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Interpretation of seeing lipstick in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Lipstick in a dream. Lipstick is one of the makeup tools that is used on a daily basis and is a cosmetic method. As for seeing lipstick in a dream, this vision carries hundreds of different interpretations, depending on whether the dreamer is a man, a girl, or a married, pregnant, or divorced woman. The color of the lipstick is also a factor. It is essential in the difference in interpretations, and we will present to you the most important interpretations and different meanings of lipstick in a dream in this article.Interpretation of the vision of rouge

    Rouge in a dream

  • Interpretation of a dream about lipstick may indicate good or bad luck, as in the following cases:
    • Scientists say that seeing lipstick in a dream is good if basic conditions are met, such as the smell of lipstick being good, and the color of lipstick being calm and light.
    • Interpretation of the dream of a rouge for single women may symbolize the arrival of good news such as engagement or marriage, and it may be interpreted in a negative sense, such as the girl following the path of sins and pleasures in the world if the visionary puts it in a large amount and in an uncoordinated manner.
    • Interpretation of a dream about red lipstick in a visionary’s dream, if it is liquid and does not stick to her lips in a dream, it may indicate the visionary’s bad psychological state.
    • Applying lipstick in a dream constantly and in many different colors indicates the dreamer’s love for appearances, bragging and arrogance.
    • Seeing lipstick in a dream in a calm color and coordinated and attractive shape is a praiseworthy vision that bodes well either in social life such as work or success in study or in emotional life such as family stability or marriage.
    • Red lipstick in a man’s dream indicates that he indulges in lusts and temptations in life.

    Rouge in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Ibn Sirin says that seeing lipstick in a dream is an expression of the state of the seer or the psychological seer, such as:
    • Seeing a single dreamer of Rouge in his dream indicates his desire to get married.
    • Buying lipstick in a dream may indicate love for his wife or his desire for a better job.
    • The ability of a single girl to put on lipstick in her dream indicates that she has overcome obstacles in her life and her ability to bear responsibility, as Ibn Sirin explains.
    • Ibn Sirin believes that the indications of seeing lipstick in a dream differ according to its color. The red color indicates love for the girl, and the pink color symbolizes calm and tranquility in the life of the married woman. As for dark colors such as brown and black, seeing them portends problems and suffering from worries, while the yellow color of lipstick indicates disease and poverty. .

    Rouge in a dream for Al-Osaimi

  • Al-Osaimi stresses that lipstick in a dream for a woman in general is not good either foreshadowing the arrival of happy news such as marriage for the unmarried seer or the calm and stable marital life for the married seer, or the beginning of a new life for the divorced woman in which she enjoys calm and peace of mind.
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    Rouge in a dream for single women 

    The interpretation of the dream of the soul for single women differs according to the color of the lipstick, as follows:

    • A single woman applying dark red lipstick in a striking way in her dream may indicate strife.
    • Dreaming of black lipstick warns the seer of envy, magic, or hatred from someone close to her.
    • Buying a girl pink, pink, or purple lipstick in her dream indicates that she is a cheerful, energetic girl who loves life and is optimistic.
    • The interpretation of a dream about a single woman indicates her desire for a relationship.

    Rouge in a dream for a married woman

  • Rouge in a married woman’s dream is a praiseworthy matter. Among the scholars’ interpretations of this vision, we explain the following:
    • In the event that a married woman adorns herself with lipstick in front of her husband, and there was a disagreement between them, then this is a sign of the cessation of tension between them and their enjoyment of family stability.
    • The light colors of lipstick in a dream for a married woman is a good omen of happiness and tranquility for her.

    Rouge in a dream for a pregnant woman

  • Is the interpretation of rouge in a dream of a pregnant woman different from its interpretation for a married or single woman? This is what we will see:
    • Rouge in a pregnant dream indicates that she will give birth to a beautiful girl.
    • Wearing lipstick easily in her sleep and adorning her with it indicates an easy delivery and not being afraid of her troubles.

    Rouge in a dream for a divorced woman

  • Perhaps the interpretations of seeing lipstick in a divorced woman’s dream are good tidings for her, and we find among its interpretations the following:
    • Ibn Sirin says that the lipstick in a divorced woman’s dream is evidence of an improvement in her psychological life and her liberation from worries.
    • Seeing a divorced woman wearing lipstick of a bright color, such as red or purple, may be a sign of happy news, such as another marriage.

    Rouge in a dream for a man

  • Seeing lipstick in a man’s dream differs from a woman’s, as it may carry good or bad, such as:
    • If the dreamer was single and saw a girl adorned with lipstick in her dream, then this is a sign of a new relationship.
    • Seeing a married man in a dream about girls wearing different colors of lipstick may be an indication of the presence of a deceitful and ill-mannered woman who is trying to get close to him and destroy his marital life.
    • Rouge in a man’s dream is a reprehensible matter that may indicate betrayal or lack of confidence, especially if it is black.

