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Interpretation of a dream about killing by Ibn Sirin

  • Interpretation of a dream about murder: Individuals are confused because it indicates the most horrific thing that has the potential to happen in reality, and so they wonder whether it indicates something bad that is happening in reality or not? This is what we will know in the article.Interpretation of a dream about murder

    What is the interpretation of killing in a dream?

  • Interpretation of the dream of killing is only a sign of goodness, abundant sustenance, and blessing in all the affairs of the world.
  • If the individual sees that a deceased person is killing him in a dream while sleeping, then this indicates that there is a great benefit that this person will take from him. exposure to envy.

    Interpretation of a dream about killing Ibn Sirin

  • If a man dreamed that someone was killed in the dream, then this indicates his salvation from the grief that befell him, and when a person sees that he is killing himself while sleeping, then this indicates the sincere repentance that he should perform during that period, even if the individual witnesses that he is killing someone he knows without Slaughtering him, it means that good befell the killed person.
  • When the dreamer sees a slaughtered person in a dream and does not know who slaughtered him, this proves that he has committed an heresy and he has to reconsider himself. .

    Interpretation of the dream of killing Ibn Ghannam

  • Ibn Ghannam mentions that the interpretation of killing a person in a dream, and this person was one of the enemies of the seer, proves his victory over him.
  • If the dreamer found that he killed many people, this indicates repentance from all his sins, and if the man saw that there was someone he killed in a dream and he did not know who killed him, then it symbolizes his ingratitude in all the things around him.

    Interpretation of a dream about killing Nabulsi

  • Al-Nabulsi mentions in his books that the killing of the people of prostitution in a dream is an indication of victory in religion and his doing good deeds that bring him closer to the Lord (Glory be to Him). future.
  • If the individual sees that he has killed a number of souls in a dream, then this indicates that he will earn money in the same number, and that he will be in bliss and happiness, and if he dreams that he killed his son in a dream, then this indicates abundant sustenance, so killing in general is an indication of the sustenance that comes as a gift from God (blessed and exalted be He). ).
  • When a man dreams of the death of a man in a dream through murder, and she was previously acquainted with him, then the interpretation of the dream of murder for a single woman is her falling in love with him and her strong desire for him and she wants to marry him sooner.
  • If a girl dreams that she killed a man in order to defend herself, this indicates her ability to take responsibility and that she has become mature enough for marriage.
  • Dreaming of a murder in a virgin’s dream is an indication of the psychological pressure in which she lives during that period, and she has to face her problems with a strong heart that does not affect anything.

    What is the interpretation of killing with a knife in a dream for single women?

  • If the single woman saw that she was killed with a knife in a dream, then this indicates her extreme fear of leaving the one she loves.
  • If a girl dreamed that she had killed a girl in a dream with a knife, then this indicates her competition in reality with another one and she will prevail over her.
  • The interpretation of the dream of killing a married woman is an indication of the abundant money that she will soon receive.
  • If a woman witnesses many murders in a dream, this indicates that she has lost many friends, whether they are close or not.
  • In a dream about a married woman, murder is an indication of the instability, fear and anxiety that she experiences in her life.
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    What is the interpretation of a dream about killing a pregnant woman?

  • Dreaming of killing in a woman’s dream is a sign of her stress over the loss of the fetus, especially if she is pregnant for the first time.
  • The interpretation of the dream of murder for a pregnant woman is an indication that her birth will be somewhat difficult, but she and her child will emerge from it intact.
  • If a woman dreamed that she shot her husband dead while she was sleeping, this heralds her that she will be born a female.

    Interpretation of a dream about killing a divorced woman

  • Seeing murder in a divorced woman’s dream is an indication of the distorted psyche from the events of the past, and if a woman finds that she is killing her ex-husband in a dream, then it expresses the benefits that she will be able to obtain through him.
  • If the woman saw that she was subjected to an attempted murder in her sleep, and no harm occurred, this indicates that the ordeals passed and ended quickly, and in the event that she killed someone she knew in the dream, this indicates the interest that exists between them.

