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The most important 50 interpretation of the dream of cutting hair by Ibn Sirin

  • Hair is the crown of a woman and a symbol of her beauty. Therefore, every woman and girl loves to take great care of her hair, but what about the interpretation of the dream of cutting hair? Does it carry good for her or does it indicate evil and trouble? The interpretation of this vision was dealt with by great jurists such as Ibn Sirin, Nabulsi, Ibn Shaheen and others, and they stressed on This vision carries many symbols, which we will reveal to you through this article. 
  • Interpretation of a dream about cutting hair

    Interpretation of a dream about cutting hair

    • Jurisprudents say that dreaming of shortening hair in a dream is one of the dreams that carry many good things. 
    • Seeing hair cutting during Hajj times is a vision that expresses religiosity, a sense of security, and closeness to God Almighty, and the vision indicates the occurrence of important and positive changes for the better. 
    • Imam Al-Nabulsi says that the dream of cutting hair for a woman like men is one of the bad dreams that indicates the death of the husband or one of the incest, God forbid. As for cutting and the appearance of the skin, it symbolizes intense rivalry with the husband. 
    • The dream of hair falling out without cutting it was interpreted by Imam Al-Zahiri as intense distress and distress on the part of the parents. 

    Interpretation of a dream about cutting hair by Ibn Sirin

    • Ibn Sirin says that seeing hair cutting in a dream is not desirable for women, as it is a calamity and sorrows coming for them. As for the dream of plucking hair, it is an indication of losing money and accumulating debt. 
    • Dreaming of cutting hair in a dream for a person who suffers from anguish is to relieve his concern soon, but if he suffers from illness, here the vision indicates recovery soon. 
    • Ibn Sirin believes that cutting hair in a dream indicates a change in the situation and the occurrence of radical changes in the life of the seer, but if the single woman sees that she is cutting hair and there is a person who forcibly prevents her, then this vision means her marriage to a relative of this person. 
    • Dreaming of cutting long hair in a dream is not desirable at all and symbolizes the demise of blessings. As for seeing hair cutting and combing it for a man, it symbolizes an increase in prestige and gaining power soon.

    Interpretation of a dream about cutting hair for single women

    • Cutting hair for a single girl was interpreted by Ibn Sirin as problems and troubles that a single girl goes through and affects her psychological state. As for cutting short hair, it symbolizes fear of the future and the search for protection. 
    • If the virgin girl saw her sister cutting her short hair, here the vision indicates her participation in an act that harms or harms her. 
    • Seeing a hair cut at the hairdresser for a single girl is undesirable and indicates loss of work or lack of success in studies. 
    • Seeing hair cut, feeling sad, and crying over it is evidence of remorse for doing bad things, but if she feels happy and joyful, then good news is coming to her soon. 
    • Jurists and interpreters say that seeing a single girl cutting her hair in a dream by herself indicates her desire to change her life in general and that she is not satisfied with her life and is making efforts to change it for the better. 
    • Seeing a virgin girl cut her hair, and the hair was unclean, heralds you of the end of sadness and worry, and getting rid of the problems that surround you soon. 
    • Seeing a girl cut her hair symbolizes that she is going through a bad psychological state as a result of entering into a failed emotional relationship or going through some disagreements and problems in the family environment. 
    • Cutting long hair and not approving the general appearance is not desirable and indicates exposure to envy and hatred, but if the girl is engaged, then it is evidence of the dissolution of the engagement. 
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    Interpretation of a dream about cutting hair for a married woman  

    • Ibn Shaheen believes that a dream about cutting hair in a dream for a married woman and seeing herself in a more beautiful way is a good vision and indicates a solution to the differences and problems between her and the husband. 
    • Seeing her hair cut during the sacred month is a symbol of happiness and tranquility in life. As for her hair being cut by an enemy, it is severe problems and disagreements that will occur with him. 
    • Jurists say that Seeing hair cutting in a dream for a married woman By herself, it indicates fulfilling the trust, while seeing her cutting the husband’s hair indicates revealing the secrets of the house.

    I dreamed that I cut my hair for a married woman

    • Dreaming of cutting hair in a dream for a well-married woman and feeling comfortable as a result of this matter is getting rid of the differences and problems she is going through. 
    • Seeing cutting and dyeing hair in a dream was said by many jurists that it is evidence of feeling very sad and going through many bad things, especially if she is not satisfied with her appearance. 
    • Seeing cutting the ends of damaged hair is a metaphor for making correct decisions that will change a lot of her condition in the future, and if she is in a quarrel or disagreement with her husband or those around her, her problems will soon be resolved. 
    • Seeing hair cutting and shortening it severely, like men, means taking on many responsibilities and tasks, but she will be happy and satisfied with it. 

    Interpretation of a dream about cutting hair for a pregnant woman

    • Ibn Sirin says that seeing a pregnant woman cutting her hair in a dream is good tidings for her of an easy birth. As for a dream about cutting it in the salon, it indicates her need for help and lending a helping hand. 
    • Seeing a pregnant woman cutting her hair by someone known to her warns her of being harmed by this person. 
    • Seeing a pregnant woman cutting her hair and seeing it lying on the ground is a bad vision and portends the loss of the fetus, God forbid. 

