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Interpretation of a dream about snow by Ibn Sirin

  • Interpretation of a dream about snow in a dream. Seeing snow in general is one of the visions that brings comfort and happiness to the soul despite the bitter cold that radiates from it. But what is the interpretation of snow falling in a dream, is snow falling good or bad, and does the interpretation differ for men from women? We answer you about it through this article.
  • Snow dream interpretation

    Snow dream interpretation

    • Seeing snow in a dream is one of the bad visions in some cases. Al-Nabulsi says about it that it is an indication of the calamities that happen to people and the country. Seeing it falling on crops, trees and fruits is a vision that warns of loss, poverty and disease. 
    • Sheikh Al-Nabulsi says that the snow in a dream that accompanies the flow of torrents is a good vision and expresses a great deal of good in addition to the benefit and the growth of crops if it falls on time. 
    • Seeing heavy snowfall in a dream at an untimely time is an indication of the affliction that befalls the country from the people of power. As for it falling on homes and shops, it is loss and disease.
    • If a man sees in a dream that snow is falling on him, then this is a sign of travel, but in this travel there is great hardship in life. As for the feeling of extreme cold in a dream, it is poverty and want. 

    Interpretation of a dream about snow for Ibn Sirin

    • Ibn Sirin says that Snow falling in a dream On the dreamer’s head directly represents victory over enemies, but being covered in snow is a bad vision and expresses the worries that overwhelm the dreamer. 
    • Seeing snow falling in a dream in its natural form is a lot of livelihood for the servants, but the snowfall that is accompanied by storms is a mercy from God, and the city is completely covered with snow, so it is general for the good of all people.
    • Dreaming of snow on clothes is a sign of toil and hard work in order to achieve goals. As for the feeling of fear of snow falling, it is fear of an unjust ruler, and snow falling in abundance inside the house is a warning of a disaster that will befall the people of the house, God forbid. 

    Interpretation of seeing snow in a dream by Nabulsi

    • Imam Al-Nabulsi says that seeing snow differs in its interpretation according to the state of the snow. If it is red in color, then it is a punishment from God that will befall the servants. As for black, it is a symbol of tyranny and the spread of corruption among people, and seeing yellow snow is an indication of the spread of diseases. 
    • Al-Nabulsi added, in the interpretation of the vision of snow falling accompanied by blood, that it is evidence of war and killing in the country. 
    • Snow falling in the sea is an indication of the emergence and spread of corruption on land and sea, and seeing snow collected in a dream is an expression of returning to God and repentance, but collecting it in a bag or container is an expression of mistakes. 
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    Interpretation of a dream about snow

    • Snow in a dream for a single girl is an expression of the obstacles and troubles that she faces in life in the event of a dream of being covered in snow. As for seeing snow falling and watching it from behind the window, it is a symbol of happiness, joy and the ability to move forward. 
    • Interpreters say that snow in a virgin girl’s dream is a symbol of getting rid of troubles, in addition to achieving goals in the world and the end of distress, but if she sees that snow is falling on her and causing her severe harm, then this is troubles and problems in her life.
    • Seeing rain and snow together is a sign of much goodness and success in life, in addition to obtaining promotions in the field of work or success and success in studies.
    • Seeing ice cubes in a dream for a single girl is a sign of liberation from all the negative feelings that are controlling her at the present time, in addition to an expression of her need for love and tenderness in order to release pent-up feelings. 
    • Seeing a married woman that the snow is falling and melting in a dream is a relief for worry and anguish, in addition to strength and health if she is sick, and the vision is an indication of a lot of goodness in the event that it falls on agricultural land. 
    • If a lady sees snow falling in the desert, then it is a warning vision that indicates the many worries and troubles in life. As for the intense fear of the era of the snow, it is an indication of the presence of an unjust person in her life.
    • Imam Al-Sadiq says that the vision of eating snow preventing the husband in a dream is a vision that indicates the affection and good relations that bring them together. As for the snow falling on the husband’s head, these are many benefits that he will get soon.
    • Interpreters say that snow in a dream of a pregnant woman is happiness and stability in the state of health, in addition to a sense of calm, comfort and stability in life, in the event of feeling joy and happiness when the snow comes down. 
    • The vision expresses a feeling of lethargy, fatigue, and facing some health and psychological disorders, in the event that she saw herself sleeping on the snow.
    • Seeing pure white snow is a sign of psychological stability and happiness in life, but seeing it mixed with blood is a sign of trouble and a warning of miscarriage, God forbid. 

