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Does a snail have a backbone

Does a snail have a backbone?

The answer is: Snails do not have backbones.

  • Snails are part of the gastropod family, a group of invertebrate animals which means they do not have a backbone. Snails usually have a soft body protected by a hard shell. They come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Snails can be found in both freshwater and saltwater habitats. They have different adaptations to survive in different environments such as retractable claws with eyes, operculum for protection, and radula for feeding. Snails also move slowly with the help of sticky mucus they secrete from their foot muscles to create a small amount of friction against the surfaces they move on. Snails are also known for their ability to reproduce quickly and can lay eggs several times during the year depending on their species. Despite all their adaptations, snails still lack a backbone and are considered invertebrates.
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