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Royal Marketing Strategies

Royal Marketing Strategies

Why is Royal Marketing Strategies the best and easiest way for Promoting, Marketing, Advertising and Branding your content?
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1.) Digital marketing

        • online marketing.
• Online marketing we are focusing on where most people are which is
°♧ Facebook Advertising.
°♧ Instagram Advertising.
°♧ YouTube Advertising.
°♧ Google Advertising.
We reach more people through running ads that lead directly to
°♤ website visits
°♤ Leads
°♤ WhatsApp messenges
°♤ content promotion (Photos, posters, video, podcasts, etc)
Depending on how long an individual wants the ads to run or area to cover (the ads focus on the type of people a company wants to target to narrow it down to the right people we look for characteristics, behaviour, what the person likes, hobbies, where the person is from, demographic, gender and age).
2.) Brand Development.

Here we will focusing on what the company does, offers and who are the right customers for the company.
Colours of the company as well as the logo.
Wording for the company.
Fonts to be used


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  • 065 700 1457


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3865 Pufferfish Street
South Africa
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