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Interpretation of abortion in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Abortion in a dream is one of the visions that disturbs many, especially if the woman with the vision is pregnant. Most dream interpreters have confirmed that seeing a miscarriage in a dream symbolizes going through a difficult period. Today, through our website, we will discuss the most prominent interpretations that were mentioned about seeing abortion for both men and women, depending on their marital status.Abortion in a dream

    Abortion in a dream

    • Abortion in a dream is a sign that the visionary is going through a difficult time, but he must be patient and have good faith in God Almighty that he will overcome this period.
    • While seeing a miscarriage without bleeding, the dream expresses that the dreamer will go through many problems and difficulties, but they will soon go away.
    • It is also mentioned in the interpretation of this dream that the dreamer does not have patience and wisdom when dealing with problems and difficult situations, because all the time nervousness controls him and makes him get involved in more problems.
    • Imam Al-Sadiq said about seeing a miscarriage in a dream that the dreamer will bear many pressures and responsibilities that never make him feel comfortable in his life.
    • Among the aforementioned interpretations of seeing an abortion in a dream is a sign of failure to reach goals and ambitions.
    • Seeing a miscarriage in a dream without feeling the pain is a sign that what is coming in the dreamer’s life will be better, God willing.
    • Whoever sees in a dream that a woman has an abortion in front of him and bleeds a lot of blood, the vision tells him that he will face many obstacles and obstacles that will prevent the dreamer from reaching his goals.
    • The dream usually refers to the dreamer’s endurance in enduring all the crises that the dreamer faces from time to time.
    • Abortion in a dream is a sign of hearing bad news in the coming period, which will negatively affect the dreamer’s life.

    Abortion in a dream by Ibn Sirin

  • Ibn Sirin interpreted seeing a miscarriage in a dream as carrying many connotations, the most important of which are:
    • Abortion in a dream is a bad omen, indicating that the viewer will suffer many losses in his life, and it will make him feel despair and frustration for a long time.
    • A dream about a miscarriage usually indicates that the dreamer is exposed to a health problem that will make him stay in bed for a long time.
    • Seeing the miscarriage of a woman known to me in front of me in a dream indicates that the dreamer may be exposed to treachery by those around him, so he must be prepared for that.
    • The fall of the fetus in a dream is an indication that the dreamer will be exposed to difficult matters, and the dream indicates that the dreamer will be involved in problems against his will.
    • Abortion in a dream means harm, whether it is psychological harm or physical harm.
    • Seeing a miscarriage in a woman’s dream is evidence of the disruption of her affairs and the lack of access to everything she desires.

    Abortion in a dream for single women

  • Seeing a miscarriage in a dream for single women is one of the visions that carries more than one meaning and more than one interpretation. Here are the most prominent of them, according to what Ibn Sirin stated:
    • Abortion without pain in a single woman’s dream is a sign that her marriage contract is approaching from a righteous and religious person, with whom she will find true happiness.
    • But if the miscarriage was accompanied by severe pain, then unfortunately the vision symbolizes the dreamer’s failure to reach any of his goals or aspirations.
    • Seeing a miscarriage in a single woman’s dream is a clear sign that she will go through a difficult time in her life, in addition to that she will not find anyone beside her to help her get through this period.
    • If the visionary is still studying, this is an indication of her academic failure and the lack of access to any of her dreams.
    • Abortion in an unmarried woman’s dream, with a lot of blood bleeding, indicates that the dreamer has committed a great sin, and she must draw closer to God Almighty.
    • Watching someone else’s miscarriage in a single woman’s dream is a sign that she is surrounded by people who never wish her well and are currently plotting against her, so caution should be exercised as much as possible.
    • A twin miscarriage in a single woman’s dream is one of the benign visions, contrary to what many expect, as it reflects that she is a righteous person who tries all the time to be close to God Almighty.
    • Seeing an abortion for an unmarried woman is evidence of her bad reputation in her social environment.
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    Abortion in a dream for a married woman

  • Seeing an abortion in a dream of a married woman is one of the dreams that Imam Ibn Sirin interpreted, and here are the most prominent interpretations mentioned in his book Interpretation of Dreams:
    • An abortion in a dream for a married woman is an indication that the dreamer is going through a difficult period filled with a large number of problems and pressures, with no one to help her.
    • The dream also explains that the dreamer does not feel safe in her life with her husband, so at the present time she is considering taking the decision to divorce.
    • Seeing an abortion in a dream for a married woman is an indication that she will suffer from reproductive problems and in the coming period she will go to more than one doctor.
    • Ibn Sirin confirmed that seeing a miscarriage in a married woman’s dream is an indication that she never trusts her husband and suspects him of betrayal all the time.
    • The bleeding of a miscarriage in a married woman’s dream reflects the presence of people around her who speak ill of her.

