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Bubble Luxotel Petra

Bubble Luxotel Petra

Open 24 hours
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Business Hours

Mon: Open 24 hours
Tue: Open 24 hours
Wed: Open 24 hours
Thu: Open 24 hours
Fri: Open 24 hours
Sat: Open 24 hours
Sun: Open 24 hours

Make Petra Bubble Luxotel part of your luxury, and you will be at the untouched heart of it all. The Bubble stands looking at the beautiful Little Petra, deep at the heart of the protected area. At Petra Bubble Luxotel all you have to do is simply step out of your superbly luxurious Bubble with your own Hot Tub.


Call now

  • 07 7077 7712


Get directions

Little Petra, Al- Baydha Petra
اقرأ:  أ. د. محمد عبدالباري مطر-عيادة جراحة المخ والأعصاب والعمود الفقري بالمنصورة

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