Sweeping in a dream
- Sweeping in a dream indicates the changes that may occur to the viewer in the coming period.
- Interpretation of a dream about sweeping refers to the dreamer’s desire to progress and achieve goals, which is reflected in his dreams.
- Seeing sweeping in a dream indicates the difficulties that the dreamer has suffered and that he will overcome.
- Sweeping in a dream generally symbolizes reaching the dreamer’s goal and achieving his dreams.
Sweeping in a dream by Ibn Sirin
- If a person sees that he is sweeping in a dream, this indicates his desire to start a new life free from the mistakes of the past.
- Sweeping in a dream according to Ibn Sirin indicates that the dreamer will move to a new job suitable for him.
- Sweeping in a dream symbolizes traveling abroad for work.
Interpretation of sweeping in a dream by Imam al-Sadiq
- Imam Al-Sadiq believes that seeing sweeping in a dream indicates Rael’s attempt to change his life and his success in that.
- The vision of the dreamer indicates that he is sweeping up in a dream, moving from one state to another, perhaps buying a new home.
- Watching a person sweeping dust in a dream may indicate that he will have the opportunity to work abroad.
Sweeping in a dream Fahd Al-Osaimi
- Seeing sweeping in a dream for Al-Usaimi indicates the repentance of the seer and his strong desire to get rid of the bad qualities and wrong actions he committed in the past.
- If the dreamer is a merchant, then this indicates that he will be exposed to some financial crises, but he will overcome that ordeal.
- Watching the dreamer that he is sweeping in a dream indicates a change in his view of some matters in his life and his attempt to change some of his wrong beliefs.
Sweeping in a dream for single women
- Seeing that a single girl is sweeping in a dream indicates her engagement, marriage, and moving to a new home soon.
- Sweeping in a dream for single women indicates getting rid of the worries and problems that made you anxious a lot.
- If the girl was a student of knowledge and saw that she was removing dust in a dream, then this symbolizes her superiority and success.
- Watching sweeping in a girl’s dream is a sign of abundant good and blessing in life and livelihood.
Sweeping in a dream for a married woman
- Seeing cleaning and sweeping the house in a dream is an indication of the effort that a woman makes to bring happiness to her home and provide a stable life for her children.
- A married woman who sees sweeping in her dream symbolizes an improvement in her economic conditions and her obtaining great financial gains.
- If the wife sees her husband sweeping the house, this indicates the strong relationship that brings them together and the coming of joys and happy occasions for them.
- A woman sweeping the house in a dream and finding money is an indication of pregnancy.
- A married woman who sweeps her children’s room symbolizes their goodness, good manners, and bright future.
- Sweeping in a married woman’s dream is a sign of changing her way of solving problems, as she has become wiser in her thinking.
Sweeping in a dream for a pregnant woman
- Seeing a pregnant woman sweeping the house is an indication of facilitating her birth and the enjoyment of her fetus’s health.
- Seeing sweeping in a pregnant woman’s dream denotes hearing good and joyful news.
- Sweeping in a dream is evidence of abundant livelihood and blessing in the money of the seer.
Sweeping in a dream for a divorced woman
- A divorced woman who sees in her dream that she is sweeping is an indication that God will compensate her for what she suffered in the past with a new, happy life.
- Sweeping in a dream about a divorced woman indicates that she will soon marry a second time to a righteous and pious person with whom she will be happy.
- If a woman dreams that she is sweeping in a dream, this is a sign that her problems will be resolved and that she will hear good news.
Sweeping in a dream for a man
A man’s dream of sweeping can be interpreted as follows:
- A man who sees himself sweeping in a dream symbolizes his coming to engagement and marriage.
- Sweeping with a broom for a man in a dream is the cessation of worries and the passing of a difficult stage in his life.
- Seeing a sweeping man in a dream symbolizes financial gains that he will gain from a legitimate business.
Sweeping with a broom in a dream
Seeing sweeping with a broom in a dream can be interpreted as follows:
- Seeing sweeping with a broom in a dream is an indication that the dreamer will make the right decisions in his life that will bring him much good.
- The dreamer who sees himself sweeping a broom in a dream indicates a change in his condition to a better one in the coming period.