    Interpretation of a dream about killing a man

  • If an individual sees that he is killing someone with bullets in a dream, then this indicates the happy events that he will find in his next life, and if a man dreams of killing his wife, then this indicates the end of the period of differences that existed in their lives before.
  • If the dreamer dreamed of killing an old woman in a dream, then it suggests that he abandons all the worldly pleasures and his renunciation of it and begins to reform his situation with God (Almighty and Majestic).

    What does stabbing with a knife mean in a dream?

  • Interpretation of a dream about killing with a knife is an indication that he will be able to reach the goals he desires and needs.
  • If a person dreams of someone approaching him in order to stab him with a knife, then it means that this person is planning a big plot for him so that he will fall into it and get hurt.

    What is the interpretation of stabbing with a knife in the back in a dream?

  • Seeing being stabbed in the back with a knife in a dream indicates that he has done an act that his conscience reproaches him for, and if a man dreamed that another person was killing him with a knife in a dream and he knew this person, this indicates that he spoke in public with incorrect words.
  • If the dreamer found one of his friends stabbing him several times in the back while sleeping, this indicates that he is betraying him and making him fall into many problems, and he must beware of him well because he does not know what the intentions are hiding.

    What is the interpretation of the dream of being stabbed with a knife without blood?

  • When an individual sees that there is a stabbing with a knife in a dream, it is an indication of the bad things that will happen to him and that he will fall into many difficulties.
  • When a person sees someone stabbing him in the stomach, it indicates the presence of an enemy who is watching him from afar, plotting against him, and wanting to harm him. Therefore, it is better for him to pay attention to the friends around him, as there may be someone who does not like him and wants him harm.

    What is the interpretation of the dream of being shot dead?

  • One of the scholars says that being shot dead in a dream is an indication of obtaining goodness and contentment, in addition to the ability of the seer to succeed in the future.
  • In the case of seeing killing with a gun during sleep, this indicates the existence of a business partnership between him and a trustworthy person. If a girl dreams that she hit someone with a gun and he died, and this person knew him, then it means that she will marry him and that she wants to live with him in happiness and prosperity.
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    Interpretation of a dream about killing and escaping

  • If the individual dreamed that he had killed, but he ran away because of this act, then he must begin to review himself and see if there are mistakes he is making towards himself or others. .
  • When a person sees that he is getting into a quarrel with an individual and then overpowers him and kills him, then this suggests obtaining blessings, money and many blessings, and when the dreamer sees that he is running away from something, then the vision denotes repentance, advice and guidance.

    Interpretation of a dream about killing and escaping from the police

  • If an individual dreams that he killed someone and then escapes from the police, this proves his caution in matters of his life, and if a person kills but fails to escape from the police, then this indicates that there are people who do not like him well and that they are among the bad people, and he must stay away from those.
  • Ibn Shaheen mentions that the vision of escaping from the police after he kills a person in a dream while he was actually sleeping on a sin indicates his need to repent from that sin, and it is better for him to approach the Lord (Glory be to Him) in this world in order to win the Hereafter.

    Interpretation of a dream about killing in self-defense

  • When an individual dreams that he is killing someone in self-defense, it indicates his desire to defend his ideas that prove himself, in addition to his ability to succeed and excel, and that he is able to overcome adversity after going through it.
  • In the event that the dreamer was subjected to oppression and cruelty in treatment, and he dreamed that he was killed because of his self-defense, then this indicates that he was able to take his right in addition to getting rid of that treatment.

    Interpretation of a dream about killing and cutting off organs

  • In the case of a dream about killing and then cutting off the hand with the sword in the dream, this indicates that there is a great benefit that the dreamer will get.
  • If a person dreams that he cuts a person with a knife and kills him, then this indicates the quarrels that will be between him and his relatives, and sometimes this vision means that the dreamer will go through a painful experience, but he will try to get rid of it soon.
  • When a single girl sees that she is killing a person in a dream, but she was previously acquainted with him, this indicates the desire of this person to approach her and talk to her. for a period of time.

