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Interpretation of seeing bathing in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Seeing bathing in a dream. Seeing bathing in a dream has several approaches to interpretation. Therefore, we find many differences among scholars. It is not surprising to see Ibn Sirin praising this vision while Al-Nabulsi condemns it, due to the diversity of the vision from one person to another and the different purpose of bathing. In this article, we will discuss the most important things. One hundred explanations about bathing in hot and cold water, bathing in sea water, watching showers in a public bath, and other various situations.Vision Taking a shower in a dream with a stranger in a dream

    Seeing a shower in a dream

  • Interpretations of seeing a shower in a dream vary, so we find various indications such as:
    • The interpretation of seeing a shower in a dream refers to concealment, health and wellness.
    • Taking a hot shower in a dream An indication of the disappearance of troubles and worries.
    • Watching a debtor bathe in running water in his sleep is a sign of getting rid of debts, paying them off, and finding relief after distress.
    • If the dreamer sees that he is bathing in very hot water, suffocates from its vapor, and is in pain from the high temperature of the water, then this indicates that he will fall into a major problem that will leave dire consequences.

    Seeing a shower in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • In the words of Ibn Sirin, regarding the interpretation of seeing a shower in a dream, the following was stated:
    • Ibn Sirin explains the vision of bathing in a dream as a sign of purity, good deeds in the world, and the seer’s good character.
    • Whoever sees that he is bathing with clean water in his dream is a person who is soft-spoken, has good conduct, and follows the right approach.
    • Bathing in a patient’s dream is a sign of imminent recovery and detoxification of the body.
    • Ibn Sirin says that if the dreamer sees that he is washing with running water in his dream, then he is purified from committing sins and atones for the forbidden things he has committed.

    Seeing a shower in a dream for single women

    • Seeing a single woman bathing in pure water in a dream is a sign of her chastity, purity and good bed.
    • It is said that watching a girl bathe in her clothes in a dream indicates an imminent marriage.
    • If the visionary suffers from problems in her life and sees that she is washing and bathing with water in her dream, then this is a sign of the disappearance of worries and troubles and getting rid of what is bothering her.
    • Bathing with soap and water in a dream for single women is a sign of continuity in worship, commitment to performing duties, always remembering God, and fragrant conduct among people.

    Seeing a shower in a dream for a married woman

    • If a married woman sees that she is bathing in turbid water, then she is committing many sins and falling into abominations and sins, and she must quickly repent to God.
    • Bathing in hot water in a wife’s dream is a sign of marital happiness and stability in living conditions.
    • Watching a wife bathe with her husband in a dream indicates the strength of understanding and harmony between them.
    • Seeing a lady bathing in a pool of clean water is a sign of lawful provision and the arrival of abundant money.
    • But if she sees her husband bathing in a pool of mud in his sleep, this may indicate that he is suffering from a disease or falling into distress.

    Seeing a shower in a dream for a pregnant woman

    • Seeing a pregnant woman taking a warm shower in a dream is a sign of easy childbirth and the disappearance of pregnancy pains.
    • If a pregnant woman dreams that she is bathing in cold water, she will give birth to a male child.
    • Watching a female visionary bathe in her sleep in front of people, and her private parts exposed, warns her of incomplete pregnancy and loss of the fetus.

    Seeing a shower in a dream for a divorced woman

    • If the divorced woman sees that she is bathing in her clothes in a dream, then she will return to her ex-husband again and the dispute will end.
    • As for seeing a divorced woman bathing in water, feeling refreshed, and wearing new and clean clothes, it indicates getting rid of worries, the disappearance of sadness, and the beginning of a new life with another man.

