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Interpretation of a dream about lice in poetry by Ibn Sirin

  • Interpretation of a dream about lice in hair: What does it mean? Seeing lice is one of the important visions that carries many different symbols and connotations, depending on whether the dreamer is a man, a single girl, or a married woman. However, in general, it is a symbol of being exposed to hatred and envy, and we will learn more about all the connotations of this vision through this article. Interpretation of a dream about lice in the hair

    Interpretation of a dream about lice in the hair

    • Seeing lice in poetry is a sign of abundant sustenance, in addition to reaching a higher position in life, in addition to the keenness of the seer to follow the teachings of religion and abide by them, according to Ibn Katheer. 
    • Seeing lice emerging from the hair and walking on the body is a bad vision and expresses the presence of people who defame the viewer and talk badly about him. 
    • Seeing a lot of lice around the dreamer is an indication of the weakness of the enemies surrounding the president, but they are weak and unable to harm the viewer, but if they fall on the clothes, it means that the dreamer suffers from many material problems and cannot live normally. 
    • Killing lice in a patient’s dream is a sign of an approaching recovery, but if he cannot get rid of it, it is an indication that the disease will continue with him for a long time. 

    Interpretation of a dream about lice in poetry by Ibn Sirin

    • Ibn Sirin believes that lice in a dream is a reference to the many enemies surrounding the president and whom he thought were his friends. As for extracting lice from the hair and throwing them on the ground without killing them, it is a sign of failure and inability to make the right decisions. 
    • A lot of lice in a dream for a married man is an expression that he treats his family and children well. Exposure to a lice bite means suffering from stress and psychological troubles as a result of the accumulation of debts and worries. 
    • Seeing lice walking in the hair was interpreted by Ibn Sirin as an indication of disease and exposure to a health problem, in addition to missing important opportunities in life. 
    • Seeing lice in a dream for single women It is a vision that indicates exposure to psychological harm by family and relatives, but killing him means that she is strong and capable of facing all the difficult situations she is going through, according to Al-Nabulsi. 
    • Imam al-Nabulsi believes that seeing lice for single women is an indication of the many aspirations that the girl is trying to achieve. As for seeing combing her hair and lice falling out, it is a sign that worries and troubles will go away.
    • Seeing combing hair and killing lice is an indication of superiority in all areas of life, and Ibn Sirin said that it is an indication of exposing the falsehood of her friends and getting rid of the hypocrites. 
    •  Seeing lice in the hair of a married woman indicates pregnancy soon, if the woman is waiting for pregnancy to occur, but if she suffers from poverty and lack of money, then it is a sign of earning money soon. 
    • If the wife was committing a sin and saw lice being extracted from her head, then this is a sign of guidance soon, and the vision may express fears about the future and concern for the children. 
    • Seeing a lot of lice coming out of the wife’s hair is an indication that she suffers from a lot of hatred and envy in her life, but the lice bite means that there are many enemies who spoil her life with her husband. 
    • Killing black lice is a symbol of getting rid of troubles, a great improvement in all conditions of the wife, and avoiding problems.

    Interpretation of a dream about lice in the hair of a pregnant woman

    • If a pregnant woman sees in a dream that she is working to clean her hair from lice, then this is an indication of getting rid of corrupt people from her life, but seeing a lot of lice in her hair means that she suffers a lot from backbiting, gossip, and getting into her reputation by relatives. 
    • Lice in a pregnant woman’s dream is a symbol of giving birth to girls, but killing him means getting rid of distress and worry in life, and seeing lice and nits in the hair together is a sign of getting rid of debts and improving financial conditions. 

