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Cheers hostel cairo

Cheers hostel cairo

Hostel in Cairo
Open 24 hours
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Opening Hours

Mon: Open 24 hours
Tue: Open 24 hours
Wed: Open 24 hours
Thu: Open 24 hours
Fri: Open 24 hours
Sat: Open 24 hours
Sun: Open 24 hours

Your favorite cozy hostel in the town with young and cheerful management who always make sure to give you the best experience .


Call now

  • 02 25770250
  • 010 96228794


Get directions

3rd floor 34 Talaat Harb, Yacoubian building, downtown, Cairo Governorate Yacoubian building, downtown
34 شارع طلعت حرب
اقرأ:  DE THALI restaurant tohana

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