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Interpretation of seeing kissing a dead person in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Seeing kissing a dead person in a dream. One of the most painful and heartbreaking things in the heart is the death of someone we love and not seeing him, embracing him, or kissing him. When the dreamer sees this dead person in a dream kissing him, he experiences a mixed feeling between sadness over the separation and joy at seeing him. Then his desire to know the interpretation increases. His vision is to check on the condition of the dead in the afterlife and to know whether this vision will bring him good or evil. Through this article, we will answer all these questions by mentioning as many interpretations as possible for this symbol.
  • Seeing kissing the dead in a dream by Ibn Sirin

    Seeing kissing the dead in a dream

  • Seeing kissing the dead in a dream indicates many indications and signs, some of which can be mentioned in the following:
    • Kissing the dead person in a dream symbolizes the abundance of goodness and abundant money that the dreamer will receive.
    • Seeing the dreamer that he is kissing a deceased person in a dream indicates a long life and blessing in livelihood.
    • If the dreamer sees that a dead person is approaching him and kissing him, this indicates that he is reminding the dreamer to pray for him.
    • Seeing a dreamer kissing a deceased person in a dream may indicate his high status and rank with his Lord, and a good ending.
    • Kissing a dead person on the neck is a sign that the dreamer will receive great benefits during the coming period.
    • Seeing kissing the dead with lust is an indication of the good that will come to the dreamer on the part of the deceased.

    Seeing kissing the dead in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • The scholar Ibn Sirin has dealt with the interpretation of the symbol of seeing the dead kissed in a dream, and the following are some of the interpretations he received:
    • Ibn Sirin believes that kissing the dead in a dream brings much good and happiness to the seer.
    • A young man who kisses a deceased person he knows in a dream may marry one of his daughters.
    • A vision of kissing the deceased in a dream may indicate his need for the dreamer’s supplication for God to forgive him.
    • Watching the dreamer that he is kissing a dead person in his dream symbolizes the good and happy luck that he will get in his life.

    Seeing kissing the dead in a dream for single women

  • The interpretation of seeing kissing the dead in a dream differs according to the social status of the dreamer, and in the following is the interpretation of the single girl’s vision of this vision:
    • A single girl who sees in her dream that she is kissing a dead person is a sign of her close engagement and marriage to a good person, with whom she will be very happy.
    • If the girl was a student of knowledge and saw that she was kissing a person whom God had passed away in a dream, then this indicates her success and her superiority over her peers in the study.
    • Seeing a single woman that she is kissing a dead person in a dream indicates her good condition and her long life.
    • A girl’s dream that she is kissing a dead person indicates her future full of achievements and goals.

    Seeing kissing the dead in a dream for a married woman

  • The vision of kissing the dead in a dream for a married woman can be interpreted as follows:
    • Watching a married woman kissing a dead person dear to her indicates the intensity of her attachment to him.
    • If the deceased approaches the married woman and kisses her, this indicates the stability of her marital life and the happiness in which she lives with him.
    • Seeing the dreamer that an unknown deceased person is kissing him in a dream indicates that she will get a lot of money without getting tired.
    • Watching a working married woman kissing a dead person in her dream indicates her promotion and honor at work.
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  • As a result of her anxiety during this period, a pregnant woman has many dreams that carry many symbols, such as kissing the dead, so we will help her interpret her vision:
    • Seeing a pregnant woman kissing the dead in a dream indicates the anxiety she is experiencing, and the deceased will come to reassure her.
    • A pregnant woman who sees in a dream that she is kissing a deceased person in a dream, may God facilitate her birth and deliver her and her fetus.
    • If a woman sees that she is kissing her deceased mother in a dream, this symbolizes the arrival of her supplication for her mother, her high rank in heaven with him, and her satisfaction with her.
    • Seeing a pregnant woman kissing a dead person in a dream indicates the bright future of her newborn, and that he will be righteous offspring.

    Seeing kissing the dead in a dream for a divorced woman

  • A divorced woman who sees in a dream that she is kissing a dead person, is her interpretation good or bad? This is what we will mention through the following cases:
    • Seeing a divorced woman kissing a dead person in a dream indicates that she will hear news that will make her heart happy and long awaited for her.
    • Kissing the deceased in a dream is the removal of the worries of the seer and the relief of her anguish.
    • If a woman sees in her dream that she greets a dead person and kisses him, then this indicates the comfort and calm that she will enjoy after long fatigue and anxiety.
    • Seeing a divorced woman kissing a dead person in her dream indicates that she will marry a second time to a righteous person who will compensate her for her previous marriage.
    • A woman kissing the dead person in a dream is a sign for her that her worries will be removed and her anguish will be relieved.

    Seeing a man kissing the dead in a dream

  • The interpretation of seeing a woman kissing the dead differs from that of a man. What is the interpretation of seeing this dream? To answer this question, we have to keep reading:
    • A man who sees himself kissing a dead person in a dream will gain prestige and authority and become one of those with authority.
    • Seeing an unmarried man kissing a deceased person in a dream indicates that he will soon marry a good, pious girl with morals and religion.
    • If a man sees himself greeting a dead person and exchanging kisses with him in a dream, and he is suffering from financial hardship, then this indicates that he will pay his debts, increase his livelihood, and obtain a lot of money from where he does not expect.
    • A married man who sees that he is going to kiss one of the dead in his sleep is an indication of the good condition of his children and their loyalty to him.
    • Kissing the dead man in a dream indicates an improvement in his economic and social conditions and his transition to a high level.
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  • Seeing kissing the dead head in a dream carries many signs, which can be interpreted as follows:
    • Seeing kissing the dead head in a dream denotes that the seer will receive great financial gains.
    • If the dreamer suffers from an illness and sees in a dream that he is kissing the head of a deceased person, this indicates that he will soon recover and regain his health.
    • Kissing the head of a dead person in a dream is a sign of upcoming joys and happy news.

