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Interpretation of a dream that I got engaged to someone I do not know by Ibn Sirin

  • I dreamed that I got engaged to someone I do not know, one of the dreams that brings anxiety and confusion to the dreamer, as engagement is one of the happy occasions that brings happiness and joy to life, but getting engaged to an unknown person in a dream indicates many different interpretations and meanings.I dreamed that I got engaged to someone I don’t know

    I dreamed that I got engaged to someone I don’t know

    • Seeing the engagement of an unknown person in a dream and feeling joy and happiness is a sign of success in moving away from the difficult period in which the dreamer suffered from sadness and unhappiness, and her psychological state was greatly deteriorating.
    • Dreaming in a virgin’s dream that she has been engaged to someone she does not know is evidence of the feelings of safety and tranquility that she is experiencing at the present time, after completing the obstacles and moody troubles that formed a great burden while they were inside her heart.
    • Watching the dreamer’s engagement in a dream from a person she does not know, but he wears expensive clothes, indicates the life of luxury and wealth that this person lives and will be a source of support and support for her in the future, and the dream may indicate the high position that the dreamer will be able to reach.

    I dreamed that I got engaged to someone I do not know, to Ibn Sirin

    • Dreaming of being engaged to someone I do not know in a dream is evidence of a new beginning in the dreamer’s life, in which she will enjoy some positive changes, push forward and success.
    • She dreamed of being engaged to an unknown man in a dream, but he showed good qualities, indicating that the dreamer would face some difficulties in practical life, but she would succeed in overcoming them and completing them soon without allowing them to leave a negative impact on her life.
    • Refusing engagement in a dream from an unknown person is a sign of the great challenges and troubles that the girl suffers from in real life, but she is trying in every possible way to overcome them and finish them as soon as possible.
    • A girl’s engagement in a dream to an unknown person is a sign of the happy period that she will enjoy in the near future, as she will receive some good news that has a good effect on her psychological state and mood.
    • Watching the engagement in a dream of an unmarried girl and wearing a beautiful dress indicates the happy occasion that she is preparing for in the near future, and the dream may indicate her engagement in real life to a young man with good qualities and good manners.
    • The feeling of happiness and joy when associating with an unknown person in a dream is an indication of the great success and progress that the dreamer achieves in her professional life, and it will bring her many benefits and gains that guarantee her a stable life.

    Interpretation of a dream about someone I do not know proposed to me for single women

    • The girl’s engagement to an unknown person in a dream is evidence of her engagement in the near future with a young man of good qualities and a high position in society, and their marital relationship will be stable to a large extent without suffering from disagreements and lack of understanding.
    • A young man proposed to the virgin girl, and he appeared dignified and wise, indicating entering a new phase in the life of the dreamer, in which she seeks to achieve many goals and desires, and deals with problems and challenges with reason and logic.
    • Watching an unknown man proposing to the girl in a dream indicates that the stable period of her life in which she enjoys bounties, as she benefits greatly from it in ending the obstacles and troubles that pose great harm to her.

    What is the interpretation of the groom’s refusal in a dream for single women?

    • Seeing a dream of rejecting the groom in a dream is evidence of making some important decisions in real life, after spending a lot of time thinking and hesitating, but in the end they follow the voice of reason and succeed in choosing the right decision.
    • Watching a dream about the rejection of the groom, who appears kind and calm, is a sign of the deteriorating period in which the dreamer lives and suffers from confusion and hesitation, and the inability to face difficulties and crises and end them.
    • The dream of refusing to be associated with an unknown person in a dream indicates the feelings of fear and anxiety that control the dreamer, and make her afraid of experimenting and going through new things that may benefit her and benefit her.
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    I dreamed that I got engaged to someone I know

    • The dream of a girl getting engaged to someone she knows in a dream is evidence of the close joy that she is experiencing in reality on the occasion of her marriage to the man she loves, and their relationship will be largely stable, as the dreamer will be able to resolve the differences between them easily.
    • Watching a girl get engaged to her manager in a dream is evidence of the great effort and energy she expends for work and success, so that she can reach a prestigious position and become a great authority in the workplace in the near future.

    I dreamed that I got engaged to a married woman whom I do not know

    • A woman’s engagement in a dream to an unknown young man is evidence of the positive events that will take place in her life during the coming period and will help her greatly in solving the problems and obstacles that she suffered from in the past period and affected her greatly.
    • The dream of the wife’s engagement to an unknown man in a dream and she was happy indicates continuous thinking about how to provide a happy life for her family, and the ability to solve the differences and problems that fall in her marital life and cause the deterioration of her relationship with her husband.
    • Dreaming of being engaged to a man whom the dreamer does not know in a dream is an indication of entering a new stage in her life, in which she will start a new project that will bring her abundant livelihood and good things that improve the financial level and make her progress to the best.

    I dreamed that I got engaged to a pregnant woman whom I do not know

    •  I dreamed that I got engaged to a pregnant woman in a dream from a person I do not know, an indication of the difficulties and troubles that she suffers from during pregnancy, where she lives in a state of constant fatigue and pain, but she bears and tries to adhere to the good instructions until she finishes the birth well.
    • The feeling of joyful happiness when seeing the engagement of an unknown man in a dream is a sign of her stable life, in which she lives many happy things that bring pleasure and joy to her heart, and help her get rid of feelings of sadness and unhappiness.
    • The dream of a pregnant woman getting engaged in a dream indicates the noble qualities that characterize her in real life, and make her close to everyone and loved, in addition to her ability to solve problems and crises in a good and logical way.

