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House sign in the air conditioner remote

The house sign is in the air conditioner remote

What is the meaning of the tree sign in the air conditioner remote control?

  • The answer is: It means healthy air, and the house sign means that you can allow air to enter and exit the room.
  • The home sign on your air conditioner remote is an important symbol that indicates that air can be allowed to enter and leave the room. This code is found on most modern air conditioners, and works in a similar way regardless of the brand of device. Selecting this mode allows air to enter and circulate in the room, keeping it clean and hygienic. In addition, many models feature a pine tree symbol indicating health mode or plasma technology, allowing the air conditioner to purify the air in the room. Using these functions, users can easily keep their homes fresh and healthy with just a few simple clicks on the remote control.
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