    Interpretation of a dream about lice in the hair of a divorced woman

    • Lice in the hair of a divorced woman is interpreted as a lot of psychological troubles that the woman goes through as a result of divorce and people talking badly about her after the separation, which affects her negatively. 
    • Lice in a divorced woman’s dream is one of the dreams that express going through many crises and material difficulties resulting from the loss of the breadwinner. It may be a psychological vision as a result of intense anxiety and fear of the future and securing material life. 
    • A dream that a bum is walking on the clothes of a divorced woman is a symbol of the presence of a man of ill repute in her life and she had to get rid of him, and it may be a sign of her committing sins.
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    Interpretation of a dream about lice in the hair of a man

    • Seeing lice in a man’s hair was interpreted by Ibn Sirin as an indication of making incorrect decisions, which will cause him to get into many problems, and the vision also indicates the large number of haters in the man’s life. 
    • The presence of lice in the head is a symbol of the multitude of worries and the visionary’s constant preoccupation with thinking about the future in order to find solutions to all matters. As for seeing him walking on the body, it is an expression of the sins and transgressions that the visionary commits. 
    • Killing lice is an expression of repentance, resolving problems, and getting rid of the troubles and worries facing a man.
  • Combing the hair and removing lice from the hair by the wife is an expression of her desire to solve the problems she faces in life, but by the man, it is a symbol of getting rid of differences and eliminating hateful people in his life, and if he suffers from illness, then it is an indication of a soon recovery.
    • If a single girl sees lice in the hair of another person close to her, there are people who backbite this person and speak ill of him in front of people, and it may be a sign that this person is going through several problems, whether in study or work or disrupting marriage. 
    • Dreaming of lice in someone else’s hair and trying to remove it is an indication that the seer has a kind heart and seeks to help others. 
    • As for seeing lice in the son’s hair and removing it, it is a sign of happiness and success in life and the occurrence of many positive things. As for seeing it in the sister’s hair, it means that there are hateful people who harbor feelings of hatred for her. 

    Interpretation of a dream about lice walking in the hair

    • The dream that lice are walking in the hair was interpreted by al-Nabulsi as abundant provision and enjoyment in this world, in addition to an increase in money and children. The vision also expresses faith and following the Sunnah. 
    • Seeing lice coming out of the hair and walking on the body expresses the bad people who speak ill of the seer. As for the large number of lice, it is a sign of enemies who are weak in spirit and there is no need to worry about them. 
    • The loss of lice from the hair on new clothes was interpreted by the jurists as severe financial regression to which the dreamer is exposed. As for the disease, it is a sign of recovery from diseases if he can kill him. 

    Interpretation of a dream about lice coming out of hair

    • Hair coming out from a dream for a man is an indication of getting rid of the corrupt friends surrounding him and starting a new path away from sins and transgressions. 
    • Combing the hair and the removal of lice and nits from it, which Ibn Sirin says about it, is an indication of obtaining a lot of money through an inheritance for the seer, but for the patient, it is a recovery of health and wellness. 
    • Combing the hair and removing lice from it in a married woman’s dream, according to Imam al-Nabulsi, is an indication of the desire to find solutions to all the problems that the woman is going through. As for killing him afterwards, it means the courage and strength that she possesses in order to face all the troubles and defeat the enemies. 
    • Removing lice eggs in a dream for a single girl expresses getting rid of obstacles and good thinking in order to get everything she wants, and it also expresses the desire to move away from the path of badness. 

    Interpretation of a dream about lice in the hair of a dead person

    • Seeing lice in the hair of a dead person carries many different connotations. Ibn Sirin believes that it is a symbol of repentance and getting rid of the sins he committed in his life, and a sign of raising his status in the afterlife. 
    • As for seeing lice in the hair of the dead, according to al-Nabulsi’s interpretation, it is a symbol of the presence of relatives digging and searching for his belongings and belongings in order to obtain them. As for killing lice in the head of the dead, it is an indication that the seer seeks to give out alms and pray for the dead continuously.

