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Interpretation of seeing a dead person crying in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Seeing a dead person crying in a dream, what is the meaning of a dead person crying in a dream? The dreamer asks: Does this mean his bad deeds in this world or his torment in the afterlife? Is he crying with joy or sadness? Scientists give many interpretations of seeing the dead person crying in a dream depending on the condition of the dead person and the dreamer.Interpretation of seeing the dead crying badly in a dream

    Seeing the dead crying in a dream

  • The interpretation of seeing the dead crying in a dream varies according to the psychological state of the beholder and the appearance of the dead, such as:
    • Imam al-Sadiq says that the crying of the dead person in a dream may be a warning message not to follow the path of desires and sins in which the dead person has become before.
    • If the deceased is crying while he is sad, then perhaps he is in misery and fatigue in his final resting place and needs the dreamer’s supplication.
    • Whoever sees a dead person crying and then laughing in a dream, this is a sign that his steps in his life and his death have stumbled on disobedience and his bad ending.

    Seeing the dead crying in a dream by Ibn Sirin

    Ibn Sirin offers the following interpretations of the dead crying in a dream.

    • Ibn Sirin says that the wailing and screaming of the dead person in a dream is a sign of his torment in the afterlife.
    • The black face of the deceased crying in a dream indicates his bad deeds, his committing sins, and perhaps major sins.
    • Seeing the dead crying in a dream while he was talking and smiling, so what he says is the truth and far from falsehood, and the seer should take his words seriously.
    • The crying of the dead person in a dream while bowing his head may symbolize the debt hanging around his neck and his request from the seer to pay off his debts.
    • Watching the deceased crying for joy in a dream heralds his comfort in the afterlife and his good deeds.

    Seeing the dead crying in a dream for single women

  • In most cases, seeing the dead crying in a dream for single women, especially as an indication of her stable or troubled psychological state, so its interpretations are different, such as:
    • Seeing a single woman whose deceased father is crying and sad indicates his dissatisfaction with her actions and her stumbling blocks in life.
    • Perhaps the deceased mother’s grief and crying indicates her daughter’s constant rejection of the engagement and her lack of desire for marriage.
    • Watching the dreamer, one of her dead relatives, crying intensely and crying loudly, indicates his need to remove friendships.
    • As for the interpretation of the dream of the dead crying in a dream of the girl while he is happy, this heralds success in studies, progress in work, or her meeting with the knight of her dreams.

    Seeing the dead crying in a dream for a married woman

    What are the interpretations of scholars to see the dead crying in a dream for a married woman?

    • If a married woman sees her deceased husband crying in a dream, then he is not satisfied with her and may be sad because of her preoccupation with visiting him and her failure to pray for him.
    • Seeing a dead woman whom she does not know crying in her dream indicates her feeling of discontent and resentment over her life and not thanking God for the blessing of her husband and children.
    • The crying of the dead father while he is sad in a dream of a married woman from the unfavorable visions that indicate the distress of the situation or the injury of a member of her family to a health problem.
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    Seeing the dead crying in a dream for a pregnant woman

  • Seeing the dead crying in a dream for a pregnant woman may bode well or portend bad things, such as:
    • If a pregnant woman sees her dead father or her deceased mother crying intensely in her sleep, she may be exposed to danger during childbirth or harm to the newborn.
    • When a pregnant woman sees a dead person crying in a dream and giving her something, this indicates the upcoming good and abundant livelihood.
    • The crying of the dead without a sound in a pregnant woman’s dream is from the praiseworthy vision that heralds her overcoming pains in pregnancy and childbirth and enjoying good health.

    Seeing the dead crying in a dream for a divorced woman

  • Perhaps the interpretations of seeing the dead crying in a dream of a divorced woman give her the glad tidings of comfort and tranquility in her life:
    • Seeing the dead crying in a dream of a divorced woman, then laughing, indicates the disappearance of problems and the end of grief.
    • I am divorced, and I saw my deceased father crying while he was sad in a dream, referring to the father’s feelings for her, his grief over what happened, and his sympathy for her, but the vision promises her salvation from troubles.
    • If the divorced woman had children and saw her deceased mother crying in her dream, the vision may symbolize the suffering of their children because of the divorce and her neglect of them.

    Seeing the dead crying in a dream for a man

  • Sometimes crying is a sign of vulva, but if the crying is related to the deceased in a man’s dream, is the matter different?
    • Seeing a dead person walking with him crying and accompanying him to a place may indicate the existence of a secret that the dead person hides and wants to inform the seer of it.
    • Crying of the dead man in a dream of a distressed man is a sign of relief.
    • The imprisoned seer who sees a dead person crying in a dream of joy, for he will soon obtain his freedom, his innocence will appear, and his right will be restored.

    Seeing the dead crying hard in a dream

  • Crying loudly in a dream may be reprehensible, as in the following cases:
    • Seeing the dead crying intensely in a dream indicates his death in disobedience, his deep remorse, his need for forgiveness, and his request for mercy for him.
    • Ibn Sirin interprets the crying of the dead severely in a dream as evidence of his large debts or that he has caused injustice to someone.
    • Watching the dead crying hard in a single woman’s dream may mean the deterioration of her mental health and her suffering from internal conflicts due to the delay in marriage.
    • The deceased’s crying a lot in a man’s dream may warn him of poverty or a change in the situation for the worse as a result of his wrong decisions.