    Seeing the dead kiss me in a dream

  • One of the promising visions is often seeing the dead kissing, but what is the interpretation that the deceased is the one who kisses me? This is what we will answer in the following:
    • Kissing the dead to the dreamer in a dream is a good news for him that he will relieve his worries, pay his debts, and increase his livelihood.
    • If the seer sees that the deceased is coming towards him to kiss him in a dream, this indicates his need to give alms for his soul.
    • The dreamer who sees that a dead person kisses him in a dream and was looking for a job, God will bless him with a suitable job that will change his condition for the better.
    • The presence of a group of dead people kissing the dreamer in his dream indicates that he is surrounded by unfit companions and he must stay away from them.
  • What makes the wife happy the most is seeing her dead husband again, but what is the interpretation of him kissing her in a dream? This is what we will learn about through the following cases:
    • If a woman sees that her deceased husband is kissing her in a dream, this indicates the upcoming joys and happy occasions.
    • If a married woman saw that her dead husband was approaching her and kissing her, then this symbolizes her high status and status among people.
    • A deceased husband kissing his wife in a dream provides her abundant livelihood and a long life full of happiness, joys and good health.
    • A deceased husband who comes to his wife in a dream and kisses her on her cheeks is a sign for her that she will assume an important position and that she will achieve great success in it.

    The dead kiss to the living in a dream

  • There are many interpretations of seeing the dead kissing the living in a dream, and the following are some of these interpretations:
    • The dead kiss the living in a dream, conquering enemies, holding high positions, and making a lot of money.
    • The dreamer who sees a deceased person kissing him indicates his closeness to God and the acceptance of his repentance.
    • If the dreamer sees that he is receiving a kiss from a dead person, then this indicates his success in his life and his brilliant future.

    Interpretation of a dream about the dead kissing the living from the mouth

  • One of the symbols that can worry the dreamer is the dead person kissing him from the mouth, so we will clarify the interpretation through the following cases:
    • Seeing the dead kissing the living from the mouth indicates the fulfillment of the visionary’s goals and aspirations and God’s answer to his prayers.
    • If the seer sees that a deceased person is kissing him on the mouth, then this indicates the return of his right that was robbed of him unjustly, and his victory over his enemies.
    • The dreamer who sees that a dead person he does not know is kissing him on the mouth as a sign of good fortune and entering into successful business partnerships.
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    Interpretation of a dream about kissing the hand of the dead

  • Kissing a person’s hand in reality indicates the intensity of love and appreciation, but what is the interpretation of seeing kissing the hand of a dead person in a dream? This is what we will answer in the following:
    • A single girl who kisses the hand of the deceased in her dream gets halal money as a result of the inheritance of this deceased.
    • If the dreamer sees that he is kissing the hand of a deceased person in a dream, then this indicates that he will hear good news soon.
    • Kissing the hand of the dead in a dream symbolizes the good character of the seer and the purity of his heart.
    • The seer who kisses the hand of one of his deceased acquaintances in a dream is an indication that he is following in the footsteps of the deceased in his life, which will lead to God’s satisfaction and acceptance of his work.

    Kissing the feet of the dead in a dream

    The vision of kissing the feet of the dead bears several signs that can be clarified as follows:

    • Seeing kissing the feet of the deceased in a dream indicates the high status of the seer and his attainment of what he sought so hard.
    • Whoever sees that he is kissing the feet of a dead person in a dream is an indication that he is asking the seer to pay alms and do good deeds for his soul.
    • Kissing the feet of the deceased father in a dream denotes the dreamer’s intense longing for his father, which is reflected in his dreams.
  • The dreamer who loses his father in reality longs to see him a lot, and when watching him in a dream his dream carries many symbols such as kissing his hand, and in the following is an interpretation of his vision:
    • The dreamer who sees himself kissing the hand of his deceased father in a dream is an indication of the comfort and tranquility that he will enjoy in his life, due to his father’s approval of him.
    • If the seer witnesses that he is kissing his father’s hand in a dream, then this indicates his loyalty to him and obedience to him, and the goodness, livelihood and happiness that he will reap as a result.
    • Seeing kissing the hand of the deceased father in a dream is a good news for the seer of the fulfillment of his dreams and the righteousness of his religion.

    Kissing the hand of a deceased mother in a dream

  • The vision of kissing the hand of a deceased mother in a dream has many interpretations, the most frequent of which are the following:
    • Seeing kissing the hand of a deceased mother in a dream is a sign of blessing in money and a child for the dreamer.
    • The dreamer who sees himself kissing his dead mother’s hand in a dream indicates his success in his life and his accomplishments.
    • If a person sees in his dream that he is kissing the hand of his deceased mother, then this symbolizes a great breakthrough on the way to him after a long hardship.
    • A young man who kisses the hand of his mother who passed away in a dream and was suffering from fatigue and illness is a sign of his speedy recovery.

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