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INDIAN DESI TADKA (We are temporarily closed)

INDIAN DESI TADKA (We are temporarily closed)

Indian Restaurant in Calgary
Open today until 3:00 AM
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Business Hours

Mon: 6:00 PM – 3:00 AM
Tue: 6:00 PM – 3:00 AM
Wed: 6:00 PM – 3:00 AM
Thu: 6:00 PM – 3:00 AM
Fri: 6:00 PM – 3:00 AM
Sat: 6:00 PM – 3:00 AM
Sun: 6:00 PM – 3:00 AM

Indian Desi Tadka Calgary, Favourite Indian Restaurant. Indian Desi Tadka has a welcoming ambience, attentive service, and lip-smacking food. Indian Desi Tadka uses traditional recipes to cook up authentic Veg and non-Veg Indian dishes that are delicious, from Biryani to the best Dosas in the city. Indian Desi Tadka cuisines are made of fresh ingredients that are handpicked by our chefs who are as passionate about cooking food as you are about eating it. Indian Desi Tadka specializes in serving you the best biryani – an exotic blend of rare spices infused in meat, fragrant thin & long grain basmati rice, which is a complete meal in itself! Aromatic chana masala, Tandoori chicken, Warm buttered naan, and rich butter chicken are some of our popular staples that can warm even the coldest of hearts.


Call now

  • (403) 497-1566
  • (403) 475-0099


Get directions

7 Westwinds Crescent Northeast Unit 307
Calgary, AB T3J 5H2
اقرأ:  عيادة د/ إيهاب نافع - طب و جراحة العيون

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