    Seeing a shower in a dream for a man

    • It is said that seeing a man showering with his clothes is a sign of concealment, purity of heart, and a good reputation.
    • If a man sees that he is taking a shower while wearing white clothes, then this is a sign that he is going to perform the Hajj and visit the Sacred House of God.
    • Bathing with clean water in a dream of the merchant Bishara means abundant sustenance, lawful gain, business prosperity and trade expansion.
    • Taking a shower in a single dream and wearing new clothes indicates a blessed marriage to a good girl with good morals.
    • A young man who commits sins in his life and turns away from obedience to God, if he witnesses that he is bathing in clean water in a dream, then this is an indication of his righteousness, his repentance to God, and his distance from sin.
    • Al-Nabulsi says that seeing a shower with cold water in a dream indicates that the dreamer will learn from the harsh conditions and experiences he went through and gain new experience that he will benefit from in his life.
    • Bathing with cold water in a dream indicates recovery from a skin disease, ridding the body of laziness and relaxation, and returning to normal life.
    • It is said that seeing a single woman bathing in cold and lukewarm water in her sleep in winter is a sign of happy news after a long wait and patience.
    اقرأ:  Belajar tafsiran mimpi tentang najis di tandas dalam mimpi oleh Ibn Sirin

    Interpretation of a dream about bathing in clothes in a dream

    • It is said that seeing a shower in a dream with clothes in a bachelor’s dream is undesirable and indicates his admiration for a woman of ill repute.
    • Bathing in old, dirty clothes in a dream may indicate the dreamer’s adherence to a mistake he commits.
    • As for watching the dreamer bathe in new clothes in a dream, it is good news that he will hear happy news.

    Seeing a shower in a dream with a stranger in a dream

    • Psychologists indicate in the interpretation of seeing a shower in front of a stranger in a single woman’s dream that it is a reflection of her teenage thoughts and ideas about marriage.
    • Watching a divorced woman bathe in front of a stranger in a dream indicates that she will be subjected to harassment and temptation after the divorce.
    • If a married woman sees that she is bathing in front of a stranger, then this indicates her suffering from blackmail and the threat of revealing a secret that she is hiding from her husband and everyone.
    • The dreamer bathing in front of a stranger in a dream is a vision that may warn him of a big problem at work.

    Seeing a shower with soap in a dream

    • Seeing a shower with soap in a dream indicates the dreamer’s washing of his sins and his desire to repent to God and keep away from sins.
    • Bathing with soap in a single woman’s dream indicates an attempt to change her life for the better and think about the future.
    • Watching the seer bathe with a beautiful-smelling soap in a dream is an indication of his fragrant walk among people.

    Interpretation of seeing a shower in front of relatives in a dream

    • Seeing a shower while relatives in a dream in clothes without nakedness indicates the dreamer’s attempt to get rid of family differences and problems that are bothering him.
    • Watching a married woman bathe in front of her relatives and undress indicates revealing the secrets of her home and complaining to them about the differences and problems in her home, and she may fall into a big problem that may lead to divorce if she does not stop this matter.
    • The interpretation of the dream of taking a shower in front of relatives may reflect the difficult financial situation of the dreamer and his need for help from them to pass through that hardship.

    Seeing a shower in front of people in a dream

    • Seeing a dreamer bathing in front of people while he is naked may portend exposure to a major scandal.
    • Interpretation of a dream about taking a shower in front of people may indicate that the seer has a bad reputation, bad manners, and his unpopular walk among others.
    • But if the seer sees that he is bathing in front of people and does not feel ashamed, then he is openly committing sin and spreading immorality among them.

    Interpretation of seeing a person bathing in a dream

    • The interpretation of seeing a prisoner taking a shower in a dream indicates that he will gain his freedom, get rid of imprisonment, and release him after proving his innocence.
    • If the dreamer sees a poor person he knows bathing in a dream and wearing clean new clothes, then this is a sign of luxury and wealth after the drought in life.
    • Whoever sees in a dream a sick person from his relatives bathing in contaminated water in a dream, this may indicate a deterioration in his health and possibly death.

