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Interpretations of Ibn Sirin to see hair falling out in a dream

  • What is the interpretation of a dream about hair falling out and what does it indicate? Seeing hair falling out in a dream is a common vision that carries with it both good and evil. It symbolizes getting rid of worries and sorrows if the hair is dirty and split. It may also express severe troubles and the loss of money in some interpretations. We will discuss all the different connotations of the vision from Throughout this article. Hair fall in a dream

    Hair fall in a dream

    • Interpreters say that seeing hair loss in a dream for a man is not desirable and indicates severe suffering and loss of money to the extent of hair loss from the head, especially if the scalp appears. 
    • Sheikh Al-Nabulsi believes that hair loss in a dream for the poor is an increase in poverty and debt. As for the rich, it is a good vision and indicates an abundance of money and the cessation of worry and distress. 
    • Seeing hair loss from the front of the head indicates that an important matter will happen quickly, whether it is good or bad, but if it is from the back of the head, then it is an indication that an important matter will be delayed for the dreamer. 
    • A dream about hair loss from the right area is evidence of a disaster for male relatives, while hair loss from the left is evidence of a disaster for female relatives. 

    Hair falling out in a dream by Ibn Sirin

    • Ibn Sirin says that hair falling out in a dream is a sign of suffering from worry and grief and the presence of troubles on the part of the parents. As for the hair falling out for the owner of money and power, it is a symbol of loss and going to glory and prestige. 
    • If a man sees in a dream that his hair is getting thicker and then falling out again, then this is a loss of money and severe suffering from debt. As for the fall of one strand of hair, it symbolizes the separation and loss of a dear person. 
    • Seeing hair fall when touching it is the loss of wealth and money as a result of the seer’s waste and lack of good disposal of money, according to the interpretation of Imam Ibn Shaheen Al Dhaheri.
    • Seeing hair loss in a dream for a single girl warns her of exposure to a scandal and the disclosure of an important secret about her life, which will cause her severe troubles as much as she witnessed of the amount of hair loss. 
    • Seeing hair loss when touched by a single woman is a waste of the effort you are making without being able to achieve a benefit. As for seeing a baldness, it means falling into temptation as a result of being away from the right path. 
    • Imam Ibn Shaheen interpreted a vision of body hair falling out as a good vision that expresses the urgent approach of the engagement and wedding, and if she was suffering from a disease, she received the dress of wellness and health. 
    • Hair loss in a dream for single women in abundance is an undesirable vision and indicates the fading of health in general and the passage of a difficult psychological state that leads to feeling a lot of sadness. 
    • Dreaming of hair falling out in a dream, then followed by growth again, is a good vision and indicates going through a period with a lot of pain, but God will compensate her a lot for all the difficulties and troubles she went through.
    • Interpretation jurists say that profuse hair loss reflects the psychological state and the feeling of instability in her life.
    • Dreaming of white hair falling out in a dream for a single girl indicates that she will get rid of a bad relationship in her life in the coming period, or get rid of girls with a bad reputation. 
    • Seeing white hair falling out in a dream for a single girl, Imam Al-Nabulsi said about him that seeing him is praiseworthy and indicates overcoming all the penalties and difficulties he is going through. 
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    Hair fall in a dream for a married woman

    • Dreaming of hair falling out in a dream for a married woman, while feeling a state of great sadness as a result of this matter, this vision indicates the loss of something important and dear to her heart. 
    • Seeing hair loss in the form of tufts indicates many problems with the husband, which leads to instability in her marital life. 
    • Dreaming of hair loss in the form of many voids appearing in the head and that she is trying to hide them. The vision here indicates that she is hiding many secrets about her personal life. 
    • Ibn Sirin says that the dream of a married woman pulling out or shaving her hair is a bad thing and warns them of a severe ordeal during the coming period.
    • A dream about a large lock of hair falling out for a married woman was interpreted by Ibn Katheer as a pregnancy soon if it was in a dark color, but if it was in a blond color, then it is a symbol of happiness and the husband’s love for her. 
    • Seeing the fall of a large lock of hair and it was curly is a symbol of getting rid of the problems and worries that disturb her life and occupy her mind, and if she suffers from the bitterness of the debt, she will pay it off soon, God willing. 
    • If the husband is looking for a new job opportunity and sees his wife’s hair falling out in a dream, then this vision promises them the achievement of their goals and wishes. 

    Hair loss in a dream for a pregnant woman

    • Seeing hair falling out in abundance in a dream for a pregnant woman is a vision that warns her of the need to take care of herself, and she must take into account nutrition and continuous follow-up with the specialist doctor so that her health is not endangered. 
    • Seeing white hair falling out in a dream for a pregnant woman is a vision that heralds her that she will have a male baby if she is at the beginning of pregnancy, but if she knows the sex of the fetus, then it is salvation from trouble. 
    • Seeing hair falling out a lot under the feet in large quantities is a warning to her of missing an important opportunity that almost transformed her life for the better, but if it is curly, then it is a symbol of recovery and deliverance from something unpleasant. 
    • If the lady feels very sad or is going through a crisis in her life and sees her hair falling out profusely, then it is a metaphor for getting rid of troubles and sorrows in the coming period. 

