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Dr. Mukesh Batra Dermatologist Hair Transplant

Dr. Mukesh Batra Dermatologist Hair Transplant

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Mon: 12:00 – 8:00 PM
Tue: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Wed: 12:00 – 8:00 PM
Thu: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Fri: Closed
Sat: 12:00 – 8:00 PM
Sun: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Dr. Mukesh J Batra has done M.B.B.S, M.D. (Skin) and D.D.V and also internationally certified Hair Transplant Surgeon and Cosmetologist from Ailesbury Clinic, London. He has many years of experience and specializes in acne treatment, scar treatment, hair loss treatment, hair transplant, laser treatment, various dermato surgeries, cosmetic procedures like BOTOX, Fillers, Lasers (FRAXEL, PIXEL, CO2 Fraxel, Q-Switch, Eximer, Nd:Yag, I. P. L.), non surgical face lifts, mesotherapy, advance chemical peels, electro surgery, non surgical lipolysis. 

We understand that everyone’s skin is unique and needs personalised care and attention. The extensive range of services provided at our clinic- acne and scar treatment, laser hair removal chemical peeling, anti wrinkle injections and fillers, anti ageing treatments, tummy tuck, bridal packages and others, allow the medical practitioners to transform you in no time.  

His international training in cosmetic surgery & Hair Transplant under some of the finest cosmetic surgeons in the world has been the foundation of his achievements. He has worldwide experience, treating high profile patients in the Middle East, Europe and celebrities in India.  


Hair Transplant :

  • Micro Bio FUE :
The technique used is highly advanced & ultra refined version of FUE (follicular unit extraction). follicular units are identified and removed one by one, using micro-punches of 0.6 and 0.8 mm diameter. Because of the smaller punch size there is no apparent change in the appearance of donor site few weeks after the procedure. It is very useful for people who want to keep the hair at the back very short (Buzz cut), as there is no visible linear scar. Another unique aspect of the procedure is as good 3000 grafts (6000-7000 hair follicles in one procedure). In addition to that we place a density of up to 75 hair per cm2 as opposed to 30/45 hair per cm2 in traditional methods. 
التقنية المستخدمة هي نسخة متطورة للغاية وفائقة الدقة من تقنية الـ FUE (تقنية الاقتطاف). يتم سحب البصيلات، واحدة تلو الأخرى بدقة وحرص شديدين، وهذا باستخدام أنابيب خاصة ومصنوعة على وجه التحديد لهذه التقنية الممتازة. يبلغ قطر الأنبوب الواحد بين 0.6 مم و 0.8 مم. نظرًا لصغر حجم الثقب، لن يوجد تغيير واضح في مظهر الموقع المانح بعد أسابيع قليلة من الإجراء. إنه مفيد جدًا للأشخاص الذين يرغبون في إبقاء الشعر في الخلف قصيرًا جدًا (Buzz cut) ، حيث لا توجد ندبة خطية مرئية. و من الجوانب الفريدة لهذه التقنية هو انه بالإمكان زراعة 3000 بصيلة جيدة في إجراء واحد بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، وكثافة تصل إلى 75 شعرة لكل سم 2 مقابل 30/45 شعرة لكل سم 2 في الطرق التقليدية.

As one of the few hair restoration clinics worldwide, we offers a Follicular Unit Extraction without shaving head technique.This method of hair transplant is without any type of shaving in recipient or donor area. Prior to extraction, each graft is trimmed by special scissors. The true benefit of this hair restoration method lies in the fact that there are no visible signs of hair restoration after the procedure, and you can return to normal routine with very little down time.The method is suitable for small sessions of hair restoration surgery up to 700 Grafts. This technique is popular amongst Celebrities, Public personality or Individuals who can’t shave their head due to professional, social or religious obligations.  

زراعة الشعر بدون حلاقه 
نحن العياده الوحيده التى نقدم سحب وحدة البصيلات بدون تقنية حلاقة الرأس ، وهذه الطريقة في زراعة الشعر بدون أي نوع من الحلاقة في المنطقة المتلقية أو المانحة. قبل السحب ، يتم قطع كل طعم بمقص خاص. تكمن الفائدة الحقيقية لطريقة استعادة الشعر هذه في حقيقة أنه لا توجد علامات واضحة وآثار بعد العملية ، ويمكنك العودة إلى الروتين الطبيعي مع وقت قصير جدًا، وهذه الطريقة مناسبة للجلسات الصغيرة من جراحة استعادة الشعر حتى 700 بصيلة. هذه التقنية شائعة بين المشاهير أو الشخصيات العامة أو الأفراد الذين لا يستطيعون حلق رؤوسهم بسبب الالتزامات المهنية أو الاجتماعية أو الدينية.
  • PRP :
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Platelet rich plasma is concentrated blood plasma which contains approximately five times the number of platelets found in normal circulating blood. In addition, blood plasma contains the growth factors PDGF and VEGF and other bioactive proteins that aid in wound healing.Hair follicles survive through the absorption of oxygen from surrounding tissue. It is conjectured that the introduction of platelets and white blood cells through platelet rich plasma (PRP) would amplify the body’s naturally occurring wound healing mechanism. PRP also stimulate the stem cells (dermal papilla) of the newly transplanted hair follicles. PRP stimulates the growth of follicles, thereby reversing hair miniaturization seen in androgenetic alopecia and even preventing hair loss.

