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Praying for the dead in a dream and interpreting the dream of praying with the dead

  • Praying for the dead in a dream is something that an individual may see from time to time, because each of us has lost someone dear to his heart, and since this is the case, it behooves the scholars to shed light on this matter and extract all the messages and connotations that it may indicate. Taking into account the difference in psychological and social status, as well as the health status of the dreamer, this dream most likely indicates the dreamer’s relationship with the dead person and that they were in a close relationship. It may also indicate that the dreamer misses the dreamer greatly and wishes to talk to him and listen to him, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.

    Praying for the dead in a dream

    • Praying for the dead in a dream is evidence that the dreamer’s conditions have changed from worse to better and that he will have a peaceful life with no problems at all.
    • If a man sees in his dream praying for the dead, this is a warning to the man to stop committing sins and stay away from the path of corruption.
    • When the dreamer sees for himself that there are many funerals and he prays at them, this is a warning that the dreamer is committing many wrong things and his torment will be great if he does not stop committing those mistakes.
    • Praying for a dead person in a dream, who was one of his relatives, means that the dreamer will be exposed to a health problem and he must pray for himself to recover.

    Praying for the dead in a dream by Ibn Sirin

    • Praying for the dead in a dream according to Ibn Sirin is evidence that the dreamer will obtain many good things and blessings, such as obtaining a new job opportunity or an inheritance.
    • If a single woman sees in her dream praying for the dead, this indicates the dreamer’s feeling of happiness and stability, whether in his academic or personal life.
    • Praying for the dead in a dream while crying means that the dreamer will be exposed to many problems and disagreements that will affect his life negatively.
    • If the dreamer sees in his dream praying for the dead, this means traveling abroad and feeling sad for him, his friends, and his family.

    Praying for the dead in a dream for single women

    • Praying for the dead in a dream for a single woman is evidence of her bright future and her achievement of many achievements within a short period of time.
    • If a single woman sees in her dream praying for the dead, this means that she will receive a promotion at her work and thus she will receive abundant goodness.
    • Interpretation of praying for the dead in a dream for a single woman indicates the dreamer’s feeling of love and affection.
    • If a single woman sees in her dream performing the funeral prayer at home, this indicates feelings of worry and sadness during the coming period.  

    Praying for the dead in a dream for a married woman

    • Praying for the dead in a dream for a married woman is evidence that she has many good qualities such as honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty and many other qualities.
    • If a married woman sees in her dream praying for the dead, this is evidence of the deceased’s need for someone to support him or do charity on his behalf.
    • Praying for the dead in a dream for a married woman indicates her feeling of sadness as a result of the travel of someone close to her.
    • If a married woman sees in her dream praying for the dead, this is evidence that her husband will achieve great success in his life.
    اقرأ:  İbn Şirin'in rüyada saati görmenin en önemli 20 yorumu

    Praying for the dead in a dream for a pregnant woman

    • Praying for the dead in a dream for a pregnant woman is evidence that the pregnancy period has passed safely without her fetus being exposed to any problem.
    • If a pregnant woman sees in her dream praying for the dead, this is evidence that she will obtain the type of fetus she desires, whether male or female.
    • For a pregnant woman, praying for the dead in a dream is evidence of her married life free of all problems and pressures.
    • When a pregnant woman sees in her dream that she is praying over the dead with her husband, this means her intense love for her husband, their good, stable relationship, and their ability to overcome any problem, regardless of its size.

    Praying for the dead in a dream for a divorced woman

    • For a divorced woman, praying for the dead in a dream is evidence of the entry of a new person into her life who will compensate her for her previous life, which was full of fatigue and hardship.
    • If a divorced woman sees in her dream that she is praying over the dead in a dream, this means that God will bestow upon her abundant goodness that will improve her life and make her live a happy ascetic life.
    • Praying for the dead in a divorced woman’s dream means providing the best future for her children by obtaining the best study scholarship.
    • Interpretation of praying over the dead in a dream for a divorced woman indicates that she will regain all her rights from her ex-husband.

    Praying for the dead in a dream for a man

    • For a man, praying over a dead person in a dream indicates the presence of many bad people surrounding him and he must be careful.
    • If a man sees prayers for the dead in his dream, this indicates traveling abroad and family members feeling extremely sad.
    • For a man, praying over a dead person in a dream means that many misfortunes and problems will occur in his life, so he must be more wise in dealing with problems.
    • If a man sees in his dream praying for the dead, this is a warning to the dreamer to stop making mistakes and get closer to God Almighty.