    Putting lipstick in a dream

    • situation Rouge in a single dream It indicates confidence, beauty and love of life.
    • A divorced woman who suffers from a lot of problems or issues related to divorce. If she sees that she puts lipstick in her dream in a harmonious and beautiful way, it may be a sign that she will win the cases, return her right, and feel comfortable after the misery.
    • Seeing a married woman wearing lipstick in her dream indicates her husband’s love and concern for him.
    • Whoever sees her friend in a dream applying lipstick in front of her in an excessive amount, this indicates that she is an artificial friend who pretends to love and harbor hatred, and the vision is a warning to her to stay away from her.
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    Red lipstick in a dream

  • Red lipstick is a symbol of love, and interpretations of the red color of lipstick in a dream have praiseworthy interpretations, such as:
    • Red lipstick in a single woman’s dream indicates her strength of character, self-confidence, and her eagerness to take care of her appearance.
    • Putting a married woman on red lipstick in a dream indicates her right decisions in her life to change it for the better.
    • Seeing a divorced woman wearing red lipstick symbolizes her overcoming the problems and difficulties in her previous life after divorce and the beginning of a new life for her.
    • On the contrary, seeing a man’s red lipstick staining his clothes in a dream may portend that the seer will encounter severe problems and crises in the coming period.

    Pink lipstick in a dream

    The pink color of the lipstick is a delicate and calm color that carries beautiful meanings such as:

    • Pink lipstick in a single woman’s dream is a praiseworthy vision that may indicate her recovery from a disease or her liberation from sadness and worries and her enjoyment of comfort, calmness and tranquility in her life. It also indicates the softness of her personality and the kindness of her heart.
    • A married seer who complains of a lot of responsibilities on her shoulders, if she sees that she is wearing pink lipstick in her dream, then this indicates that she will enjoy a quiet life, feel comfortable and soon will have less stress.

    Interpretation of a dream about purple lipstick

  • The violet color of lipstick carries with it many meanings that indicate optimism and hope in life, such as:
    • Interpretation of a dream about purple lipstick indicates love, fun, vitality, and activity in the life of the seer.
    • If a single woman sees that she is wearing purple lipstick in her dream, this indicates passion and the possibility of meeting a suitable person who will exchange her love.
    • Putting a married woman in purple lipstick in a dream indicates the provision in her life, the abundance of goodness, and the ease of living.
    • Scientists refer to the violet lipstick in the dream of the visionary with creativity in his life and his aspiration for the best.

    Interpretation of a dream about brown lipstick

  • Brown is one of the dark colors that may carry unfavorable connotations to the visionary, such as:
    • The dark or dark brown spirit indicates the psychological state of the seer. He may be suffering from depression or sadness buried in his life.
    • Seeing brown lipstick in a dream is one of the visions that warns the seer of a problem or of falling into a trap.
    • Brown lipstick in a dream for an unmarried or married woman is an unfavorable vision that may symbolize suffering from distress and sadness.

    Golden lipstick in a dream

  • The golden color is one of the distinctive colors that indicates wealth, luxury, and golden radiance in a dream. Its interpretations are harmless, but rather they are praiseworthy, as shown by the following points:
    • The golden lipstick in a single woman’s dream is good news for her to marry a rich person.
    • Seeing lipstick in golden color differs from other colors in a dream, as it indicates him with abundant luck, making money, successful trade, or promoting him to an important position at work.
    • If a pregnant woman sees golden lipstick in her dream, it may be an indication that she will give birth to a male child of great importance in the future.
    • Watching a married woman put golden lipstick in her sleep while her husband is in distress or financial hardship is a sign that the distress will end and the situation will change for the better.
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    Buying lipstick in a dream

    • If a single woman sees that she is buying lipstick in her dream, and the lipstick is red and expensive, then this is evidence of her prosperity.
    • Buying lipstick in a dream of a single woman while she is happy may symbolize a close engagement.
    • The husband buying lipstick sticks and gifting them to his wife is a sign of the strength of love and understanding between them and the husband’s interest and sympathy for his wife.

    Rouge symbol in a dream

    The symbol of lipstick in a dream varies from one vision to another as follows:

    • Rouge in a dream for single women symbolizes love, passion, and good looks.
    • Al-Osaimi believes that the lipstick in a man’s dream is a symbol of sins and committing mistakes.
    • Al-Nabulsi interprets seeing black lipstick in a dream as symbolizing deception, hatred and harm.

    Black lipstick in a dream

  • The black color is a color that many of us handle, and when it comes to the color of black lipstick, it may be reprehensible, such as the following cases:
    • The single status of black lipstick in a dream indicates that she will face troubles and obstacles in her life, and she must not give up and despair, or perhaps she will be associated with an invalid person, and she must rethink again.
    • Seeing black lipstick in a pregnant woman’s dream portends a health problem or trouble and severe pain during pregnancy and childbirth.
    • Black lipstick in a man’s dream may symbolize the presence of an enemy who hates him, or he may suffer a loss of money, or one of his children will be hated.

    Giving lipstick in a dream

    • Giving lipstick in a single woman’s dream is an endearing sign, if it is from her partner or fiancé, then this means that the wedding is approaching.
    • Watching a married woman give her a lipstick in her dream may be a good omen, such as the marriage of one of her children if he is a single young man, or the success of one of them in study.
    • Gifting pink or purple lipstick indicates happiness in the life of the seer and a change in the situation for the better at work or study.
    • If the visionary was a university student and she saw that she was giving someone promotion in her dream, then this is a sign of her reaching high ranks and achieving her goals.
    • But seeing the dead person giving the seer or seer sticks of lipstick in a dream is a warning message to the visionary not to get carried away in worldly pleasures and not to fall short in matters of religion and worship.
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