpreters in the field of dreams, such as Ibn Sirin.Interpretation of a dream about getting rid of dirty water

    Dirty water dream interpretation

    • The dreamer who sees unclean water in a dream is an indication of the problems that he will face in the coming period on the way to reaching the success he aspires to.
    • If the dreamer sees in a dream that he is drinking dirty water, then this symbolizes the sins and sins that he is committing, and he must repent of them and draw closer to God with good deeds.
    • A dream about dirty water in a dream indicates the abundance of temptations and sins that surround the dreamer, and he must pray to God to be steadfast in obedience.
    • Seeing dirty water surrounding the dreamer in a dream from everywhere indicates the large number of envious people and haters against him and his need for immunization and legal ruqyah.

    Interpretation of a dream about dirty water by Ibn Sirin

    • If the dreamer sees dirty water in a dream, then this symbolizes an unhappy life full of bad events that he will suffer from, and he must be patient and reckoned.
    • Seeing dirty water in a dream by Ibn Sirin indicates a change in the dreamer’s condition for the worse, and suffering from distress and sadness in his life.
    • The dreamer who sees in a dream that he is drinking dirty water is an indication that he is suffering from illness and disease that requires him to bed, and he must pray to God for a speedy recovery and good health.
    • A dream about dirty water in a dream indicates distress and distress in the livelihood that the dreamer will suffer from in the coming period and the accumulation of debts on him.

    Interpretation of a dream about dirty water for single women

    • If a single girl sees dirty water in a dream, this symbolizes the difficulty in her reaching her dreams and aspirations that she has always sought, whether on the practical or scientific level.
    • Seeing dirty water in a dream for a single girl indicates the damage and harm that will be inflicted on her in the coming period from the planning of her enemies and opponents, and she must take caution.
    • A single girl who sees in a dream that she is running over unclean water without being harmed is a sign that she is wasteful and spends money on things that do not benefit her.
    • A dream about unclean water in a dream for a single girl and her cleaning it indicates her ability to overcome difficulties and reach her goals and desires.

    Interpretation of a dream about dirty water for a married woman

    • A married woman who sees dirty water in a dream is an indication of the problems and disagreements that will arise between him and her husband, which will lead to divorce.
    • Seeing dirty water in a dream for a married woman indicates the great financial hardship that the coming period will go through, which will affect the stability of her life.
    • If a married woman sees in a dream that she is drinking dirty water, then this symbolizes the sins and sins that she is doing, and she must stop them and repent to God.
    • A dream about dirty water in a dream for a married woman indicates the obstacles and difficulties that she will face in her life and that will make her in a bad psychological state.
    • If a married woman sees in a dream that she falls into a pool of unclean water and is able to get out of it, then this symbolizes that she will pass a difficult stage in her life and start over with energy of hope and optimism.
    • A vision of falling into dirty water and getting out of it for a married woman indicates a lot of goodness and abundant money that she will get in the coming period from a lawful source that will change her life for the better.
    • A married woman who sees in a dream that she falls into dirty water and survives it is a sign of her attempt to repent of the sins and misdeeds she has committed in the past and to ask for pardon and forgiveness.
    • A dream about falling into dirty water and getting out of it for a married woman indicates the imminent relief and joy that she will have in her life for the coming period.

    Interpretation of a dream about dirty water for a pregnant woman

    • If a pregnant woman sees dirty water in a dream, then this symbolizes a difficult birth and health problems that she will be exposed to during childbirth, and this will lead to the loss of the fetus, and she must seek refuge from this vision.
    • Seeing dirty water in a dream for a pregnant woman indicates the pains and troubles that she will suffer from in the coming period, and she should pray to God for healing and good health.
    • A pregnant woman who sees in a dream that she is swimming in unclean water is a sign that she is afflicted with witchcraft and envy, and she must perform legal ruqyah and draw closer to God.
    • A dream about dirty water in a dream for a pregnant woman indicates that she has obtained money from an illegal source, and she must hasten to repent to God.
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    Interpretation of a dream about dirty water for a divorced woman

    • If a divorced woman sees dirty water in a dream, then this symbolizes the problems and difficulties that she will face and suffer from in the coming period.
    • A dream about dirty water in a dream for a single woman and bathing in it indicates the great financial losses that she will suffer in the coming period after entering into not good projects.
    • A divorced woman who sees in a dream that she is drinking unclean water is a sign of bad talk that will be spread about her by people who hold grudges against her.
    • Seeing dirty water in a dream for a divorced woman and her getting rid of it indicates her good morals and good reputation among people.

