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Interpretation of seeing a person defecate in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Seeing someone defecating in a dream is considered one of the dreams that cause repulsion and distress to its owner, but in the world of dreams it includes many interpretations that vary between good and evil, depending on the social status of the person having the dream, and the events and details he sees in his dream, as well as the appearance that he sees in his dream. It appears whether the defecation occurred in front of others or in private.Seeing someone defecate in a dream

    Seeing someone defecate in a dream

    • The person who watches his manager at work defecate in a dream is an indication that the seer will be given a higher job position and a sign of his high status in society due to his diligence and excellence.
    • A married woman, when she sees herself defecating on her clothes in a dream, is an indication of her separation from her partner, while if the owner of the dream is an engaged girl, then this indicates the dissolution of the engagement.
    • A girl who sees in her dream someone she knows defecating in a dream is an indication of hearing some joyful news during the coming period, God willing.
    • A person who sees himself defecating and many people around him are watching him from a vision that leads to exposure to some scandals and notoriety, especially if the stool smells bad and is not desirable.

    Seeing someone defecate in a dream by Ibn Sirin

    • The dream of defecation denotes that the dreamer will reach all the goals and objectives he wants to achieve. It also symbolizes the arrival of abundant money thanks to the thinking of the owner of the dream and his taking the right decisions in his life.
    • The person who defecates in a dream and hides what comes out under the dirt or sand, this indicates that this person committed some bad deeds and concealed them from others, and this causes him harm and harm after a period of time has passed.
    • If the dreamer suffers from an illness and sees himself defecating in the bathroom, then this is a vision that leads to provision for recovery soon, and an indication of the stability of his health condition.
    • Watching a man defecate in a dream is considered a good omen that leads to the dreamer’s provision of blessings and good luck, and an indication of the arrival of abundant goodness for the owner of the dream.

    Seeing someone defecate in a dream for single women

    • A girl who has never been married, if she lives in poverty and distress, and she sees in her dream that there is a person who defecates, then this symbolizes relief from distress, an improvement in the standard of living for the seer, and good tidings that lead to recovery if she is sick.
    • If the seer is engaged and sees her partner in a dream defecating, this is a bad sign indicating the dissolution of the engagement.
    • An unmarried girl, when she sees a person defecating in a dream, and she feels upset and disgusted about it, this indicates that she will fall into some problems and crises with the rest of the family members and the instability of relations between them.
    • Watching the firstborn girl finish defecation in a dream is a vision that symbolizes deliverance from a stage full of fatigue and suffering and the advent of another happy stage in which all the goals and objectives she wants will be achieved.
    • Watching defecation in a woman’s dream indicates that the coming period of her life will enjoy stability, peace of mind, and psychological calm, God willing, provided that the one who sees in that dream feels comfortable.
    • Dreaming of defecation in a married woman’s dream denotes the start of a new, better phase in her life, full of positive changes and happiness. If this woman works in trade, then this symbolizes the success of her trade and her many gains.
    • A wife who sees someone defecate in her dream and was disgusted by that matter, this symbolizes that she will fall into some problems and crises with the husband, but it will soon end within a short period of time.
    • Seeing the wife as one of her acquaintances defecating in a dream is one of the dreams that indicates the achievement of a benefit through this person and a good omen that leads to the coming of abundant goodness for this woman with his help.
    • If the wife is in the months of pregnancy and sees a child in her sleep defecating, then this is considered good tidings leading to the birth of a boy child, God willing.
    • When a married woman sees a small child defecating in a dream, this is a sign for her indicating that she will soon be pregnant, God willing.
    • The sick seer, when she sees a child defecating in a dream, this is an indication of an improvement in her health and well-being during the coming period.
    اقرأ:  ما هو تفسير رؤية التبرز في المنام لابن سيرين؟

    Seeing someone defecate in a dream for a pregnant woman

    • A pregnant woman who sees a person defecate with difficulty in a dream is an indication that the viewer is going through some health crises during pregnancy and the instability of her health condition, and this will continue until childbirth.
    • The visionary who sees a small person defecating in a dream, but she could not distinguish his features and whether he is a boy or a girl, is an indication of having a female baby, while if this small person who defecates is male, then this indicates the arrival of a boy.
    • Seeing a pregnant woman who she knows defecates in a dream is an indication of provision for a smooth delivery process free from any difficulties, God willing, especially if the woman saw it in the last months.