    Interpretation of a dream about killing someone with a knife


  • Seeing someone killed with a knife in a dream expresses many different feelings and interpretations. Killing in a dream with a knife may symbolize the dreamer’s desire to get rid of the conflicts and problems he faces in his life. This conflict may be related to work, relationships, or any other aspect of his life. It is worth noting that this vision may also symbolize the anger, aggression, or hatred that the dreamer feels toward the person who killed with a knife. This dream could be an indication of the presence of negative feelings or emotional problems that are obstructing the dreamer. This dream may also reflect the dreamer’s desire for self-defense and honor, or it could be a warning that someone is planning to harm the dreamer and ruin his reputation in the future. There may also be a positive effect of this dream, as it indicates the dreamer’s ability to get rid of challenges and confront them with courage.


  • The interpretation of a dream about killing and escaping for a single woman depends on the context and details of the dream. This dream may indicate that the single woman is facing difficulties and needs to deal with them in a healthy way. Escaping from the killer and the police may be a symbol of the single woman’s desire to achieve happiness and psychological stability.
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    Killing the enemy in a dream


  • Dreams that involve killing an enemy in a dream indicate that a person wins a battle with his enemies. If a person dreams of killing someone he considered to be his enemy, this indicates his success in overcoming this person and achieving victory over him. This interpretation is related to a person’s ability to overcome difficulties and achieve success in his life. However, if a person dreams of killing someone unjustly, this may be an indication of his bad and unjust actions for which he must repent. This dream may be a reminder to the person that he must correct his actions and avoid any wrong actions he may do.

    Seeing a murder in a dream for a married man


  • Seeing a murder in a married man’s dream carries multiple connotations. If a man witnesses himself committing a murder by shooting his wife, this may symbolize that he will achieve great benefit through this act. This may also mean that he may face challenges in the marital relationship and may require him to make difficult decisions regarding his partner. This dream also indicates that there could be difficulties and tensions in married life that must be faced and overcome.
  • On the other hand, if a man witnesses someone else being murdered in a dream, it may be a reflection of the feelings of anger and hostility he may feel in real life. He should control these negative feelings and work to solve problems in constructive and peaceful ways instead of resorting to violence.
  • A man should remember that dreams are not a definitive interpretation of reality and important decisions should not be made based on what appears in dreams. Dreams may have different meanings and multiple interpretations and depend on the personal context of the vision.
  • It is important for a man to be aware of his feelings and thoughts and to communicate with his marital partner properly to talk about possible problems and tensions. If there is a reflection of life’s tensions and pressures in dreams, this may be an indication of the need to work on improving the marital relationship and good communication.
  • If a man is feeling anxious or afraid as a result of seeing a murder in a dream, it may be best for him to look to support and help from friends and family or to seek the help of a professional in the field of psychology.

    Interpretation of a dream about a killer in the house


  • The dream of seeing a killer in the house is considered a disturbing and stressful dream. If the dreamer sees himself as a murderer in his home in a dream, it reflects his tension and anxiety in his real life. This stress may be caused by the pressures of daily life, problems at work, or family relationships.
  • A single woman dreams of seeing a murderer in her home. This may be an indication of her previous experiences in love and romantic relationships, as this dream may have a message telling her that she must be slow in making important decisions and stay away from toxic people in her life.
  • As for a man who dreams of a killer in his house, it may reflect his internal problems and psychological conflicts. This dream may be an indication of life’s pressures and challenges facing the dreamer, but it also indicates that life will become better and you will achieve success and happiness in the near future.
  • In the case of a married woman who saw a killer in her home in a dream, the interpretation is related to her emotional and marital state. This dream may indicate disagreements, problems in the relationship with the spouse, or financial problems. However, it may also be an indication of an opportunity to achieve wealth and financial stability in the near future.
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