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The 100 most important interpretations of a dream about a white cat by Ibn Sirin

  • White cats are among the pets that many adults and children love to keep. They are characterized by a cheerful and beautiful appearance, in addition to the fact that cats are animals that love to play a lot. But what is the interpretation of a dream about a white cat in a dream and what are the different connotations and interpretations that this vision carries for good? Or evil, this is what we will tell you through this article. Interpretation of a dream about a white cat

    Interpretation of a dream about a white cat

    • The dream of a white cat is one of the happy dreams that always expresses happiness and joy and receiving the good news that you have long waited for, according to the opinion of the majority of jurists. 
    • Imam Al-Osaimi says that the white, non-predatory cat in a dream denotes good luck and the success that accompanies the seer’s work during the current period, but the ferocious cat is not desirable and denotes obstacles and difficulties. 

    Interpretation of a dream about a white cat by Ibn Sirin

    • Ibn Sirin says that the white cat in a dream symbolizes meeting a hypocritical person who seeks to get close to the seer, but seeing him in the workplace indicates that he will soon assume an important position. 
    • Seeing a large white cat in a dream is a symbol of the desire to gain stability and independence in life, but in the event of being attacked by it, here the vision differs and expresses the difficulties and obstacles in life. 
    • exposure to Cat bite in a dream It indicates being betrayed and stabbed by someone close to you, or it may symbolize going through a severe health condition that prevents the dreamer from living his life normally. 
    • Feeling afraid of the cat expresses hesitation and inability to make decisions or take on new experiences, which may miss many opportunities. 
    • Imam Al-Nabulsi believes that the white cat in a single girl’s dream generally symbolizes entering into an emotional relationship that will be accompanied by success if she is not harmed by the cat. 
    • Seeing the beautiful white cat entering the house is a metaphor for happiness and hearing joyful news soon, as it expresses the occurrence of positive changes in her life. 
    • A dream about chasing and chasing a white cat for a single girl is a warning to her of the presence of a deceitful person who constantly monitors her movement and seeks to ensnare her in his net, and she must adhere to morals and stay away from him. 
    • Expelling the white cat from the house indicates a conscious girl who will get rid of bad friends and end an emotional relationship with a deceitful, ill-mannered young man, according to the interpretation of Ibn Shaheen. 

    Interpretation of a dream about a white cat for a married woman

    • A white cat in a dream for a married woman It is a good vision and indicates the soon occurrence of pregnancy with a male baby, while seeing two small cats indicates pregnancy with twin girls. 
    • A dream about the death of a white cat in a dream is a bad vision and indicates the death of the daughter, God forbid. But if the mother of the male children here, the vision indicates many losses and going through a period of sorrows. 
    • Seeing a white cat sitting on a stone or a wife’s leg is a vision that warns her of the presence of a deceitful and cunning woman in her life who seeks to spoil the relationship between her and the husband, and the matter may lead to her marriage to the husband. 
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    Interpretation of a dream about a white cat for a pregnant woman

    • Seeing a pregnant white cat in a dream expresses going through many troubles and severe crises, even if she saw that she was being served food. 
    • If the pregnant woman sees that the white cat is being harmed, then this vision symbolizes the severe difficulties in her life during the coming period, and warns her of the need to be careful not to be betrayed. 

    Interpretation of a dream about a white cat for a divorced woman

    • Seeing a divorced woman in a dream about a white cat is a warning to her that all those around her are hypocritical and carry deceitful bad feelings towards her, and she must be careful in dealing. 
    • Dreaming of a white cat in a dream of a divorced woman indicates the inability to get rid of the troubles and problems that she is going through in her life during the current period, and also indicates that she bears a responsibility beyond her capacity. 
    • A dream about a cat in a dream for a divorced woman indicates that she is surrounded by many spiteful and envious people who plan to get her into trouble.

    Interpretation of a dream about a white cat for a man

    • The white cat in a dream symbolizes a man, meaning there are people seeking to steal him, but Ibn Shaheen said in the interpretation of the vision that it indicates hearing happy news soon. 
    • White cats in a dream for an unmarried young man were interpreted by jurists as symbolizing a close marriage to a girl of good character, but in a dream of a married man, they indicate the emergence of problems and disagreements between him and his wife. 
    • Jurisprudents say that expelling white cats in a dream symbolizes the ability to overcome difficulties and problems and return stability to life as it was, and fear of it is a sign of the inability to reach goals. 

    Interpretation of a dream about a white cat in the house

    • Dreaming of a white cat entering the house is an indication of feelings of worry and grief, and the outbreak of problems and disagreements between the people of the house. 
    • The vision of the white cat entering the house indicates difficulties and severe financial hardship. It also denotes the entry of people of ill repute into the house, and the people of the house must stay away from them. 
    • Cats attack in a dream It indicates being harmed by enemies and competitors. If you are able to escape from them, then the vision here is good and indicates victory, but if the cats manage to do so, you will be exposed to harm. 
    • Seeing the cat attack, which Ibn Shaheen said about it, is an indication of the psychological pressure that a man feels as a result of the desire to complete many things at one time, and the seer should not rush things. 
    • The attack of the white cat on the married woman and biting her in the foot area means that the lady will reveal the secrets of her house to unreliable people, which will expose her to many problems.