    I dreamed that I got engaged to someone I don’t know

    • Interpretation of a dream about a divorced betrothal In a dream about a man you do not know, it is a sign of the abundant livelihood and goodness that you will obtain in the near future. The dream indicates the end of the past period in which she suffered from sadness and oppression, after losing her life and staying away from her husband.
    • A divorced woman’s dream of her engagement to an unknown person indicates the stable period that she will accept in the near future, and she will be able to enjoy a quiet life devoid of struggles and conflicts that affected her in the past in a negative way.
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    Interpretation of a dream about a person I do not know proposed to me for a divorced woman

    • Seeing a relationship with an unknown person in a divorced woman’s dream is a sign of safely getting out of adversity and obstacles, and entering a new period of life in which positive changes will lead her to the best in her private and professional life.
    •  The engagement of a person I do not know in a dream to the separated indicates the quiet life that the dreamer enjoys at the present time, and she is blessed with many good things and gains and does many good things that raise her status.
    • A dream about a man proposing to the dreamer and she did not know him in reality denotes a near relief and escaping from grief and misery in peace, and the dream may indicate her marriage in the near future to a man of good qualities who treats her in a good way.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about someone proposing to me that I do not know?

    • Seeing a person proposing to the girl in the girl is evidence of the dreamer’s desire to feel love and happiness, and to seek attention and care. The dream may indicate that there is a young man in real life who wants to be associated with her.
    • Being engaged to an unknown young man in a dream is evidence of facing some difficulties and challenges at the present time.
    • The engagement party in a single girl’s dream from an unknown man indicates the qualities of courage and determination that characterize her in reality, in addition to hope and optimism in achieving success and reaching her goal.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about seeing a person engaged to me?

    • The dream of someone I know getting engaged to me in a dream is evidence of receiving some good news very soon, and the occurrence of many events that bring joy and pleasure to life in general and make the dreamer in a stable psychological state.
    • Watching the girl in a dream about her engagement to one of her teachers is a sign of the great success and excellence she achieves in her educational life, as she gets high grades that make her in a state of happiness and joy in herself.
    • The interpretation of the dream of the manager addressing the dreamer in a dream is evidence of the many achievements that she will achieve in the near future, and that she will be able to reach an important position from which she will benefit from many gains and advantages that guarantee her comfort and stability.

    What is the meaning of refusing engagement in a dream?

    • Refusing engagement in a dream is a sign of the financial and psychological problems that the dreamer is going through at the present time, but she is trying to overcome them and finish them soon so that she can regain her energy and live her normal life again.
    • Interpretation of a dream about a girl refusing an engagement is a sign of the feelings of fear and hesitation that she suffers from in reality, and prevents her from trying new things as she lives in a state of isolation and loneliness, and finds it very difficult to engage in life and make friends.
    • to reject Engagement in a dream for a married woman An indication of the negative news that you will receive in the near future, as you are entering a difficult stage in which there are many problems and disagreements, and you will find it difficult to deal with them normally, as you need help and assistance.
    • Seeing a dream about engagement from someone I do not want in a dream and crying intensely is a sign of the difficult period that the dreamer is going through with many problems and suffering from stress and fear of upcoming events in the future. The dream may indicate exposure to the loss of some precious things in her current life.
    • Engagement from an unacceptable young man in a dream, and crying indicate that some events will occur in the near future, and the dreamer may benefit from them in a positive way in progress and achieving great success, and in general the dream indicates the end of the misery and sadness that dominated her life during the previous period.
    • Seeing the engagement in a dream from a well-known person is a sign of the coming of a lot of good and blessing in life, and the provision of many benefits that the dreamer benefits from in progress and reaching a high position that makes her respected by everyone.
    • The dream of being engaged to a man I know in a dream indicates the feelings of happiness and optimism that the dreamer is experiencing at the present time, and increases her sense of enthusiasm and activity so that she can progress and do many positive things that improve her current life situation.
    • Seeing a dream about a single woman getting engaged to her boyfriend in a dream is evidence of the common interests that bring them together in real life, and the dream indicates the strong friendship between the two parties and the success in resolving the differences between them easily.
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    What is the interpretation of wearing an engagement ring in a dream?

    • Dreaming of wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a good sign that expresses the arrival of a lot of joy in the dreamer’s life in the near future, in addition to success in reaching the goals that she has been seeking for a long time.
    • Wearing an engagement ring in a girl’s dream indicates that she will soon get engaged to the person she loves, and they will have a stable marital relationship based on love and understanding. The dream may indicate a feeling of happiness and pleasure in life in general.
    • The dream of wearing an engagement ring in a woman’s dream indicates a life in which she enjoys comfort and stability, where she will be blessed with some good things in the near future.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about getting engaged to an old man?

    • Interpretation of a dream about engagement to an old man in a dream for a single woman indicates that she will fall into many crises that will hinder her path and prevent her from reaching her goal despite the effort and energy she is putting in to achieve her goal.
    • Getting engaged to an old man in a dream and feeling happy is an indication of the many good things and livelihood that the dreamer will obtain in the near future, after ending the troubles that stood in her way in the past period and put her in a state of pressure and tension.
    • Being associated with an elderly man in a dream that the dreamer does not know is evidence of the psychological pressures she is experiencing at the present time, in addition to the accumulation of responsibilities and obligations on her and the inability to continue living life normally.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about my sister’s engagement to someone I do not know?

    • Seeing my sister getting engaged in a dream to an unknown person indicates that the dreamer is thinking a lot about searching for solutions to the problems that her sister is suffering from in real life, as she cares greatly about her and tries to alleviate her sadness.
    • Dreaming of a younger sister’s engagement in a dream indicates happy occasions during the coming period. The dream indicates that her marriage is approaching and the preparations for holding a large party in which all those close to the family will participate.
    • Dreaming of my sister’s engagement to an unknown person in a dream indicates the end of the obstacles and challenges that the dreamer suffered from on the practical level and the beginning of thinking and working towards expansion and advancement to a better position.
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