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ICPM ready-mix

Business Hours

Mon: Open 24 hours
Tue: Open 24 hours
Wed: Open 24 hours
Thu: Open 24 hours
Fri: Closed
Sat: Open 24 hours
Sun: Open 24 hours

The ICPM Ready-Mix is considered that the oldest ready mix concrete company in the region which using the latest types of technology in the field of ready-mix concrete industry.

The ICPM Ready-Mix has a specific policy and goals which are mentioned below:

  1. Developing to product a high quality ready mixed concrete wit reasonable competitive Prices and respectable civilized appearance to achieve a reasonable profit.
  2. Respectful and appreciation for clients, staff and product.
  3. Delivery the concrete according the client’s requirements for exact rate and time.
  4. Continuous development and modernization the resources of the production process.
  5. Ongoing follow-up and monitoring the employees as well as ongoing training to increase their qualifications.
  6. Supporting the clients by the technical data if it needed to preserve the product
  7. Presence in all regions, according the volume of available work.


Call now

  • 010 02528010


Get directions

Block 77 – Kamaen Elgeer – Katameya
قسم ثالث القاهره الجديده
محافظة القاهرة‬ 11936
اقرأ:  Le Caire 1940

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