    Hair loss in a dream for a divorced woman 

    • Seeing hair falling out in a dream for a divorced woman in the form of completely tufts expresses deliverance from worry and salvation from the crises she is going through. 
    • Seeing hair loss in a big way in a dream is a symbol of many crises and troubles, but if she sees hair falling under her feet, it is a warning to her against rushing to make important and fateful decisions in her life. 
    • A dream about hair falling out in a dream for a divorced woman, and feeling a state of great sadness for her, symbolizes remorse for separating from her husband. 
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    Hair loss in a dream for a man

    • Imam al-Sadiq says that seeing hair loss in a dream for a man is a bad vision and indicates that a great calamity will occur for one of the relatives. As for seeing hair loss to the point of baldness, it is evidence of bankruptcy. 
    • Sheikh Al-Nabulsi says that hair loss in a dream is for a man who suffers from debt and worry, as it is a payment for him and an abundance of livelihood, while the loss of body hair is a symbol of exerting a lot of effort without achieving a benefit. 
    • Seeing the loss of body hair in a dream for men was interpreted by Ibn Sirin as a lack of prestige among people, but if hair falls from the palms of the palms, it is a praiseworthy vision and indicates work after a period of unemployment. 
    • Dreaming of the wife’s hair falling out in the husband’s dream is bad, and the jurists interpreted it as severe suffering from narrow livelihood and many troubles in the field of work.
    • Dreaming of hair falling out when touching it in a dream means many troubles and losses that the dreamer is exposed to as a result of competition for a position or money, but if it falls out when combing, then it is a difficulty in paying off the debt. 
    • If the dreamer has a lot of money, then the vision here indicates separation and loss of money to the extent that hair falls out when combing, and it also indicates severe troubles and disagreements with family and relatives.

    Red hair falling out in a dream

    • Red hair expresses love and the strength of feelings and emotions that the viewer generally holds towards a person, so seeing it falling out indicates going through an emotional problem. 
    • Seeing red hair falling out and crying intensely over it by the single girl is evidence of disagreements with the fiancé, and her desire to take revenge on him, as it symbolizes feelings of hatred and hatred. 
    • Seeing a married woman cutting red hair in a dream expresses going through a difficult period with many disagreements with her husband, but shaving it permanently portends the occurrence of divorce. 
    • Ibn Sirin says that the dream of hair loss on the hand in a man’s dream expresses severe distress in livelihood and going through a big problem in his life, but he will quickly overcome it. 
    • Dreaming of curly or lumpy hair falling out is desirable and indicates getting rid of all the many obstacles and challenges that he is going through, and he has to make a lot of effort to achieve everything he wants. 
    • Interpreters say that hair loss on the hand for a poor person is a good vision and indicates earning a lot of money, paying off debt, and obtaining many important opportunities in his life. 

    Interpretation of a lock of hair falling out in a dream

    • Imam Ibn Sirin says that seeing a lock of hair fall in a dream for a man is a strong indication of salvation from difficult challenges and problems he is going through in his life, in addition to salvation from a financial crisis. 
    • A dream about tufts of hair falling out, Imam Al-Sadiq said about it, is a symbol of success and good luck in life in general, on the practical or emotional level, in addition to that it indicates superiority and success for the student of knowledge.
    • The fall of a long lock of hair for a single girl, about which Imam Al-Nabulsi said that it symbolizes a delay in the matter of marriage or the endeavors that make efforts to achieve it, as it is a metaphor for a life that has many pressures. 
    • The loss of a lock of hair for a married woman indicates the loss of an important opportunity for her.
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    Eyebrow hair falling out in a dream

    • Seeing eyebrow hair falling out in general is one of the visions that indicates the rapid appearance of signs of aging and old age on the woman. 
    • Seeing the eyebrow hair falling out in a dream for a man expresses the many worries and troubles that he bears as a result of the misbehavior of his children with him, but if he shaves it, it is evidence of the loss of someone close to him. 
    •  Interpreters say that seeing the eyebrow hair falling out in a dream for a divorced woman expresses her recklessness, which leads to missing many important opportunities in addition to entering into many problems with those around her. 
    • Seeing a single girl with her eyebrows falling out is a symbol of exposure to a great calamity in her life, while shaving her eyebrows indicates the commission of sins and misdeeds.

    White hair falling out in a dream for single women

    •  Seeing plucking gray hair and white hair in a dream for single women is a good vision and expresses renewed hope and a way out of the state of despair and fear that you are going through. 
    • Seeing the fall of completely white hair in a dream for a virgin girl, said the interpreters, is a symbol of the death of an elderly woman from the girl’s relatives. 
    • But seeing the fall of white hair, which is accompanied by blood, is many worries and obstacles in the way of the girl, and she may be exposed to losing something important in her life, and God knows best.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about hair loss when combing?

    • For a single girl, seeing hair falling out when combing it is a symbol of her salvation from worries and sorrows
    • If the hair is yellow, this is evidence of surviving diseases and recovering soon
    • If you see your hair being combed, falling out profusely, and crying over it, this vision indicates a calamity and a great loss in the woman’s life.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about a woman’s private parts falling out?

    • Seeing a married woman’s private hair falling out is one of the important dreams that carries many interpretations, including the occurrence of pregnancy soon
    • However, if the woman suffers from problems and disagreements in her life, they will soon end and her relationships will return to what they were before
    • Ibn Shaheen interpreted the vision as good news for earning a lot of money and a change in her life for the better

    What are the indications of beard hair falling in a dream for a married woman?

    • The interpretation of seeing beard hair falling out in a dream for a married woman has many important meanings, including the loss of money
    • The vision also indicates that she bears a lot of responsibilities, which exposes her to a lot of trouble
    • Imam Nabulsi said about the interpretation of this vision that it indicates the commission of some sins and sins that require repentance and returning again to the straight path.
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