     Interpretation of a dream about cutting hair for a divorced woman

    • Ibn Sirin says, in the interpretation of the dream of cutting hair for a divorced woman, that it is a vision that expresses her liberation from worry and grief, and her desire to start a new life and correct past mistakes. 
    • Seeing a divorcee that her ex-husband is cutting her hair against her will is a vision warning her against being subjected to oppression and injustice and losing her rights by this person and those around him, and she must be careful of herself. 
    • Imam Al-Nabulsi says that cutting long hair in a dream is a warning of exposure to a crisis or health problem that will make her bedridden for a period of time. 
    • If a divorced woman sees that she is cutting her hair and crying over it, then she is going through a difficult psychological period, and she must turn to God with supplication and supplication until this period passes.
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    Interpretation of a dream about cutting hair for a man 

    • Ibn Sirin believes that cutting long hair in a dream for a man is desirable and gives him good tidings of paying off debts and paying off debts. 
    • Seeing long hair cut and approving the general appearance is a sign for a man to get rid of the burdens and responsibilities that fall on his shoulders, while cutting short hair is bad and indicates poverty and loss of work or money. 
    • A dream about cutting hair inside a barbershop is a fulfillment of a need, while cutting one’s own hair expresses good conditions, guidance, and closeness to God Almighty. 

     Interpretation of a dream about cutting hair for a married man

    • Ibn al-Nabulsi says that cutting hair for a married man is a symbol of bond and righteous offspring on which the man relies, but in the case of seeing the cut hair on the ground, it is a loss of prestige. 
    • A married man seeing that he shaves his wife’s hair in a dream is a symbol of restricting her freedom, and if he sees that she is the one cutting his hair for him, then it is a symbol of his being deceived and deceived by the wife. 
    • Seeing a single girl cutting her hair and getting upset about it a lot is evidence of envy and hatred from those around her. 
    • Seeing hair cutting and feeling upset about it for a married woman, jurists and interpreters said about it, that it expresses going through some problems and disagreements with the husband regarding the financial situation, but it will end quickly. 
    • Cutting hair and being upset about it, the interpreters said, is a great worry and sadness that the dreamer goes through, but she must not stand in front of it and start planning her life again. 

    I dreamed that I cut my hair

    • Ibn Sirin says that if a married woman sees that she is cutting her hair in a dream while she feels happy and joyful, then she is pregnant soon. 
    • Seeing long hair cut and feeling joy and happiness is evidence of earning a lot of money, but if her hair is in the form of a braid, then it is a bad vision and indicates a major setback in her health. 
    • If the lady was pregnant and saw that she was cutting her hair here, the vision symbolizes an end to the troubles and sorrows that she feels, but if there were differences between her and her husband, she got rid of them soon.
    • Interpreters believe that seeing someone cutting your hair in a dream means that you will have a bad reputation and will mention you in a bad way among people, and it may express your need for others, which distorts your appearance in front of people. 
    • A dream about cutting hair by a person known to you warns you of being harmed by this person, but if it is from relatives, then this vision portends the deprivation of rights and the loss of money. 
    • Seeing a dead person cutting your hair was interpreted by the jurists as a loss of blessings and good deeds, especially if it was against the will of the seer. 
    • Seeing the hairdresser cutting the hair for the lady, and he did not find acceptance and approval from her, then this is poverty and a great delusion that will befall her.
    • If a single girl sees that a well-known person is cutting her hair, it is a vision that heralds her that marriage and engagement will soon come. 
    • Seeing a hair cut by a person known to the wife, then it is a joy and happiness that awaits her a lot, but if this person is the husband, he is here to see that heralds her pregnancy.
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    What is the interpretation of a dream about cutting short hair?

    • Seeing short hair cut in a dream is an indication of feeling weak and helpless if it is not met with approval and acceptance from the dreamer after the cut.
    • As for the dream of a woman cutting her hair in a beauty salon, it is repayment of a debt, says Al-Nabulsi
    • For a man, cutting short hair in a dream symbolizes loss of work, while for a woman, it symbolizes a feeling of fear and a search for safety

    What is the interpretation of cutting long hair and crying in a dream?

    • Seeing long hair cut and crying over it intensely and loudly is a bad vision, and Imam Al-Sadiq said about it that it is a warning of the loss of a close person to death, God forbid.
    • As for seeing long hair being cut without desire, it is exposure to injustice and bearing many responsibilities and burdens, which leads to a feeling of oppression and psychological pressure.
    • If a single girl sees herself cutting her long hair and crying over it, it is evidence of being forced to marry a person of bad character against her will.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about cutting hair in a salon for a married woman?

    • The vision of a married woman getting her hair cut in a salon is said by jurists to be an unpleasant vision and indicates that she is going through many problems and psychological obstacles that cause her to feel intense pain and loneliness.
    • The vision also expresses that there are many wrong things in her personality and behavior, and she must correct them and change the way she handles matters
    • However, if the hair is damaged and she sees that she is cutting it in the salon, then this vision symbolizes the correction and modification of many matters and getting rid of anxiety and psychological problems soon.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about cutting hair for a single woman from a known person?

    • Ibn Sirin says that a dream about a single woman getting her hair cut by a person known to her and who felt happy and secure indicates that this person is proposing to her or one of the people close to him.
    • However, if she feels extreme grief and sadness as a result of cutting her hair, it is a vision that expresses extreme anxiety and tension about the future. The vision may see her exposed to a crisis that will cause her many troubles, but she will overcome it, God willing.

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