    Bathing the dead in a dream

    • Interpretation of a dream about bathing the dead person reflects his departure from this world, abandoning its pleasures, and immortality in the afterlife.
    • Whoever sees a dead person bathing in unclean water in a dream, then he died in disobedience and in need of supplication and asking for mercy and forgiveness for him.
    • If the seer sees a dead person bathing in very hot water while crying, then this is an indication of the sins he committed in this world and the reason for his destruction in the Hereafter.
    اقرأ:  เรียนรู้การตีความความฝันเกี่ยวกับการนั่งรถบัสสำหรับ Ibn Sirin - การตีความความฝัน

    Interpretation of seeing a shower with my lover in a dream

    • The interpretation of seeing a shower with my beloved for a single woman indicates her deep-seated desires and constant thinking about marriage and intimacy.
    • If the dreamer sees that she is bathing with someone she loves in a dream, then this is an indication of frankness and transparency in the relationship and the excessive trust between them.

    Interpretation of seeing washing with water in a dream

    • Interpretation of a vision of washing with water for the Friday prayer in a dream, the dreamer announces a high position in heaven.
    • If a divorced woman sees that she is bathing with water from a well or a river, then this is an indication of the cessation of her worries and a sense of psychological comfort after fatigue and exhaustion.

    Interpretation of a dream about washing with Sidr in a dream

  • Taking a bath with lotus leaves in a dream is one of the praiseworthy visions that bodes well for the dreamer, as follows:
    • Interpretation of a dream about washing with Sidr in a dream is an indication of the visionary’s liberation from his worries.
    • Washing with sidr paper in a dream is a sign that the dreamer will be saved from a disaster or a plot orchestrated by his enemies.
    • If the dreamer sees that he is soaking his body in water with Sidr leaves, then he is repenting from sins and drawing closer to God with good deeds.
    • The jurists mentioned that bathing with a mixture of Sidr leaves, salt and alum in a debtor’s sleep is a sign of paying off debts and relieving oneself.
    • Watching a single woman bathe with sidr leaves in a dream is a sign of treatment from magic.

    Washing with rain water in a dream

    Taking a bath with rain water is recommended in a dream:

    • Washing with clean rain water in a dream is an indication of sincere repentance to God.
    • Scientists praise seeing the patient wash with rain water, as it is a good news of a speedy recovery.
    • If a married woman sees that she is bathing in rain water, then she is a good wife who respects God in her husband and children and is loved among others.

    Interpretation of a dream about taking a shower with my girlfriend

    • Scientists interpret the dream of bathing with my girlfriend with clean water as evidence of the strength of friendship between them and bonding like brothers.
    • If the single woman sees that she is taking a shower with her friend in a dream, and the water is dirty, then she will soon discover a shocking truth about her, and she must be careful in dealing with it.

    Interpretation of a dream about bathing in a public bath

    • Interpretation of a dream about bathing in a public bath and drinking from the water warns the unmarried seer of marrying an unfit girl.
    • If a single woman sees that she is undressing and bathing in a public toilet, then she is rebelling against customs and traditions, deviating from the ordinary, and being characterized by recklessness and recklessness in her behavior.
  • Scientists warn against seeing a shower with dirty water in a dream, as we see in the following cases:
    • If the dreamer sees that he is bathing in dirty water, he may have a fever.
    • Bathing in water contaminated with mud in a dream indicates that the dreamer will indulge in lusts and worldly pleasures.
    • Watching the seer bathe in dirty water in a dream may be a sign of acquiring forbidden money.

    Bathing in the sea in a dream

  • Seeing bathing in the sea in a dream carries both positive and negative interpretations:
    • If a pregnant woman sees that she is bathing in a calm sea in her sleep, this indicates a stable pregnancy and an easy delivery without trouble.
    • The interpretation of seeing a bath in the sea in a dream may refer to an opportunity to travel abroad to work.
    • A married woman who bathes in a sea among fish is a clear indication of abundant livelihood and luxury.
    • As for bathing in very salty sea water that is dirty with dirt, it may mean that the single woman will suffer from worries and troubles that disturb her life.

