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Interpretation of seeing vegetables in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Vegetables in a dream, Does seeing vegetables bode well or portend bad? What are the negative connotations of a dream about vegetables? What does a vegetable seller in a dream indicate? Read this article and learn with us the most important interpretations of seeing vegetables for single women, married women, pregnant women, and divorced women according to Ibn Sirin and the leading interpretation scholars.Vegetables in a dream by Ibn Sirin

    Vegetables in a dream

  • It was said that eating vegetables in a dream is an indication that the dreamer will go through some happy events in the coming period.
  • If the dreamer is married and sees beautiful fresh vegetables, then the dream symbolizes his great love for his wife and his feeling of happiness and stability in his marital life, and withered vegetables in a dream indicate that there are some difficulties currently in the dreamer’s life, but they will end soon, in the event that the visionary is shopping and buying types Different types of vegetables, the dream indicates that he will hear some good news concerning a person dear to him.
  • If the dreamer was a student of knowledge and saw cooked vegetables in his dream, then he will have the glad tidings of his excellence in his studies and obtaining the highest levels of bicycles, and that his efforts will not be wasted. As for seeing rotten vegetables in the house, then the dreamer warns that he will go through a long period of financial hardship and need for money, and if the dreamer eats vegetables Raw, the dream denotes that he will pass through some family disputes in the coming days.

    Vegetables in a dream by Ibn Sirin 

  • Ibn Sirin believes that seeing vegetables indicates that the dreamer is a strong and courageous person who bears responsibility and does not fail in his duties. On the many worries and problems of the visionary.
  • Also, seeing damaged vegetables in the kitchen of the house portends that the dreamer will fall into a major crisis in the coming period and will need the help of one of his friends in order to be able to get out of it. He will respond to his prayers soon, bless him in his life, and grant him everything he wishes.
  • Fresh vegetables in a single woman’s dream are an indication of her success in work and personal life, and that she will reach all her goals soon. Vegetables in a dream symbolize that the dreamer will attend a happy occasion in the coming days.
  • If the single woman is engaged and she sees herself picking and collecting vegetables, then the vision brings her good news that her wedding date is approaching. It also indicates that she will have many children in the future, and buying vegetables in a dream symbolizes that the woman of the vision will soon live a new love story with a handsome, wealthy and high-ranking young man. In society, cutting vegetables in a dream symbolizes the end of a difficult period and the entry into a new phase of life full of luxury and material prosperity.
  • It was said that the vegetables in a dream for the married woman are an indication of the improvement of her financial condition and the facilitation of her difficult affairs. She herself cooks vegetables in her sleep, so she has the good news of a speedy recovery and getting rid of aches and pains.
  • If the married woman eats raw vegetables and enjoys their taste, then the vision indicates her willpower, her many skills, and her ability to manage her house affairs to the fullest, but in the event that the dreamer sees herself buying potatoes and storing them, then the dream symbolizes her feeling of psychological pressure and exhaustion because she bears responsibility for everything alone without Helping her partner and she should take enough rest in order to renew her energy and regain her activity.
  • Interpreters believe that vegetables in a dream for a pregnant woman herald her of gaining a lot of money soon without hardship and in an easy way. This will help her feel peace of mind and psychological stability and get rid of the stress that was bothering her.
  • If the pregnant woman suffers from health problems and she sees herself eating boiled vegetables in a dream and enjoying their taste, then this indicates that she will get rid of health problems soon. And not to be tired and exhausted.
    اقرأ:  تعرف على تفسير حلم قص الشعر للعزباء لابن سيرين

    Vegetables in a dream for a divorced woman

  • Interpretation scholars believe that eating vegetables in a dream for a divorced woman bodes well and indicates that she will enjoy happiness and contentment soon after going through a long period of sadness and frustration. Close to a rich and kind-hearted man who fulfills all her dreams and compensates her for her previous loss.
  • It was said that cooking beans in a dream for a divorced woman is an indication that she will achieve many achievements in her work in the coming period, and her activity will be renewed and her vitality and rosy outlook on life will return to her. As for seeing potatoes and eggplants, it symbolizes the dreamer’s feeling of hesitation about making a certain decision in her practical life, and perhaps the dream serves as a notification to her. To give up her hesitation and make a quick decision so that she does not regret it later.

    Vegetables in a dream for a man

  • Seeing vegetables in a single man’s dream brings him the good tidings of a close marriage to a beautiful and righteous girl whose conduct is good among people. .
  • But if the dreamer was eating raw vegetables in his dream, this indicates that he is a reckless and hasty person who does not think before making any decision, and this matter leads to him making wrong decisions and regretting them, so he must reduce his haste, and in the event that the visionary saw a person planting vegetables, then the dream is interpreted He indicates that he will help one of his friends or relatives in a crisis he is going through in the near future.
    اقرأ:   تفسير حلم الكلاب تطاردني لابن سيرين

    The most important interpretations of vegetables in a dream

    Eating vegetables in a dream

  • Seeing eating boiled vegetables symbolizes the abundant luck and blessing that surrounds the dreamer from every side. It warns that the seer will be harmed in the coming period, so he should be careful in all his next steps.

    Buying vegetables in a dream

  • If the dreamer buys vegetables in his dream from an unknown place, this indicates that he will win a cash prize in the near future. .
  • It was said that buying vegetables for the patient does not bode well, as it symbolizes the length of his illness, and God (the Almighty) is higher and more knowledgeable.

    Interpretation of a dream about cutting vegetables with a knife

  • Seeing cutting vegetables with a knife announces to the dreamer that he will get rid of his hesitation soon and make a sound decision, and this decision will affect his life positively. And if the dreamer was celibate and dreamed that he was cutting beans with a knife, then he has the good news that his marriage is approaching with a charming and wealthy woman who is characterized by fun and optimism.

    Vegetable market in a dream

  • It was said that the vegetable market in a dream denotes the dreamer’s suffering from poverty and his need for funds, and in the event that the visionary went to the vegetable market but did not have enough money to buy it, then the dream bears good news for him of an improvement in his financial condition and an increase in his money soon, and in the event that he is the owner of The vision is going through a health problem at the present time, and he bought tomatoes or beans from the vegetable market, cooked and ate them, so he has the good news that his recovery is approaching.

    A vegetable seller in a dream

  • If the visionary dreams that he has become a vegetable seller, then he has the good news of obtaining a promotion in his work very soon, and if the dreamer is married and his partner is pregnant and he saw the vegetable seller in his dream, this indicates that his future child will be of high regard and has a high position in society, and if the dreamer saw the vegetable seller And he bought fresh and delicious vegetables from him, then the dream denotes that he is an honest and sincere person who hates injustice and seeks justice for the oppressed.

    Interpretation of a dream about vegetables and fruits

  • The vision of eating vegetables with fruits announces to the dreamer that God (the Almighty) blesses him in his life and grants his family success in every step he takes. However, if the dreamer saw fresh vegetables and fruits in a dream and did not crave them, this indicates that he enjoys safety and psychological stability after suffering from fear for a long time.
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