    Abortion in a dream for a pregnant woman

  • Miscarriage in a dream of a pregnant woman is one of the dreams that make her feel panic, fearing for her fetus and its health, so here are the most prominent interpretations mentioned in this vision:
    • Abortion in a pregnant dream is an indication that her birth will be easy, God willing, contrary to what she expects, but she must think well of God Almighty all the time.
    • The dream usually indicates what is going on in her subconscious mind and her fears about childbirth in general.
    • If a pregnant woman sees an abortion of the fetus in a dream, with blood mixed with the blood of the menstrual cycle, this is a good sign that she will get a lot of money during the coming period and abundant goodness in general.
    • Aborting the fetus in a pregnant dream is a warning to the dreamer that the due date is approaching.
    • Seeing a boy aborting in a pregnant woman’s dream is a sign that she does not have any health problems.
    • The death of the fetus in the mother’s womb while she is pregnant is evidence of the severe fatigue and exhaustion that the dreamer will be exposed to in the last days of pregnancy, and God knows best.
    • If the dreamer sees that she aborted the fetus in the toilet, it is a sign that all the conditions of the dreamer have changed for the worse, and God knows best.
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    Abortion in a dream for a divorced woman

    • Abortion in a divorced dream is a sign that she will soon find an end to her fatigue and sadness.
    • Seeing a miscarriage in a dream while feeling severe pain is a sign that the dreamer will go through a large number of problems in her life, and she will find that her affairs are complicated all the time.
    • If the dreamer intends to move to a new job, the dream tells her that she will find many obstacles in her way.
    • The fall of the fetus in the toilet for a divorced woman is one of the unfavorable visions that reflects the presence of people who speak ill of her at the expense of her reputation.

    Abortion in a dream for a man

  • Seeing a miscarriage in a man’s dream is one of the frequent visions of many. Here are the most prominent explanations mentioned in the books of major commentators:
    • Abortion in a man’s dream is a sign of the dreamer’s strength and tolerance for all the problems he goes through from time to time.
    • Aborting the fetus in a man’s dream is an indication of the possibility of entering into a new business partnership, and the dreamer will earn a lot of lawful money from it.
    • Seeing a miscarriage in a man’s dream is a sign of receiving a number of news that will significantly change the dreamer’s life.

    What are the interpretations of a dream of miscarriage of twins?

    • A twin miscarriage in a dream is evidence of the abundance of livelihood that will reach the dreamer’s life in the coming period.
    • Seeing a twin miscarriage in a single woman’s dream indicates that good luck will befall her, and she will be able, God Almighty, to reach all her goals.
    • The dream in general symbolizes the near compensation.

    Miscarriage and bleeding in a dream

    • Seeing a miscarriage and bleeding in a dream of a pregnant woman is evidence of the deterioration of the dreamer’s health during the coming period.
    • Abortion and seeing blood in a dream for a married woman is an indication that there is severe tension in her relationship with her husband, and perhaps the situation will reach the point of separation.
    • Seeing a miscarriage and bleeding bad blood is evidence of receiving good news.

    Abortion and seeing the fetus in a dream

    • Abortion and seeing the fetus in a dream are praiseworthy visions, contrary to what some expect, as it leads to the dreamer reaching what he desires and dealing with all obstacles and obstacles.
    • Whoever sees in his dream the abortion of the fetus while seeing the fetus is evidence that the dreamer suffers from debts, but he will be able to pay them off in the coming period.
    • Abortion and seeing a fetus in a dream indicates a long life for the dreamer.
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    Miscarriage bleeding in a dream

    • Seeing the bleeding of a miscarriage in a dream is an indication that negative thinking is controlling the dreamer’s head.
    • As for the interpretation of the dream in a pregnant woman’s dream, it reflects what she is currently thinking about and her fears about childbirth, but she must think well of God Almighty.
    • Seeing a miscarriage and bleeding in a married woman’s dream indicates that she will reveal the truth about everyone around her and remove the bad ones from her life.

    The desire to have an abortion in a dream

    • The desire to have an abortion in a dream is evidence of the dreamer’s desperate desire to get rid of the worries and problems that have bothered him for a long time in his life.
    • The dream for a single woman is that she is currently trying to get bad people out of her life.

    Abortion in a dream

    • Seeing an abortion in a dream is a sign that the dreamer has great responsibilities in his life and he wishes he could get rid of them.
    • Abortion in a dream with a lot of blood being shed is evidence of major losses that will befall the dreamer’s life.

    Fear of miscarriage in a dream

    • Fear of miscarriage in a dream is a sign that the dreamer suffers from pressures and many problems all the time that do not make him feel comfortable in his life.
    • The dream also expresses the constant fear of the future and the inability to reach goals.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about a miscarriage in the bathroom?

    • For a pregnant woman, the fetus falling from the womb into the bathroom is an indication that the time of birth is approaching, and the dream also symbolizes that childbirth will never be easy
    • The interpretation of a dream in a married woman’s dream is evidence that something harmful has happened in her life, and God knows best

    What is the interpretation of miscarriage with twins in a dream?

    • A miscarriage of twins in a dream is a sign that the dreamer, God willing, will receive good news that will improve his life for the better.
    • Seeing a miscarriage with twins in a dream is an indication that compensation and relief are in their approach to the dreamer’s life, and that he will get rid of all the problems that negatively affected him for long periods.

    What is the interpretation of abortion with a girl in a dream?

    • Miscarriage of a girl in a dream is a vision that is not good, as it indicates the dreamer’s difficult situation and his worsening conditions
    • The dream is also an indication of experiencing a major financial loss if the dreamer is a man
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