    Interpretation of a dream about lice in hair

    • Seeing a lot of lice in a dream is an indication of an abundance of sustenance and the birth of boys and girls. As for the removal of lice by the concerned, it is an indication of getting rid of the problems and troubles that one is going through. 
    • Seeing a lot of lice and white nits in the hair is interpreted by Al-Nabulsi as bad words said against the seer, but if the lice are in exaggerated quantities, then it is a symbol of the many worries and sorrows that the dreamer is going through.
    • Seeing a lot of lice in the son’s hair means that he is surrounded by many bad friends, and you have to help him and give him advice. As for the flight of lice from the hair, it means getting rid of the crises and problems that the dreamer faces.
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    Interpretation of a dream about seeing lice in someone else’s hair for a married woman

  • Emotional bonding and trust: If a married woman sees lice in another person’s hair, this dream may be an indication of tension in the relationship between the two partners. It may indicate a lack of trust between spouses and weak emotional bonding. It may be helpful to have open communication with your partner to discuss emotional issues and find appropriate solutions.
  • Dominance and control: Seeing lice in another person’s hair may reflect a lack of control or domineering within the marital relationship. The dream could indicate that your partner is controlling you or your life in unhealthy ways. In this case, you may need to set clear boundaries and practice mutual respect within the relationship.
  • The need for attention and flirtation: Seeing lice in someone else’s hair can reflect the desire to get more attention and flirtation in your married life. There may be a feeling of neglect or separation, and you must pay attention to these feelings and communicate with your partner to strengthen the relationship and show love and affection.
  • Emotional infection: Lice are small organisms that transmit quickly and reproduce quickly. Seeing lice in another person’s hair can symbolize being affected by negative or unhealthy behavior in a relationship. This dream may be a reminder that it is important to monitor and stay away from toxic relationships in marital life.

    Cleaning hair from lice in a dream


    Cleaning hair from lice in a dream: a list of useful information

  • Dreams may have different and exciting connotations in our lives and sometimes include symbols that indicate our psychological state or our future expectations. In this list, we will explore the interpretation of “cleaning hair from lice in a dream”. If you prefer dream semantics, take a look at the following information:
    1. Getting rid of the burden: Seeing someone cleaning his hair from lice in a dream may reflect your desire to get rid of the burden and problems you face in daily life. Note that cleaning hair from lice in a dream is not only a literal expression of getting rid of pests, but it can also be seen as a type of rejuvenation and cleansing.
    2. Preparing for a new beginning: If you see yourself cleaning your hair from lice in a dream, this may mean that you are preparing for a new beginning and trying to change your life. This can be preparation for eliminating negative toxins or adopting new healthy habits.
    3. Paying attention to personal hygiene: Cleaning hair from lice in a dream is a reminder of the importance of personal hygiene and taking care of the body and hair. This may be an indication that you want to take care of yourself and your outward appearance, and therefore, it can be a direction towards developing a healthy lifestyle.
    4. Emotional Detox: Sometimes getting rid of lice is about releasing emotional toxins and negative influences in your life. You may have a desire to purge negative emotions and achieve inner peace.
    5. Self-protection: This dream can also symbolize your need to protect yourself from problems and harmful people. Cleaning hair from lice in a dream can symbolize your psychological strength, your ability to confront challenges, and the desire to maintain your health and personal comfort.

    I dreamed that I was combing my hair and lice came out of it for the single woman


    What does a dream about hair combs and lice mean for a single woman?

  • I dreamed of something rather strange, which was that you were combing your hair and lice scattered from it. So what does this dream mean? Here are some common thoughts on its interpretation:

    1. Anxiety and psychological stress:The dream may be a symbol of the psychological pressures you suffer from in your daily life. Hair lice may reflect the accumulation of tensions and anxiety within you. You may feel that your worries and life pressures are causing you problems and challenges that may be tiring.

    2. Feeling of inferiority and loneliness:The dream could be an expression of the feeling of inadequacy and emotional loneliness that you are experiencing. Being single may raise feelings of resentment or isolation, and seeing hair lice could be an expression of this feeling of loneliness and dissatisfaction with the current situation.

    3. Aversion to romantic relationships:The dream may reflect your desire to avoid or avoid romantic relationships at the moment. There may be a temporary reluctance to engage or become professional due to bad past experiences or other personal reasons.

    4. Pay attention to public health:Sometimes a dream can indicate that you care about your overall health and taking care of your body. Hair lice indicates that you should check your general health symptoms and make sure that everything is okay.

    5. Avoid problems and obstacles:The dream could be a reminder to you of the importance of avoiding problems and obstacles in your life. You may have to make decisive decisions and avoid risks that may cause more problems and difficulties to arise.

