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Interpretations of Ibn Sirin to see riding a horse in a dream

  • Riding a horse in a dream. Seeing a horse is one of the visions that carries in its essence many positive connotations. Horses are a symbol of courage, boldness, and strength. However, this vision has other interpretations that vary according to the details of the dream and the condition of the dreamer. In this article, we mention the significance of riding a horse and falling off it, chasing it, and racing. With it, we also explain the effect of horse color on the context of vision, and in this article we review all the connotations and cases in detail and explanation.Riding a horse in a dream

    What is the dream of riding a horse?

    • The horse or horse symbolizes high status, prestige, elevation and honor, the ability to endure and be patient, achieve goals and objectives, win spoils and defeat enemies.
    • Riding a horse in a dream denotes travel and movement from one place to another, harvesting the goal and goal, enjoying many advantages and gifts, reaching what is wanted, paying attention to opinion, great luck and many good things.
    • And whoever sees that he is learning to ride a horse, this is an indication of good qualities, giving up bad temper, achieving goals and objectives, overcoming obstacles and obstacles, and reaching beneficial solutions.
    • And whoever witnesses that he is riding a horse and racing with it, this is a sign of haste in doing good deeds, voluntarily offering a hand of help and assistance, selecting good companions, and avoiding distraction and idle talk.

    Riding a horse in a dream by Ibn Sirin

    • Ibn Sirin believes that horses denote dignity, sovereignty, mastery, prestigious status, good reputation and good conduct among people, aspiration for the best, competition and initiative for good, good deeds and a blessed life.
    • The vision of riding a horse indicates sovereignty, glory and splendor, if the horse is purebred, but if it is foreign, then this is an indication of pride and vanity, or the severity of vanity and bragging about lineage and lineage.
    • As for seeing a raging horse riding, there is no good in it, and it indicates the harm that will befall the rider, incapacity and lack of resourcefulness, intense rivalry, and entering into competitions with unsafe consequences.
    • And if he sees the horse jumping with it, this indicates smooth achievement of goals and demands, speed in achieving goals and objectives, the ability to overcome obstacles and difficulties, and ultimately achieve what is desired.

    Riding a horse in a dream for Nabulsi

    • Al-Nabulsi goes on to say that the horse indicates dignity, authority, strength, honor and chivalry, and whoever sees that he is riding a horse, this indicates a great victory, victory over enemies and the achievement of the desired goal.
    • And whoever sees that he is riding a dowry, this indicates the man who relies on his son, and if he rides him in the street, then he separates people, fulfills their needs, enjoins what is right and forbids what is wrong.
    • And if he rides a horse to fight a war, then he is striving and sitting with the people of truth, and the horse may turn to the bride. If the horse does not accept his riding, then a bride may reject him.
    • And if he witnesses that he is teaching someone else to ride a horse, then he advises him in matters of marriage, and teaches the man about his wife, and an obedient horse in riding it is better than a raging, disobedient one.
    • The horse symbolizes the good news of a good husband, and marriage in the near future.
    • And if she sees that she is riding a horse, this indicates her favor in the heart of her lover, her control over her fiancé or husband, and her great position in his heart.
    • And if the horse is agitated, this indicates his excessive attachment to it and his intense jealousy. Buying and riding horses is conferred on the husband or the engagement from a purebred man.
    • Seeing horses indicates her happiness with her husband, her good conditions, and the facilitation of things, and riding horses denotes her sovereignty and control over her husband.
    • And if she sees that she is taking care of the horse, then she is taking care of her husband, and if she sees that he is riding the horse and beating it, then this is a benefit that she will get from her husband.
    • But if the horse kicked her, then this indicates her divorce from her husband, and if she bought horses, then she will have children in the coming period.
    • The horse in her dream indicates the care and attention she receives from her husband and guardian, happiness and endurance, and patience and certainty.
    • Riding a horse indicates her favor and position among her peers, meeting her requirements without negligence or delay, reaching safety, the imminent date of her birth and facilitating her.
    • And the purchase of horses symbolizes the birth of males and the increase in the enjoyment of the world, and the birth of a horse indicates the near relief, ease and pleasure, and overcoming obstacles and obstacles.
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    Riding a horse in a dream for a divorced woman