    Interpretation of a dream about a white cat biting my hand

    • A dream about a white cat biting the hand in a dream indicates that the dreamer faces many daunting challenges in his life, which indicates a sense of failure and inability to reach goals. 
    • Seeing a white cat biting the hand without causing you harm is a good vision and has many good indications, including earning lawful money. 
    • Ibn Sirin believes that the cat bite in general is not desirable and indicates that he is going through a severe financial crisis and the accumulation of debt on him, and if he is on the verge of a project, then this vision indicates loss and failure. 
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    Interpretation of a dream about the birth of a white cat

    • Seeing the birth of a white cat in a dream means that the seer suffers from magic and envy, and he must protect himself by reading the Qur’an and drawing closer to God. 
    • This vision expresses the presence of many people who cause problems in a man’s life, and he must beware of them. If he suffers from illness, then it is a sign that the disease is severe for him. 

    Interpretation of a dream about a white cat

    • The interpretation of a dream about a white cat’s gift in a dream is a vision that indicates an unstable marriage in which the woman faces many problems and disagreements, but if she is going to work, she will be exposed to deception and trouble.
    • Interpreters believe that seeing a white cat as a gift is a warning to you of someone who wants to harm you and that you should be aware of him. 
    • Seeing a cat as a gift in a dream and rejecting it indicates intelligence, discernment, and the dreamer’s ability to confront enemies and get rid of obstacles he is going through. 

    Interpretation of a dream about a sleeping white cat

    • Imam Al-Sadiq says that the white cat in the dream is a reflection and interpretation of the personality of the seer. 
    • The sleeping white cat symbolizes marriage to the beloved for the bachelor, despite the existence of some differences and obstacles that this emotional relationship has gone through. 

    Interpretation of a dream about a dead white cat

    • The dead white cat in a dream is a symbol of the end of the worries and troubles that have been surrounding the opinion all the time. As for seeing it without feeling afraid, it is interpreted as hearing happy news. 
    • Seeing a dead cat in a dream indicates the ability to overcome challenges and hardships, to move away from pessimism, and to start a new life. This vision also expresses good luck in life. 

    Interpretation of a dream about a haunted white cat

    • Sheikh Al-Nabulsi says that dreaming of a haunted white cat and feeling very afraid of it symbolizes the presence of a malicious and notorious woman in the life of the lady and she must stay away from her. 
    • Imam al-Sadiq says that this vision symbolizes exposure to magic and envy from those around the seer, and it must always be fortified with the Holy Qur’an. 
    • Ibn Sirin says that seeing a white cat inhabited in a dream by a married woman is a metaphor for the entry of a malicious and notorious woman into her life, but she will be the cause of conflicts between her and the husband. 

    Interpretation of a dream about running away from a white cat

    • Running away from cats in a dream is a metaphor for trying to get rid of the problems that the seer is going through in his life, in addition to moving away from people with a bad reputation and bad friends. 
    • Commentators say that Seeing many cats in a dream Entering the house while escaping from it is an indication of conflict, feelings of extreme anxiety, and severe psychological pressure, in addition to disagreements with the family. 
    • Escaping from cats and succeeding in getting rid of them is a good vision, and it indicates the dreamer’s ability to overcome the crises and sorrows that he is going through, but if he suffers from sadness, then it is a sign of happiness and salvation from fatigue. 
    • Seeing escaping from cats in a single girl’s dream was interpreted by jurists as a symbol of close marriage. As for escaping from predatory cats, it is a symbol of getting rid of the enemies surrounding her. 
    • Dreaming of escaping from ferocious cats in dreams for a married woman is evidence of severe suffering from hatred and envy, which leads to igniting disputes between her and her husband.
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    Interpretation of a dream about feeding a white cat

    • Interpretation of a dream about feeding a white cat in a dream indicates tranquility, calmness, and good manners, in addition to achieving many goals and achievements in life. 
    • Ibn Sirin believes that feeding the cat in a dream indicates that the dreamer enjoys a strong personality capable of taking responsibility, and also expresses a feeling of happiness and comfort in real life. 
    • Imam Al-Nabulsi says that feeding white cats in a dream is one of the good visions that express many good things and positive events that happen to the seer during this period, as well as getting rid of sorrows. 
    • Feeding a male cat in a dream is an unpleasant vision and indicates that the seer may be exposed to treachery and betrayal by someone close to him. 

    What is the interpretation of the dream of a white cat on the street?

    • White cats in a dream, if they are small, are a symbol of being deceived and betrayed by people close to you, while seeing a girl is a symbol of vanity.
    • Imam Ibn Sirin interpreted white cats in a dream as signifying severe suffering and disease, God forbid, especially if the seer saw that he was being scratched and attacked by them.
    • Dreaming of seeing ferocious white cats is an indication of severe suffering and the presence of many obstacles and problems in real life. This vision also indicates intense worries and sorrows.

    Interpretation of a dream about a white cat talking, what does it mean?

    • Scientists say that seeing a white cat talking in a dream is a good vision and indicates the future and an increase in goodness.
    • This vision in a dream also indicates to the young man that he is distinguished by extreme intelligence and a cunning personality, which indicates a bright future.
    • Dreaming of being afraid of a white cat in a dream has been interpreted as being exposed to many evils and machinations that surround the dreamer. It also symbolizes the presence of an enemy of yours who causes you sadness and harm.
    • Dreaming of being afraid of a white cat in a dream, which Ibn Sirin said is evidence of instability in life, but if you expel it, it is a symbol of overcoming problems.
    • Feeling afraid of a white cat in a dream symbolizes anxiety, a lot of thinking about the future, and an unstable psychological state.
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