    Seeing someone defecate in a dream for a divorced woman

    • Watching defecation in a dream separated from the vision that indicates a lot of money and an improvement in the financial condition of the visionary for the better, and this also leads to achieving some personal benefits.
    • Seeing a divorced woman herself defecating hard feces in a dream is one of the dreams that indicate difficulty in collecting money through work and facing some obstacles and crises in the job.
    • A visionary who dreams of herself cleaning the place of defecation in a dream is a sign of salvation from the state of worry and distress in which the owner of the dream lives, and a good omen indicating that the next one will be happier and more joyful.
    • A divorced woman who dreams of herself collecting the remains of excrement from the ground is considered a good vision that indicates the recovery of her rights from her ex-husband and the end of problems and arguments between them.

    Seeing someone defecate in a dream for a man

    • Watching a man defecate in a dream is an indication that the visionary enjoys generosity and that he pays a lot of money to provide for the requirements and needs of his children and his partner.
    • The dream of getting rid of excrement in a dream of the dreamer denotes that he pays money for things he does not want or is not satisfied with, and God is higher and more knowledgeable.
    • The owner of a dream who sees himself in a dream defecating solid feces in a dream is considered an indication that the dreamer finds it difficult to collect money, while if that stool is liquid, then this leads to extravagance in paying money.
    • A man dreamed of himself defecating in front of many people in a dream from a vision that indicates the owner of the dream feels proud of himself because of the many blessings he receives.
    • When a man sees himself in a dream trying to clean himself of excrement, this is a sign indicating an improvement in his image among people and salvation from the bad image that those around him take of him.
    • Watching the removal of excrement and cleaning it in a dream is one of the dreams that symbolizes stopping committing taboos in order to earn money.
    • The seer who cleans himself from defecation in a dream is a sign of moving away from any haters or envious people surrounding him and a sign of escaping from trouble.
    • Seeing a man clean excrement in a dream is a sign indicating that he should stop committing sins and taboos.
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    Interpretation of a dream about someone defecating in the bathroom

    • The seer who defecates in the toilet and sees in a dream that he is cleaning the toilet from the remains of excrement, this is a sign of the dreamer’s distance from acts of worship and obedience and his negligence in the right of his Lord, Glory be to Him.
    • The person who gets rid of the excrement on the bathroom floor is one of the praiseworthy visions that indicates salvation from the envy that the seer is exposed to.
    • Seeing a person defecating in the toilet is a good dream that indicates that the dreamer is an unorganized person who lives in a state of randomness and chaos.

    Interpretation of a dream about a patient pooping

    • If a person who suffers from some diseases sees himself defecating in a dream and feels comfortable after that, this is a sign of recovery from diseases.
    • Seeing the patient defecate in a dream in front of people is a bad vision that symbolizes the deterioration of his health conditions more for the worse during the coming period.
    • If the seer suffers from some diseases and sees in his dream that he is defecating, then this is an indication of living in a state of fatigue and suffering, and that this person needs someone to support him in order to pass that period in peace.
    • When the patient sees an unknown person defecating in a dream, this is a sign that he will soon recover.

    Seeing a woman defecate in a dream

    • A woman who dreams of herself defecating in a public place is one of the visions that indicates the visionary’s bragging about her blessings in front of others.
    • The single woman who sees herself defecating on the bed in a dream is one of the visions that indicates the visionary’s inability to bear the burdens and responsibilities entrusted to her.
    • A visionary who sees herself defecating in dark-colored stools is one of the dreams that denotes a decrease in social status and indicates loss of a job and expulsion from it.

    Interpretation of a dream about someone defecating in front of me

    • A person who watches one of his acquaintances defecating in front of him and emitting a bad smell is one of the dreams that indicate the dishonesty of this person and that he is a deceitful and hypocritical personality.
    • Watching a person defecate in a dream from a vision that indicates falling into enmity with him in reality and a lack of understanding between each other.
    • The seer who watches someone he knows defecate in front of him and then throws his excrement at him is a bad vision that warns the seer of being subjected to injustice and oppression from this person in reality and is an indication of harm to him.