  • Seeing a married man taking a shower in a dream is a dream that carries many connotations and interpretations. This vision sometimes indicates the health and stability of the dreamer, as it expresses his enjoyment of health, protection, and well-being. Bathing using hot water in a dream may symbolize the end of problems and worries and getting rid of them. Seeing a married man bathing with running water in a dream could also be a harbinger of getting rid of debts and financial obligations. If a single man sees himself taking a shower in a dream, this vision may indicate that he will marry in the near future. Moreover, if we see a husband taking a bath with his wife in a dream, this may be an indication of happiness and stability in married life. Seeing a single girl bathing in a dream may symbolize getting rid of some minor problems.
    اقرأ:  20 interpretimet më të rëndësishme të një ëndrre për bletët nga Ibn Sirin

    Seeing her husband bathing in a dream for a married woman

  • For a married woman, seeing her husband bathing in a dream may be an indication of marital understanding and agreement within their lives. Women may feel worried about this dream, but in reality it means that there is goodness approaching them. The dream may also reflect real life where the husband is being bathed in the bathroom or other place.
  • For a pregnant woman, seeing a husband bathing his wife in a dream indicates that the husband is providing assistance to his wife in bearing the burdens of pregnancy and household responsibilities. The dream also indicates the husband’s righteousness and his love for his wife, and it may also indicate the end of crises and conflicts and that she can bear them happily and contentedly.
  • If a woman sees her husband bathing in front of a group of people in a dream, this may indicate an era of happiness and prosperity in their married life. The dream can be interpreted that the husband will get the opportunity to shine and succeed in the field of work or society. The dream of one’s husband bathing in front of others in a dream could also symbolize abundant livelihood and achieving great successes, thanks to God.

    Entering the bathroom to take a shower in a dream for a married woman

  • When a married woman sees in her dream that she is entering the bathroom to shower, this is evidence of goodness and health for her, her children, and her husband. Usually, for a married woman, entering the bathroom to shower in a dream symbolizes ample livelihood and a healthy and happy life. The dream may also be a sign of stability and happiness coming to her home and husband. It may indicate the desire for physical and spiritual cleanliness and the desire to be cleansed of sins and transgressions.

    Interpretation of a dream about washing with pure water

  • Interpretation of a dream about washing with pure water is one of the positive and encouraging visions in the world of interpretation. If the dreamer sees in a dream that he is bathing with pure and clear water, this reflects the state of spiritual cleansing and inner purity that the individual seeks. This dream may indicate the end of a difficult period or internal conflicts, and the achievement of peace and stability in personal life.
  • Dreaming of washing with pure water may also mean preparing for a new beginning in the dreamer’s life. This interpretation may be appropriate for people who are living through a period of turmoil or experiencing personal challenges. Bathing with pure water represents an opportunity for restoration, renewal, and spiritual growth.
  • From other aspects, the interpretation of a dream about washing with pure water may also symbolize achieving new achievements or high levels of success and excellence in professional or practical life. Seeing the dreamer cleaning himself with pure water may mean that he will reach a high stage and a prominent position in society or work.

    Interpretation of a dream about taking a shower in front of people for a married woman

  • Interpretation of a dream about bathing in front of people for a married woman is considered strange and carries many different connotations depending on the precise details of the vision and its circumstances. Seeing a married woman bathing in front of people may symbolize that she does not protect the secrets of her home. Some scholars have provided an explanation that attributes this vision to its connection with performing the Eid and Friday prayers in the mosque, as her bathing in front of people is considered a reflection of her religious commitment and her gathering with her colleagues in worship.
  • On the other hand, a dream about bathing in front of people for a married woman could be an indication of the presence of haters and envious people around her. These people may try to cause the married woman misfortune or raise doubts about her rights and duties. She must remain determined to perform her duties and enjoy her married life in peace and happiness, without letting these negatives affect her.
  • A dream about bathing in front of people for a married woman can also be related to her repentance and her desire to fulfill her rights and duties. Her bathing in front of people could be a sign of her return to God and her repentance from sins and transgressions. If the clothes are wet from showering, this vision may indicate that happiness and goodness may come to her home and family.
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