    Interpretation of a dream about dirty water for a man

    • If a man sees dirty water in a dream, then this symbolizes the instability of his marital life and his inability to provide a decent life for his family members.
    • Seeing dirty water in a dream indicates to a man the difficulties he will face in assuming an important position that he seeks, which will cause him frustration and loss of hope.
    • A dream about dirty water in a dream for a man indicates that he is walking in the path of misguidance and distance from obedience to God and performing the obligatory duties, and he must hasten to repent before it is too late.
    • A single man who sees in a dream that he is walking in shallow, unclean waters is a sign that he is in a relationship with a girl who is not suitable for him and has a bad reputation, and he must stay away from her.
    • If the dreamer sees in a dream that he is drinking dirty water, then this symbolizes the worries and sorrows that will control his life for the coming period.
    • Seeing drinking dirty water in a dream indicates the major differences that will occur between the dreamer and people close to him, which may lead to severing the relationship.
    • The dreamer who sees in a dream that he is drinking unclean water is an indication that he is involved in backbiting and gossip and delving into symptoms, and he must stop and ask God for forgiveness.
    • A dream about drinking unclean water in a dream indicates the reprehensible qualities that characterize the seer and alienate everyone from him, and he must try to change and adjust his behavior.

    Interpretation of a dream about falling into dirty water

    • If the dreamer sees in a dream that he is falling into unclean water, then this symbolizes his drifting behind desires and pleasures and his negligence in the right of his Lord, and he must repent and return to God before it is too late.
    • The vision of falling into dirty water in a dream indicates the calamities that the dreamer will be involved in after making incorrect and reckless decisions, and he must be careful and reflective in thinking.
    • The dream of falling into dirty water in a dream indicates the extreme anguish and tribulations that the dreamer will be exposed to in the coming period, and he must seek the help of God.
    • The dreamer who sees in a dream that he is falling into turbid water and is able to get out of it is an indication of the great breakthroughs that will occur in his life in the coming period and will improve his psychological and financial situation.

    I dreamed that I was swimming in dirty water

    • If the dreamer sees in a dream that he is swimming in dirty water, then this symbolizes the many problems and burdens placed on him and his inability to bear it.
    • Seeing swimming in dirty water in a dream indicates the injustice and oppression that the dreamer will be subjected to in his life in the coming period, as a result of the planning of his enemies.
    • Swimming in unclean water in a dream indicates the large number of debts that the dreamer suffers from and his inability to pay, and he must turn to God to pray for relief.
    • The dreamer who sees in a dream that he is swimming in dirty water is a sign of the many obstacles that he will encounter in reaching what he desires, which will cause him a state of sadness and distress.

    Interpretation of a dream about falling into dirty water and getting out of it


    1. A symbol of pollution or destruction: Falling into dirty water may be considered a symbol of pollution occurring in a person’s life. The dream could reflect a state of uncleanliness, emotional stress, or inner confusion. It indicates that the person feels that his life is not in an optimal state and wants to purify it and get rid of the obstacles he faces.
    2. Warning of diseases or health problems: Falling into dirty water may be an indication of the presence of health problems or diseases in a person’s emotional or physical life. An individual should consider their general health condition and take necessary precautions to maintain their health and safety.
    3. A symbol of liberation and renewal: Sometimes, falling into and out of dirty water may be an expression of a person’s desire to be free from the pressures of life and respond to his true desires. The dream reflects the desire for life reorientation and personal renewal.
    4. An indication of a feeling of guilt or error: Falling into dirty water in a dream could be an indication of a feeling of guilt or a mistake that a person has committed in the past. The dream invites the person to think about his past actions and try to compensate for them.
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    Interpretation of a dream about cleaning the house from dirty water for a married woman


  • Dreams are an interesting source of interest for many people, as they try to understand subconscious messages and see if they hold special symbols or meanings. In this article, we will talk about the interpretation of a dream about cleaning the house from dirty water for a married woman. Discover the possible meanings and messages the dream may have for you.
  • This dream may indicate that you feel a strong desire to purify and renew your marital life. The dirt in the water may express the challenges and difficulties you are experiencing in your marital relationship. If you successfully clean the house and turn dirty water into pure water, this may mean that you will be able to overcome these difficulties, purify the relationship, and make it more pure and loving.
  • However, if the dream shows that the house is not completely cleaned or that the water does not become clear or that it becomes discolored quickly, this may indicate that there are difficult challenges facing you in your married life and that you may need to confront and solve them better. The dream may also be indicating that there are certain matters in the relationship that still need to be cleaned up and dealt with radically.
  • Moreover, this dream may be a symbol of your desire to move to a new stage in your married life and start a new experience. The cleaned house may reflect the strength of the knowledge and experiences you have gained in the marital relationship and the desire to achieve progress and growth.

    Interpretation of a dream about falling into dirty water and getting out of it for a married woman

    Interpretation of a dream about falling into dirty water and getting out of it:

    1. Feeling emotionally polluted: Falling into dirty water in a dream may be a symbol of feeling emotionally polluted or dirty love in a marital relationship. The dream may indicate difficulties in a relationship or tensions in emotional connection.
    2. The need for spiritual cleansing: Falling into dirty water in a dream could be an indication that you want to get rid of negative feelings or past sins in your married life. The dream may urge you to work on cleansing and renewing the relationship.
    3. Dreaming of liberation and change: Getting out of dirty water in a dream may reflect your desire for change and liberation. You may feel the need to walk away from the relationship or re-evaluate your current marital situation.
    4. Desire to find purity and move on to the future: Falling into and out of dirty water in a dream may symbolize your desire to find purity and a new beginning in your married life. This dream may mean that you should let go of your past and prepare for a better future.