    • Horses in their dreams indicate strength, endurance, pride and honor, going through trials and battles, achieving goals and meeting needs.
    • And if she sees that she is riding a horse, this indicates that there is an opportunity to marry a purebred noble man, and if he is white, then he takes care of her, clings to her, and compensates her for what she lost.
    • Drinking horse milk indicates adherence to customs and norms, and the horse bite is a warning to beware of her ex-wife, and the purchase of horses is a man who wants to marry her.
    • Riding a horse in a dream for a man expresses status and loftiness, vanity and prestige, sovereignty, power and authority, privileges and great gifts.
    • Riding a horse for the married indicates the wife’s sexual intercourse, the intensity of love, the union of hearts in times of crisis, the birth of males, the increase in the enjoyment of the world, and the attainment of demands and goals.
    • And whoever sees that he is riding a horse and racing with it, then he is racing in doing good, volunteering to provide aid, and meeting the needs of those he knows.
    • The black horse indicates sovereignty, prestige, prestige, fame among people, the assumption of honorable positions, and success in achieving the planned goals.
    • And whoever witnesses that he is riding a black horse, this is an indication of his status, his conduct, his dignity, victory over enemies and mastery over them, and waging wars for the sake of truth, and jihad for the sake of raising the banner of righteousness.
    • As for if it falls from the black horse, then this is glory and supremacy that will disappear, and a decrease in money and health, a decrease in status and status, a loss of prestige and a return to the beginning, and if he ascends the horse, his conditions will change for the better.
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    Falling off a horse in a dream

    • Falling off the horse symbolizes impotence, helplessness, weakness, retreat and deterioration of living conditions, failure to achieve the goal and destination, extreme fatigue and hardship in achieving goals.
    • And if he sees that he is falling from his horse, this indicates that his wife may take him off because of his misbehavior and behavior, and on the other hand, the vision indicates illness, exposure to a health problem, and successive losses.
    • And whoever sees that he falls from his horse, then rides it again, this is an indication of starting again, and renewing attempts to achieve goals, perseverance, patience, and a careful review of the problems and deficiencies and their treatment.

    Chasing a horse in a dream

    • Chasing a horse indicates that the father is chasing his son. If the horse is angry, this indicates that the boy has reached adolescence or youth, the agitation of that stage and the recklessness and haste that follows.
    • And if he sees the horse biting him, then this is a benefit that he will get from one of his children, but if he sees the horse kicking him, then this is disobedience on the part of the children, and if the horse kills him, then this is rudeness and harshness in dealing with the people of the house.
    • And if the dreamer has a son, and he sees that he is afraid of the horse, then this is an indication of fear of the child or fear of competition and avoiding them, always resorting to working alone, and achieving goals slowly without haste.
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    What is the interpretation of horse racing in a dream?

  • Horse racing indicates initiative in doing good and reconciliation, competing in good deeds, selecting good deeds and differentiating between them and wrongful deeds. If he sees that he is participating in a horse race, this indicates volunteering in good deeds and participating in helping others. If he wins the race, he has succeeded in reconciling the dispute, but if he sees that he is losing a race. The horse is striving for truth and goodness, and if he sees a horse jumping race, this indicates achieving goals, pursuing hopes and goals, and achieving what is desired.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about riding a brown horse?

  • Riding a brown horse expresses strength, distress, clinging to dreams, hopes, insight, hopeful expectations, successive pleasures and joys, and eliminating the troubles of life. Whoever sees that he is riding a brown horse and racing with it, then he is competing in good deeds and hastening to do good deeds, but if the brown horse is angry, this is the enthusiasm of youth, and if he sees that he is afraid of the horse. The brown one is afraid of a competitor in his work, and if he rides a brown horse and it falls, this is an indication of loss and miserable failure

    What is the interpretation of a dream about riding a white horse?

  • A white horse indicates good nature, clear truth, great victory, meeting needs, achieving goals, following the right path, abandoning falsehood and idle talk, accompanying the people of truth, and sitting with the righteous. Whoever sees that he is riding a white horse, this indicates deep faith, strong religiosity, distance from suspicion, lawful earning, good deeds, and following virtues and good morals. If a person falls from it, this indicates a setback and work to combat the soul from the lusts and desires that plague it.
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