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Morocco Dance World Cup

Morocco Dance World Cup

International Dance Competition
290, lot prevention, Tétouan
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Morocco Dance World Cup is the biggest dance competition in Africa and The Middle East in theaters for dancers of all levels and all ages in the dance styles: urban, modern, contemporary, bellydance, jazz and ballet… Everyone is welcome to participate, don’t hesitate to subscribe!

The goal of the organization is to bring, talented dancers together during the competitions, to get them in touch with each other and to learn from each other. Morocco Dance World Cup encourages talent and promotes them by offering chances to compete on big stages with professional light, judges and photographers. It is the perfect way to put yourself in the spotlight! 


Call now

  • 0677-394085


Get directions

290, lot prevention
Tétouan 93000
اقرأ:  Al zahra cafeteria br2

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