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Golden Tea

Golden Tea

Open today until 23:55
Header image for the site

Opening Hours

Mon: 5:30 am – 11:55 pm
Tue: 5:30 am – 11:55 pm
Wed: 5:30 am – 11:55 pm
Thu: 5:30 am – 11:55 pm
Fri: 5:30 am – 11:55 pm
Sat: 5:30 am – 11:55 pm
Sun: 5:30 am – 11:55 pm

Drop by our cafe to try our delicious coffee. Hope to see you soon!


Call now

  • 02 876 6610


Get directions

City Ruwais
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
اقرأ:  مسك الشاملة لشاشات ولمبات البروجكتور Mesk Global For Projection Supplies

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