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Madarek almutgadmah for contracting &drilling wells

Madarek almutgadmah for contracting &drilling wells

مقاول حفر الآبار في الدمام
سيفتح في 8:00 ص غدًا
صورة العنوان للموقع الإلكتروني

ساعات العمل

السبت: 8:00 ص – 4:00 م
الأحد: 8:00 ص – 4:00 م
الاثنين: 8:00 ص – 4:00 م
الثلاثاء: 8:00 ص – 4:00 م
الأربعاء: 8:00 ص – 4:00 م
الخميس: 8:00 ص – 4:00 م
الجمعة: مغلق


Est. is on the belief of integrity, engineering talent, and a dedication to our
customers would make us the very best in the industry. For more than
years, our success and reputation in the market place have been testaments to
their wisdom.



The mission of Madarek Est. is to build
on our reputation for integrity, excellence, experience and leadership as the
nation’s finest contracting company by:

Continuously improving
the quality of our work and services.

  • Constantly
    striving to exceed each client’s expectations.
  • Maintaining
    our dedication to the highest moral principles.
  • Providing
    our people with a challenging, secure and safe environment in which to
    achieve personal career goals.

Strength and

Our management structure reveals the continued
dedication to people. Our Staff continues to be developed and promoted from
within, and their average years with the firm set industry standards.

Our Company is
a dynamic and professionally managed organization having business interests
throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the field of Contracting,
Construction, Engineering, Our philosophy is to efficiently market our services
with good quality in order to sustain a long term business relationship with
our suppliers, customers and end-users.

Our main asset is our credibility and
excellent reputation that we gained over the years in the market. Since the
start we have been continuously working hard to stand firmly and have attained
a unique identity for our self in this field. We are trying and have been successful
in fulfilling our commitment to our self and our customers in providing and
maintaining high standards. We make sure that the products and the services we
deal in were of good quality and reliability. Our activities are
certified for the quality and performance and our customer’s peace of mind.

اقرأ:  Karpagam Academy of Higher Education





Construction Technical


Madarek advance Est.
undertakes all kind of works which are include

But not limited to the




 Construction of
electrical overhead line 13.8 KV up to 34.5 KV power supply to Aramco


well head facilities and Cathodic Protection System.
Construction consisting of Pole


Errection , Pole Framing, Wire Stringing and sagging ,
Installation of Grounding poles


and Testing and Commissioning.


Aside from electrical, Madarek Advance Est. is also
knowledgeable in installation of all


kind of anticorrosion system or Cathodic Protection System,
consisting of installation of


deep anode bed, vertical anode, negative & positive cable,
splice box, junction box, rectifier


and power supply from solar system.



الاتصال الآن

  • 055 510 5669
  • 055 488 3336


‏‫الحصول على الاتجاهات

11 Street
الدمام 32242

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