البلازما الغنية بالصفائح الدموية هي بلازما الدم المركزة التي تحتوي على ما يقرب من خمسة أضعاف عدد الصفائح الدموية الموجودة في الدورة الدموية الطبيعية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تحتوي بلازما الدم على عوامل النمو PDGF و VEGF وغيرها من البروتينات النشطة بيولوجيًا التي تساعد في التئام الجروح ، وبصيلات الشعر تعيش من خلال امتصاص الأكسجين من الأنسجة المحيطة. من المتوقع أن إدخال الصفائح الدموية وخلايا الدم البيضاء من خلال البلازما الغنية بالصفائح الدموية (PRP) من شأنه أن يضخم آلية التئام الجروح التي تحدث بشكل طبيعي في الجسم. يحفز PRP أيضًا الخلايا الجذعية (الحليمة الجلدية) لبصيلات الشعر المزروعة حديثًا. ويحفز PRP نمو البصيلات ، وبالتالي يعكس تقليل الشعر الموجود في الصلع الوراثي ويمنع تساقط الشعر.

Mesotherapy is the procedure of administering growth factors, vitamins & proteins in the scalp of patients suffering from hair fall. These substances are injected into mesoderm, a layer under skin, which is a link between tissues of skin and layer of fat. It helps in enhancing blood distribution, triggering cell metabolism and speeding up the revival of hair follicles. 

الميزوثيرابي هو إجراء يتم من خلاله إعطاء عوامل النمو والفيتامينات والبروتينات في فروة الرأس للمرضى الذين يعانون من تساقط الشعر. يتم حقن هذه المواد في الأديم المتوسط ، وهي طبقة تحت الجلد ، وهي حلقة وصل بين أنسجة الجلد وطبقة الدهون. يساعد في تعزيز توزيع الدم ، وتحفيز التمثيل الغذائي للخلايا وتسريع إنعاش بصيلات الشعر.


  • BOTOX   

BOTOX® Cosmetic is approved by the FDA for treatment of the vertical lines between the eyebrows. BOTOX® Cosmetic may also be used in other areas of the face to improve wrinkles. BOTOX® Cosmetic works by blocking nerve impulses in the muscles that produce wrinkles. It usually takes about 3-7 days after injection for the effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic to become apparent and the benefit persists for about 6 months for most patients. 


Injectable hyaluronic acid gel implant that is used for the correction of fine lines and wrinkles in the face as well as lip restoration and augmentation. Hyaluronic acid is a biocompatible product that been safely used for many years and may produce results that may last upto12 months. 