    Seeing the deceased father crying in a dream

  • The crying of the deceased father in a dream is usually a message to the seer, as we see:
    • The crying of the dead father in a dream while he is sad may indicate that the dreamer is in a financial or health crisis.
    • Seeing the dead father crying in a dream about his son who sees him and admonishes him is an indication that the visionary is walking in the wrong path, deviating from the right path, and the desire of the deceased father to improve his condition.
    • If a righteous daughter sees her father crying in a dream, he may be in need of her accepted supplication.
    • A married woman seeing her deceased father crying with joy in a dream indicates the arrival of happy news for her and the arrival of relief after distress in her life.
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    Seeing the dead crying over a living person

  • When a dead person cries in a dream about a living person, it is disturbing and frightening, so we will discuss the most important interpretations of seeing a dead person crying over a living person as follows:
    • crying dead wife In a dream about her living husband, this is evidence of his negligence in the right of his children and her fear for their path.
    • Interpretation of a dream about a dead person crying over a living person It indicates a person’s poor condition and his exposure to problems and worries in his life.
    • Seeing a dead person crying over a living person may indicate his wrong decisions that will cause him harm.
    • Watching the dead crying over a person who is still alive, who may be a disobedient son, a man who is corrupt in his work, or a wife who is negligent towards her children.
    • Crying of the dead over the living in general indicates dissatisfaction, discontent, and fear of the dead over the fate of the living.

    Seeing the dead crying over a dead person

    What is the meaning of a dead person crying over another dead person in a dream?

    • It is said that the dead crying over another dead person in a dream is an indication of the difference in their fate, as one of them is righteous, while the other died of sin and was unable to repent.
    • if it was Both deceased Righteous, and the dreamer saw the dead crying over the other dead, as this is a sign of their joy in their final resting place and a good ending.

    Seeing the dead sad in a dream

  • Seeing the dead sad in a dream is not a promising vision, as in the following interpretations:
    • Ibn Sirin interprets seeing the dead sad in a dream as an indication that the seer will be in a big problem.
    • Seeing a single woman who introduces someone to betroth her deceased father sadly in a dream is a sign that he is an unsuitable person.
    • It is said that seeing a divorced woman sitting with her ex-husband and her dead father while he is sad about them is a sign that they will return again and change their lives for the better.
    • Watching the deceased crying while he is sad in a dream means his failure in his religion.
    • Seeing the dead sad is considered about the psychological state of the viewer, who may have made a mistake or reprimanded his conscience because of something. In all cases, the vision indicates sadness and a feeling of distress.
    • The sad dead person in a dream of a rich man may symbolize that the seer does not give out the alms, or that he does not help the needy.

    Interpretation of a dream about the dead crying over the living

    • The crying of the dead over the living may be a sign that he has committed sins and that the deceased does not want his torment in the Hereafter, for he is in the abode of truth and has been taught.
    • Sometimes the crying of the dead over the living is evidence of the disappearance of the dreamer’s grief and grief, because crying is usually associated with the vagina.
    • Seeing the dead father crying over the seer may indicate his bad condition if he is sick or poor and in dire need, or perhaps his failure with God.
    • The crying of the deceased mother in the dreamer Mahmoud’s dream indicates her intense love for him and her satisfaction with him. But if she was crying and screaming in anger, then the dreamer may have sinned against her and was unfaithful to her.
    • A dead husband’s crying in his wife’s dream may indicate his dissatisfaction with her behavior, or he may cry out of fear that something will happen to his children.
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    Interpretation of a dream dead sick and crying

  • What raises anxiety in fact is the disease and crying, so what about the interpretation of the dream of the dead sick and crying?
    • The dead person’s illness and his crying in a dream may indicate his negligence in this world and his remorse for not working for the afterlife.
    • Seeing the dead sick and crying in a dream may foreshadow the seer with misfortune in his life, such as contracting a disease or suffering a loss at work.
    • If the deceased is crying and complaining of pain in his neck, he may have a debt that needs to be paid.
    • The crying of the deceased because of a disease in his leg symbolizes that he walked the path of error during his life and that he needs supplication now.
    • Watching the dead complain of an ailment in his stomach and crying in pain, as he may have eaten the right of someone in his life to suffer because of him.

    Seeing the dead crying without sound

    Scholars differ on the interpretation of seeing the dead crying without sound, such as:

    • Ibn Sirin says that Crying dead in a dream without sound An indication of comfort in his final resting place and good work.
    • Al-Nabulsi differs with Ibn Sirin in seeing the deceased only weeping without wailing, indicating his remorse for having committed injustice in his life or severing ties of kinship.
    • The groaning in the crying of the deceased symbolizes his bad deeds, as seen by Ibn Shaheen.
    • The tears of the dead in a dream without wailing indicate relief and ease after hardship in the life of the seer.
    • The crying of the dead without a sound in a dream for a pregnant woman is herald of the disappearance of the troubles of childbirth.

    Seeing the dead crying blood in a dream

  • The eye in a dream is a symbol of one’s insight and religion, and whoever sees blood coming out of his eye while crying instead of tears, it is a reprehensible vision. As for seeing the dead crying blood in a dream, it is one of the visions that is not desirable at all.
    • Ibn Sirin says that whoever sees a dead person crying blood in a dream, this is an indication that he committed a great sin and that he died before he repented.
    • Seeing the deceased crying blood instead of tears indicates his distance from God.
    • If a single woman sees a dead person crying blood in her dream, she may be associated with a person of immoral character who commits sins, and she must stay away from him.
    • It is said that the dead person crying blood in a dream is a sign of illegitimate gain.
    • Seeing a pregnant woman in her dream dead, blood coming out of his eyes while crying, may symbolize a disease that she is afflicted with, or severe pain in childbirth.
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