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    6. A desire for renewal and change:The dream may reflect your desire to make changes in your life or renew yourself. You may have to review some old habits and replace them with new, healthier and more positive patterns.

    Interpretation of a dream about lice in a married man’s hair


  • Here are some possible interpretations of a dream about lice in a married man’s hair:
    1. Marital relationship anxiety: A dream about lice in a married man’s hair may symbolize some anxiety in the marital relationship. Lice may indicate the presence of disagreements or minor problems that affect marital life, and that need to be worked on to solve and clarify them between the spouses.
    2. Feeling stressed and exhausted: A dream about lice in a married man’s hair may reflect his feeling of pressure and exhaustion in daily life. Lice may be a symbol of obstacles and troubles that stand in his way at work or even in personal relationships.
    3. Doubt and jealousy: A dream about lice in a married man’s hair could indicate the presence of doubts or jealousy in the marital relationship. A person may consider lice a symbol of lost trust between spouses, or perhaps the possibility of the presence of a third person in the relationship.

    Interpretation of a dream about a big louse in my hair


    Interpretation of a dream about a big louse in my hair: 5 interesting interpretations

    Dreaming of a large louse in your hair may raise a lot of anxiety and surprise. However, dream interpretation may help in understanding the meanings of this dream and finding psychological comfort. Here is a list of 5 interesting interpretations of dreaming about a big louse in your hair:

    1. Getting rid of negative things: Dreaming of a big louse in your hair could be a symbol of getting rid of negative things or toxins in your life. You are likely trying to get rid of toxic relationships or harmful circumstances that are negatively impacting your professional or personal life.
    2. Controlling difficult matters: A dream about a big louse may also mean that you need to take more control of difficult matters in your life. You may be experiencing a feeling of helplessness or loss of control, and this dream indicates the need for strength and confidence in yourself to overcome difficulties.
    3. Life pressures and stress: Dreaming of a big louse in your hair could be a reminder of life pressures and stress you are under. You are probably feeling heavy or confused and that difficult times are taking away your efforts and energy. It may be a good time to think about ways to de-stress and focus on your comfort and mental health.
    4. Feeling personal discomfort: Dreaming of a big louse in your hair may be a symbol of personal discomfort or feeling unsure of yourself. You may feel anxious or doubt your personal strength. In this case, you need to deal with doubts and fear and work on strengthening your self-confidence.
    5. The need for cleanliness and tidiness: A dream about a big louse in your hair can be interpreted as a hint for the need for cleanliness and tidiness in your personal life. This may apply to different aspects of your life, whether it relates to personal appearance or the places you live. It may be appropriate to consider how you can improve your surroundings and encourage more cleanliness and tidiness.

    Interpretation of a dream about dead lice in hair, what does it mean?

  • Seeing dead lice in the hair carries many positive connotations in the dreamer’s life. It expresses happiness, earning money, and the occurrence of many changes in the man’s life, in addition to being an expression of getting rid of problems and spiteful friends in the dreamer’s life. However, in the case of a divorced woman seeing that she is combing the hair and taking out dead lice from it It is interpreted as a desire to get rid of all obstacles and old differences and start a new life, while seeing the elimination of lice eggs means hearing happy news and getting rid of obstacles in life.

    What is the interpretation of a dream about lice in the hair of a young child?

  • Seeing lice in a child’s hair in a married man’s dream is interpreted as a lot of goodness and a lot of money that the man will earn during the next stage. However, seeing lice and removing it from a child’s hair in a debtor’s dream is an indication of repayment and the start of a new life, and for a single girl it is evidence of a period of stability in all aspects. .

    What is the interpretation of the dream of lice in the hair and killing it?

  • Al-Nabulsi says that the vision of killing lice and getting rid of them is an indication of recovery and getting out of the cycle of illnesses soon. In addition, it is an expression of getting rid of trouble and the occurrence of positive changes in the life of the dreamer. Ibn Sirin says that this vision is a symbol of freedom for the prisoner.
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