- Sweeping with a broom in a dream for an unmarried young man indicates his marriage to a beautiful girl.
- A man who sees that he is sweeping with a vacuum cleaner is a sign of prosperity and stability in his marital life.
sweeping dust in a dream
- A pregnant woman who sees herself sweeping dust in a dream is a sign of the great good and happiness that she will enjoy after giving birth.
- Seeing a man sweeping dust in a dream indicates that some marital disputes will occur, but they will soon end.
- If a girl saw that she was sweeping dirt in her dream, this is a sign that she is associated with an inappropriate person and that she should stay away from him.
- Sweeping dust in a dream is an indication that the dreamer will get rid of worries and sorrows that have lasted for a long time.
Interpretation of a dream about sweeping a house
The dream of sweeping the house can be interpreted as follows:
- The vision of sweeping the house indicates the arrival of goodness, the abundance of livelihood for the seer, and the payment of debts.
- If a person sees that he is sweeping his house in a dream, then this symbolizes that he will get rid of the envy that afflicted him with sadness in the past period.
- The dreamer who sees himself sweeping his old house while he was traveling in reality, this is an indication of his imminent return to the homeland.
Interpretation of a dream about sweeping someone else’s house
- Seeing sweeping the house of others indicates that the dreamer loves to help others and help them.
- The dreamer who sees himself sweeping the house of someone he knows in a dream is an indication that they will enter into successful projects together.
- A single girl who sweeps a house other than her own, this is good news for her to move to a new house, whether by getting married or buying a new house.
- A pregnant woman who sweeps and cleans someone else’s house in a dream is an indication of her abundant livelihood and that she will have a healthy and healthy baby.
- Seeing a single woman sweeping the house of someone she knows indicates her marriage to this person.
Sweep the floor in a dream
- The dreamer who suffers from problems and troubles in his life and sees that he is sweeping the floor.
- Sweeping the floor in a dream is an indication that the dreamer will get a lot of money from an inheritance.
- A man who sees that he is sweeping the floor indicates that he is upholding his ties of kinship and seeking to make his family happy.
- If the dreamer is rich and has great wealth in reality, and he sees that he is sweeping the floor, then this indicates that he will be exposed to a major financial crisis.
- Watching the dreamer sweep the floor, but to no avail. This is an indication that he has made some wrong decisions in his life, and he must review them to avoid problems.
Interpretation of a dream about sweeping the street
- Sweeping the street in a dream indicates that the dreamer will enter into friendship with people who are not good, and he must get rid of them and stay away from them in order to avoid problems.
- The person who sees himself sweeping and cleaning the street in a dream indicates that he will end a quarrel between people he knows.
- Street sweeping in a dream symbolizes halal earning as a result of the dreamer’s hard work.
- If the dreamer sees that he is sweeping the street, this indicates the spread of morals and good qualities in the society in which he lives.
Interpretation of a dream about sweeping and cleaning
- Symbolizes the vision of sweepingCleaning in a dream To the dreamer’s constant and continuous supplication to God to compensate him for the injustice he has been exposed to.
- A person sweeping and cleaning the house in a dream denotes his high status and his holding an important position at work.
- The single girl who sweeps the dust and does the cleaning in a dream is an indication of the purity of her bed and her closeness to God through good deeds.
Sweeping the ladder in a dream
- Sweeping the ladder in a dream indicates that the dreamer will overcome obstacles that impede his path to achieving his goals and aspirations.
- The girl who sweeps the stairs in a dream is an indication of her psychological state and the anxiety that afflicts her in making an important decision in her life and her attempt to think deeply.
- Seeing a married woman sweeping the ladder in a dream indicates her repentance and her desire to get rid of the sins she had previously committed.
Sweeping carpets in a dream
- Seeing sweeping red carpets in a dream is an indication that the seer will assume an important position.
- A girl who sees herself sweeping carpets in a dream is a sign that she will get a lot of money after putting in a lot of effort.
- Sweeping carpets in a dream symbolizes fulfillment of wishes and achievement of goals.
- Watching sweeping carpets in a dream indicates the visionary’s strength, perseverance in his life, and his ability to succeed.