    Interpretation of a dream about praying for the dead while he is alive

    • Interpretation of a dream about praying for a dead person while he is alive is evidence that the person who died in the dream is exposed to something bad in reality.
    • If a single woman sees in her dream that she is praying for the dead while he is alive and she is having problems with her family members, this is evidence of strengthening the relationship with her family members and helping them.
    • Interpretation of a dream about praying for a dead person while he is alive is evidence of the dreamer’s long life and that he will attain many good things.
    • If a man sees in his dream a dream of praying for the dead while he is alive, this is evidence of the strength of his character after he has been exposed to a long period of weakness.
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    Interpretation of a dream about praying for the dead while he is dead

    • Interpretation of a dream about praying for a dead person while he is dead is evidence of the dreamer’s repentance from committing all sins and transgressions and his desire to get closer to God Almighty.
    • If the dreamer sees in his dream that he is praying over the dead person while he is dead, this indicates that the dreamer will attain a high status in the coming period.
    • Interpretation of a dream about praying for a dead person while he is dead is evidence of the spread of strife in the city in which the dreamer lives.
    • If the dreamer sees in his dream praying for the dead while he is sad, this indicates that his feeling of sadness increases and that there is no one to stand by him.

    A vision of praying for the dead in the sanctuary

    • The vision of praying for the dead in the sanctuary means opening the doors of livelihood and the dreamer obtaining abundant goodness, whether in his field of work or obtaining an inheritance.
    • If a single woman sees in her dream that she is praying in the Grand Mosque in Mecca, this is evidence that the date of her marriage to a person she will love and live a happy life with is approaching.
    • The vision of praying for the dead in the sanctuary is evidence that the dreamer will achieve all his wishes and dreams that he has been dreaming of for a long time.
    • Interpretation of the vision of praying for the dead in the Grand Mosque in Mecca is evidence that the dreamer will enter into a project through which he will earn a lot of money.

    Praying for an unknown dead person in a dream

    • Praying for an unknown dead person in a dream is evidence that the dreamer has a health problem in addition to the deterioration of the dreamer’s psychological condition.
    • If a man sees in his dream praying for an unknown person, this is evidence that he has acquired a lot of money illegally, and he will be severely punished on the Day of Resurrection.
    • Praying for an unknown dead person in a dream is evidence that the dreamer has lost something very important, which may make him suffer from a bad psychological state.
    • If a single woman sees that she is praying over an unknown dead person in a dream, this is evidence of her feeling of loneliness.
    • Praying for an unknown dead person in a married woman’s dream is evidence of many marital problems occurring between her and her husband.
    اقرأ:  نمک کے ساتھ حمل کا ٹیسٹ کیسے کریں اور حاملہ عورت کا پیشاب نمک کے ساتھ کیسا لگتا ہے؟

    Not praying for the dead in a dream

    • Not praying for the dead in a dream is evidence that the dreamer has committed many sins and he must be more careful and stop committing those mistakes.
    • If the dreamer sees that he is in a mosque and there is a funeral prayer but he does not pray, this means that he will be surrounded by bad people and he must be careful and stay away from meeting these friends.
    • Not praying for the dead in a dream means that the dreamer will fail to achieve his dreams and ambitions.
    • If the dreamer sees that he is unable to pray for the dead, this indicates the dead person’s negligence in matters of religion and he must pray for him for forgiveness from God Almighty.
    • For a student, not praying for the dead in a dream is evidence of his academic failure and obtaining low grades.

    Interpretation of a dream about the dead recommends the living to pray

    • Interpretation of a dream about a dead person advising the living to pray is evidence that the dreamer bears many responsibilities in his life, whether at work or at home.
    • If the dreamer sees in his dream that the dead person advises him to pray, this indicates that the dreamer will obtain abundant goodness from the dead person by leaving an inheritance for the dreamer.
    • Interpretation of a dream about a living dead person recommends prayer for a married woman, indicating that her husband will obtain a job opportunity abroad.
    • If a single woman sees that there is a deceased person advising her to pray, this indicates her success in her academic life and her obtaining high grades.
    • Interpretation of a dream about a dead person advising the living to pray, indicates getting rid of problems and worries once and for all.

    Interpretation of a dream about praying with the dead

    • Interpretation of a dream about praying with a dead person is evidence that the dreamer will obtain a lot of money from a legal source.
    • If a divorced woman sees in her dream a dream of praying with a dead person, this is evidence that she has forgotten her husband and has regained all her rights from him.
    • Interpretation of a dream about praying with a dead person for a married woman is evidence of her stable marital life, and it is also evidence that God will bless her with good offspring.
    • For a divorced woman, the dream of praying with a dead person in a dream is evidence that she will obtain a new job opportunity that will change her life and through which she will earn a lot of money, which will allow her to live a stable life.
    • Interpretation of a dream about praying with a dead person for a single young man means that he will obtain a new job opportunity in addition to his success in studying, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.
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