Mesotherapy is a safe, natural alternative to invasive cosmetic procedures. The Mesolift process delivers vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly into the skin to nourish and rejuvenate, promote production of collagen and elastin, and stimulate your metabolism. As your skin ages, circulation decreases, and the resulting reduction of oxygen and nutrients hinders your body’s ability to flush out toxins. This is what drives premature aging and causes the skin to develop an ashen appearance. After treatment, patients commonly describe their skin as looking rested, radiant, glowing and firmer. Mesotherapy can be used a supplement, or an alternative, to many anti-aging regimens, including botox, laser resurfacing, peels, antioxidants, topical creams and facelifts. Mesotherapy is also a highly effective rejuvenating treatment. The procedure can be used to tone and tighten sagging skin on the neck, legs, abdomen, arms and hands.
Microdermabrasion is a light cosmetic procedure that uses a mechanical medium for exfoliation to gently remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis.Microdermabrasion is a fairly simple, easy, painless, non-invasive, skin rejuvenation procedure using a combination of a fine abrasive tip or crystals and vacuum suction applied to the skin. Typically there are no needles or anesthetics required for microdermabrasion. The vacuum pressure and speed are adjusted depending on the sensitivity and tolerance of the skin.[4] Microdermabrasion is often compared to the feeling of a cat licking the skin- a rough but gentle texture. Typical microdermabrasion sessions can last anywhere from 5-60 minutes. Minimal to no recovery time is required after microdermabrasion and most people immediately return to daily activity after a session. Makeup and non-irritating creams can usually be applied within a few hours or right after microdermabrasion. Since there is an often immediate incre
It is a technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin using a chemical solution that causes the dead skin to slough off and eventually peel off.There are several types of chemical peels :-Alpha hydroxy acid peels :- citric acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandalic acid and tartaric acid. Beta hydroxy acid peels :- Salicylic acid.Jessner’s peel :- combination of 14% salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinolRetinoic Acid Peel / Yellow peel :- deeper peel than the beta hydroxy acid peel and is used to remove scars as well as wrinkles and pigmentation problems. The client leaves with the chemical peel solution on their face. The peeling process takes place on the third day. More dramatic changes to the skin require multiple peels over time.Trichloroacetic acid peels :- smooth out fine surface wrinkles, remove superficial blemishes, correct skin pigment problems.
Laser resurfacing is a technique used during laser surgery wherein molecular bonds are disassociated by laser. It is used for the treatment of wrinkles, solar lentigenes, sun damage, scars (see acne scar treatment), stretch marks, actinic keratosis and telangiectasias or “Spider Veins”. Laser resurfacing is usually done with a 2940 nm Er:YAG laser or a 10,600 nm CO2 laser.More commonly now, laser resurfacing is done with a fractional laser. The term fractional pertains to the method in which the laser light is transferred. Tiny pinpoints of laser light are used to deliver the laser to the surface of the skin in only a fraction of the area. Several hundred or thousands of laser pinpoints may be used per square inch, leaving healthy skin in between the ablated areas, to allow more rapid healing and lower risk.
The best cosmetic technique to lift and tighten sagging skin tissues using Bio – Absorbable Filament and antimicrobial filament threads. Flabby skin worsens the appearance of wrinkles. Lifted contouring of the body and face along with a much more youthful complexion can be achieved instantly by collagen that resides in the deeper layer of our skin. It is a unique technique that stimulates collagen production and Face and body lifted-up contour could instantly be generated wt a much more youthful complexion by self –induced collagen structure in deeper layer of skin. Minimal invasiveness, fast and easy procedure.No scars – extremely small incisions.Safe – minimal risk of bleeding, minimal down time.Instant and long lasting results.Consecutive 2-3 times procedure results in lasting effect for 2 years.Applicable to face and various body areas Ideal to combine with Microneedling, PRP, Laser, Chemical peel to enhance more powerful skin rejuvenation and Alopecia improvement.
  • PRP / Vampire FACELIFT
PRP or Platelet rich plasma also known as Vampire face lift may be used as a facial rejuvenation procedure in which your own blood is used to produce an improved appearance. Although platelets are what help the blood to clot, they also contain growth factors that actively stimulate the growth of new collagen. Collagen, the prototypical dermal filler, is what gives skin its fullness and suppleness. The procedure begins by drawing a few ounces of your blood which is then spun in a centrifuge to separate and concentrate the platelets. The red blood cells are discarded and the final product for use is plasma with a higher than usual concentration of platelets – PRP. For some patients, PRP is a supplemental treatment after dermal fillers. There is often improvement in fine wrinkles and skin quality when PRP is injected for rejuvenation. We often use PRP in combination with radiofrequency skin tightening, micro-needle rollers, and laser skin resurfacing for transformational results.
Introducing “HOLLYWOOD PEEL” with the latest Pico Laser. Immediate Results seen after one sitting. Brightens and tightens your skin for a natural, well-rested look *Improves skin tone, texture and elasticity *Shrinks pores *Improves melasma and other signs of sun damage *Reduces all types of acne *Controls sebum production *Reduces redness from inflamed acne #laser #facial #royalaestheticsclinic #carbonpeel #skincare #beauty #cosmetology
Introducing The latest in Tattoo Removal PICO LASER Pico Laser is a laser technology that uses short bursts of energy for the removal of tattoos, moles, acne scars, and age spots, as well as the reduction of wrinkles. Pico laser bursts are measured in picoseconds (trillionths of a second) which cause the tattoo ink to break apart into tiny particles which are eliminated by the body. Compared to traditional nanosecond lasers, PicoLaser works effectively on all-color tattoo removal, has a high degree of safety for every patient and require fewer treatments to achieve final results. #laser #beauty #tattooremoval #tattoo

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Many people find dimples at the side of the mouth to be an endearing feature. They can subtly enhance and brighten a smile, and are considered attractive in many cultures. A natural dimple is formed when there is a small gap in the cheek muscle and it creates a little indentation at the side of the mouth when a person smiles. Dimple creation surgery can recreate this naturally occurring process. We can create dimples in a short, twenty-minute surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia in the office. To create a dimple, a small, painless incision is made on the inside of your cheek and the procedure is performed from the inside of your mouth. There are no incisions or scars on the outside skin. Dimple creation can be performed on any type of cheek, and you can decide exactly where you want the dimple to be located. It is a straight-forward, simple procedure when performed correctly, with minimal downtime.
  •  Non Surgical Nose Job(RHINOPLASTY)


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Middle East Medical Center, Building no 653, Road 1021, Block 110, PO 50323
Hidd 323

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