    Seeing a child defecate in a dream

    • A wife who sees a child defecating in a dream is one of the visions that indicates the occurrence of some quarrels and disagreements with the husband, and the matter may end between them in the occurrence of divorce.
    • Watching a child defecate in a dream and then cleaning him is one of the dreams that symbolizes the visionary making some hasty and bad decisions and trying to fix them.
    • A person who sees a child’s diaper full of excrement from a vision that indicates falling into some troubles and worries that cannot be easily escaped.
    • A woman who is about to give birth when she sees a small child defecating in a dream is considered a sign of the arrival of a healthy and healthy child, and this also leads to hearing some joyful news.

    Interpretation of seeing a person defecate on himself

    • A man who sees himself in a dream defecating on himself is one of the bad dreams that indicates the beholder’s denial of the blessing of his Lord and that he is an ungrateful personality who feels dissatisfied with the blessings in which he lives.
    • Seeing defecation on oneself in a dream is an unfavorable vision that indicates that the seer has committed some abominations and abominations, and is an indication that he will fall into vice.
    • The person who watches himself defecate on the bed is one of the dreams that indicate the infection with diseases that are difficult to recover from, and if the seer is married, then this symbolizes the separation from his partner.
    • When the dreamer sees himself in a dream defecating on himself without any will, it is considered a dream that leads to making some wrong decisions and regretting them later.
    • A married woman, when she sees herself defecating in a dream, is a sign of witchcraft and envy from others.
    • Interpretation of the dream of a person defecating in his clothes in a dream from the vision that symbolizes that the seer has committed many follies and misfortunes in his life, and he must repent to his Lord and move away from the path of error.
    • Seeing defecation on clothes in a dream indicates the keenness of the dreamer to perform daily prayers and obligatory duties and not to fall short in the right of God Almighty.
    • A seer who sees himself in a dream defecating on his clothes involuntarily and without his control is considered a vision that symbolizes failure to make decisions and a sign indicating the haste of the owner of the dream, which causes him adversity and problems.
    • Watching defecation on clothes in general indicates that the seer will fall into some misfortunes and tribulations that cause his condition to deteriorate for the worse and make him sad and distressed.
    اقرأ:  تعرف على تفسير حلم الطبخ في المنام لابن سيرين

    What is the interpretation of a dream about holding feces by hand?

    • Seeing yourself holding feces with your hand in a dream is considered a bad vision, as it indicates that the dreamer obtained his money in an illegal and forbidden manner as a result of committing some immoral and illegal acts.
    • Holding feces in a dream indicates the dreamer’s remorse for some bad decisions he made in his life
    • Whereas if the dream includes wading through feces, this means falling into worries and afflictions
    • A person who steps on feces inside the bathroom is a dream that symbolizes the spread of temptations and delusions
    • A man who sees himself touching feces in a dream is considered an indication that the dreamer is close to some bad friends and committing sins and immoralities with them.

    What is the interpretation of seeing someone I know defecating in a dream?

    • Watching a well-known person defecate in a place he knows in a dream means that the dreamer will pay a lot of money in order to satisfy his desires.
    • Seeing a person appearing in a dream inside an unknown place in a dream is a vision that symbolizes the dreamer earning money illegally and forbidden by committing some illegal and immoral acts.
    • A person who sees one of his acquaintances defecating in a dream and then throws the remains of the feces on him is a dream that indicates the large number of rivals and enemies around the dreamer and is a sign that symbolizes the deterioration of conditions for the worse.

    What is the interpretation of dead defecation in a dream?

    • Watching a deceased person you know defecate in a dream is considered a good dream that leads to a high status and status for the dreamer with his Lord and good news that leads to him being blessed with the highest paradise.
    • Dreaming of a dead person defecating in the dream and then eating his own feces is one of the dreams that indicates falling into debt and being unable to fulfill it
    • The dreamer who sees a deceased person knows him defecating in front of a large crowd of people is one of the dreams that symbolize the dreamer committing some sins and sins.
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