    Interpretation of a dream about drowning in dirty water

    1. Psychological pressures: A dream about drowning in dirty water may indicate the presence of great psychological pressures in your life. You may be suffering from stress and anxiety and feel overwhelmed by the life challenges you face. Dreaming of dirty water may indicate feelings of discomfort and mental pressure that you are experiencing.
    2. Feeling rushed: Dreaming of drowning in dirty water can symbolize feeling unable to move forward with your life. You may feel overwhelmed by events and responsibilities and lose control. This dream reminds you that there may be a need for reflection and rebalancing in your life.
    3. Frustration and annoyance: If the drowning water in your dream is dirty and unclean, this may indicate the frustration and annoyance you feel in reality. There may be problems or challenges in your personal or professional life that make you feel crowded and mentally tired.
    4. Warning about maintaining your health: A dream about drowning in dirty water may be a reminder to you of the importance of maintaining your general health. You may be ignoring some basic aspects of taking care of yourself, and this dream is asking you to take necessary precautions to maintain your physical and mental health.

    Interpretation of a dream about dirty water in the house

    1. A symbol of tension and psychological pressureA dream about dirty water in the house may be a symbol of the tension and psychological pressures that you suffer from in your daily life. You may feel suffocated or upset as a result of external factors negatively affecting your psychological state. These factors may include hard work, family difficulties, or even general health. Dirty water in a dream symbolizes those burdens that mess with your soul and cause discomfort and disconnection inside.

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    2. Seeing an unclear futureA dream of dirty water in the house may symbolize a lack of clarity in your future vision or your desire to change the current situation you are living in. There may be a feeling of confusion or bewilderment due to an inability to find a specific direction in your life. You may need to rethink your goals and see what you want to achieve to get rid of this negative feeling.

    3. Attention to personal and surrounding hygieneA dream about dirty water in the house may be a warning to you about the need to pay attention to personal hygiene and keep your home clean. This dream may indicate that you need to take care of your health and take care of yourself in general. In addition, this vision may be a reminder to you to clean and arrange your home surroundings, because the place you live in reflects your general condition.

    4. An indication of challenges and difficultiesDirty water in the house may symbolize the presence of challenges and difficulties in life that you must face. This dream may express the difficulties you face and experience in reality, which may require you to have inner strength and flexibility to adapt and overcome them. Use this dream as motivation to bring about changes and growth in your life.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about getting rid of dirty water?

  • If the dreamer sees in a dream that he is getting rid of dirty water, this symbolizes the good news that he will receive in the coming period, which will greatly improve his psychological state.
  • Seeing yourself getting rid of dirty water in a dream indicates getting rid of the bad people surrounding the dreamer and escaping from their evil and machinations.
  • The dreamer who sees in a dream that he is getting rid of unclean water is an indication that he will achieve his wishes and goals that he thought were unattainable.
  • Dreaming of getting rid of dirty water in a dream indicates the big positive changes that will occur in his life in the coming period

    What is the interpretation of a dream about bathing in dirty water?

  • If the dreamer sees in a dream that he is bathing with dirty water, this symbolizes that he speaks out evil and sits with hypocrites who will cause him many problems.
  • Seeing yourself bathing with unclean water in a dream indicates bad luck and setbacks that will get in the way of achieving what you want
  • The dreamer who sees in a dream that he is bathing with unclean water is an indication of failure and helplessness that he will suffer in his life, and he must not despair and continue striving.
  • Dreaming of bathing in dirty water indicates drowning in debt and financial problems that will threaten the stability of the dreamer’s life

    Walking in dirty water in a dream, what does it mean?

  • If the dreamer sees in a dream that he is walking in dirty water, this symbolizes his haste and recklessness in making fateful decisions, which will lead him into problems, and he must ask God for advice in everything.
  • Seeing yourself walking in dirty water in a dream indicates the difficulties and problems that he will face in his field of work, which will make him lose his source of livelihood.
  • Walking in dirty water in a dream indicates adversity and crises that will befall the dreamer’s life and will leave him in a state of frustration and distress.
  • The dreamer who suffers from illness and sees in a dream that he is walking in dirty water and comes out of it is a sign of his compliance with the recovery and recovery of his health and wellness again

    What is the interpretation of the dream of cleaning the house from dirty water?

  • If the dreamer sees in a dream that he is cleaning his house of dirty water, this symbolizes his success in achieving the goals that he sought so much and overcoming the obstacles that were hindering him.
  • Seeing the house cleaned of dirty water in a dream indicates a lot of goodness coming to the dreamer in the near future and relieving him of the problems and difficulties that have troubled him for a long time.
  • The dreamer who sees in a dream that he is cleaning his house of dirty water is an indication of alleviating the distress and worry that disturbed his life in the past.
  • Dreaming of cleaning the house from turbid water in a dream indicates the dreamer’s repentance from transgressions and sins and turning to God with good deeds.
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