    Interpretation of a dream about snow for a divorced woman

    • Seeing snow in a dream for a divorced woman expresses stability and happiness in life. Seeing it coming down in the summer is a change of conditions for the better. But if she sees that snow is blocking her way, then it is an indication of the troubles and problems that stand in her way. 
    • The fall of a large amount of snow without causing harm or a problem to the lady is an indication of earning a lot of money during the coming period, in addition to feeling comfortable and reassured and getting rid of bad events.
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    Interpretation of a dream about snow for a man

    • Snow in a man’s dream carries many interpretations, as it is a sign of achieving goals and ambitions and overcoming all obstacles, in addition to that clean snow is evidence of a person who fears God in all actions.
    • Waseem Youssef says that Snow in a dream for a man It is an expression of a lot of money, joy and happiness in life, and opening new doors of livelihood. As for eating it, it is an expression of sadness and a feeling of despair and frustration, but it will overcome it soon. 
    • Jurists and interpreters say that the dream of snow for the dead is an indication of receiving bad news, unfortunately, related to family matters, and he will feel great sadness and oppression as a result of these circumstances, and he must be patient. 
    • Dreaming of snow for the dead in a dream, Ibn Sirin interpreted it as severe calamities that will fall over the head of the seer beyond his ability to bear, he must bear and act wisely so that he can deal with them without losses.

    Interpretation of snow falling in a dream

    • Dreaming of snow falling in a dream is an indication of a change in conditions for the better and an exit from poverty and drought in life to prosperity and development. As for heavy snow falling on the road, it is a year full of rapid events and abundant livelihood. 
    • Seeing snow falling in a dream for an expatriate young man is an indication of his soon return. As for snow falling at an untimely time, it is an unpleasant matter and portends many calamities and troubles in life. 
    • Snow falling in an unusually heavy or frightening way is a symbol of the difficulties and hard life that a man lives in. As for snow falling from the sky at its time, it is a lot of good and a harvest as a result of effort.
    • A cold falling in a dream on the vagina after distress, happiness and joy after sadness, in addition to a speedy recovery from diseases after a long period of fatigue. 
    • Seeing snow falling may be a bad and reprehensible vision at times if it is accompanied by the destruction of the country and causing harm to the people, as it is a symbol of temptation and the descent of affliction throughout the country. 

    Interpretation of seeing snow cover the ground in a dream

    • Seeing that snow covers the ground in a dream, but the seer is still able to walk on it without problems, as this is livelihood and a lot of money that he will earn soon. The vision also expresses work and patience in order to achieve goals. 
    • Seeing snow covering a large area of ​​agricultural land is a good vision and expresses reaping a lot of money from the land, but if it causes damage to it, then it is a great loss that hits the dreamer.
    • The accumulation of snow on one land without the other is a bad vision and warns of war in this land.
    • Ibn Sirin believes that white snow is a harvest as a result of effort, facing crises and difficulties in life, and the ability to overcome them. It is also an escape from hatred and envy. 
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  • Seeing snow melting in a dream, according to Ibn Shaheen, is an expression of the disappearance of worry and sadness in life, in addition to purity from sins and sins, but on the condition that the dreamer is not overwhelmed. As for dreaming of snow melting from green land, it symbolizes an increase in lifespan and making money, and dreaming of snow melting from graves is an admonition to the dreamer, but he did not act on it well.
  • Interpretation of ice cubes in a dream

    • Seeing ice cubes in a dream was interpreted by contemporary jurists as making money, but in an illegal way, but seeing playing with them expresses stability and happiness in life, but at the same time it leads to an underestimation of the value of money. 
    • Seeing the purchase of ice cubes is a sign of obtaining a lot of benefits during the coming period, in addition to achieving many goals, and if the dreamer is a man suffering from illness, then it is a sign of a soon recovery.

    What is the interpretation of buying snow in a dream?

  • Buying ice in a dream is a sign of safety, comfort, an abundance of money, and making a lot of gains. However, the vision of buying ice in order to play with it and build houses from it is a bad vision and indicates earning a lot of money, but unfortunately the dreamer did not manage it well and will lose it in worthless things. .
  • Seeing snow in a dream in the summer, what does it mean?

  • Seeing snow falling in the summer in a dream is a bad vision and indicates many troubles and crises that will befall the dreamer. The vision also expresses a feeling of fatigue and many sorrows in life, but buying snow in a dream in the summer is a good thing that expresses getting rid of worries and comfort in life and in… If it melts quickly, it is an indication of getting rid of worry and sadness.
  • What is the interpretation of white snow in a dream?

  • White snow in a dream is a symbol of the disappearance of worry and getting rid of all worries and problems. In addition, it is a symbol of relieving distress and achieving what one wants in life. It is a provision for the needy. It is also an expression of an improvement in the dreamer’s life and a change in life for the better. Its combination is goodness and blessing if it is not accompanied by storms or storms. It was not accompanied by any harm to the dreamer, and the jurists have interpreted that the feeling of cold accompanying the falling of snow is an indication of need and lack of good feelings and security in life.
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